
Quota for the operation: description and method of obtaining

The quota for the operation implies that high-tech medical care will be provided with funds allocated from the federal budget. Everyone has the right to use a certain number of quotas for various types of medical care (high-tech) that are issued by the Ministry of Health. This is a list of services that are not available in the MHI policy, but they are expensive.

The fact is that such operations (on the heart, blood vessels, aorta, its main branches, organ transplantation and a number of others) are very resource-intensive, that's why the state is financially supported in order to perform a certain number of similar surgical interventions. But you need to keep in mind that the quota for surgery does not include the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities, as a large number of patients believe.

Annually, the Ministry of Health issues a plan that determines the amount of assistance by the number of patients and the distribution of quotas by region. This document is prepared in accordance with the applications received from the whole country from regional health organizations. As a rule, its compilation is a very complicated process. The fact is that in addition to patients who are included in the so-called waiting list, there are emergency situations when the provision of care is unplanned, in accordance with the available direction for urgent hospitalization.

Obtaining a quota for an operation includes a number of clearly defined stages, a list of documents and stringent requirements, on the observance of which the speed of its receipt will depend. We will dwell on this in more detail.

The quota for the operation will not be given to all those who just want to receive it. At the initial stage, there must necessarily be a referral issued by the attending physician, in which strict indications for obtaining free high-tech care should be indicated. This is the primary link. Next, the conclusion of the regional specialist will be needed and, finally, the patient must undergo a commission in the regional Ministry of Health. Without the above three steps, the quota for the operation is not allocated.

The list of necessary documents is as follows:

  • Insurance pension certificate;
  • passport;
  • insurance policy;
  • Certificate of a pensioner;
  • Certificate of disability.

It is necessary to keep in mind the following. There is a certain time period, which includes consultations, registration of documents. It is no less than twelve weeks, from the diagnosis to the receipt of the referral. Often there are situations where it is necessary to undergo additional examination. Then this period will increase to fourteen weeks. Therefore, it will be necessary to wait and fulfill all stages of obtaining the state quota.

The receipt of this subsidy may be refused at one level or another. In the same case, if the patient believes that this violates his rights and current legislation, he can appeal against inaction or actions of officials.

In this case, it is recommended to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. A written appeal must be drawn up, which is sent to the appropriate authority or to the name of the official.
  2. Within thirty days there is a review of this appeal and a message of the result.
  3. The situation is possible that this period is prolonged. In this case, the citizen who sent the appeal must be notified accordingly.

In Russia there are more than one hundred operational centers that, in accordance with the permission of the Ministry of Health, have the right to provide high-tech medical assistance when a quota for an operation is issued.

Be healthy!

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