HealthAlternative Medicine

Pumpkin oil: reviews, use, price

On the healing properties of pumpkin has been known since ancient times. Archaeologists have repeatedly found vessels with dried fruits of yellow berries around the world. Such findings are direct proof of the ancient origin of this culture. Numerous writings of the time of Avicenna inform about the medicinal properties of the plant.

In Russia, the giant berry was exported in the 16th century. Since then, it has been actively cultivated throughout the country in large volumes. Valued not only for its flesh, but also seeds, from which they squeeze out the healing and tasty pumpkin oil. Product Reviews meet positive. Many people use it as a salad dressing, others use it for therapeutic purposes.

About exceptional taste qualities became known in the Middle Ages. The discoverers were the Austrians, who made the oil manually and considered the product one of the most useful. The price of a one-hundred-dollar jar equated to pure gold, so the oil was called "black gold."

In our century, the need for manual technology has not been eliminated thanks to the newest modernized equipment, which makes it possible to obtain from the pumpkin seeds an invaluable and exquisite product. But even this did not help to reduce the cost. The subject of today's article, as you may have guessed, will be pumpkin oil.

Vitamin and mineral composition

The therapeutic effect of the product is dictated by enriched biochemical compositions and a high content of important microelements. To produce a liter bottle, no less than 30 large fruits are required. This is the reason for such a huge concentration of important substances.

The main constituent of the product is unsaturated fatty acids, the benefit of which is difficult to overestimate. They are participants in the lipid process, maintain the hormonal balance and strengthen the defenses of the body. In addition to the acid-fat composition contains a whole set of vitamins pumpkin oil. The instruction for the use of this product indicates the dosage it is allowed to consume.

It contains vitamins A, B, C, F, E, K, P, T, PP. All these substances are responsible for the transportation of fatty acids, the removal of harmful toxins, blood clotting and platelet production. Vitamins nourish each cell and saturate with oxygen. Separately it is worth mentioning the value of carnitine - it supports the functional activity of the heart muscle and prevents pathological processes.

The product found 53 macro- and microelements, phospholipids, pectins, carotenoids, flavonoids, lutein and chlorophyll. Thanks to the unique composition of oil is so popular and in demand in many areas of life.


Oil pumpkin reviews from buyers get enthusiastic. People note that after its application it was possible to restore health, cleanse the body of toxins and normalize the level of cholesterol. Today anyone can buy it in almost any store or pharmacy chain. The pharmaceutical industry produces a medical product called "Tykveol" in various forms:

  • Oily liquid of brown color;
  • Rectal suppositories;
  • Pumpkin oil in capsules.

All drugs have a similar therapeutic effect and have a wide range of applications. With the help of this product it is possible to strengthen immunity, get rid of vitamin deficiency and helminthic invasion, in particular band helminths.

Oil is shown for chronic constipation, hepatitis, diseases of the bile duct and gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis). It brings enormous benefits to the cardiovascular system. Practitioners prescribe to their patients a certain amount of this product for hypertension, varicose veins, stenocardia, anemia, atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

The substances that make up the product ensure the uninterrupted operation of all internal organs: they restore fatty, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, promote the production of important enzymes and insulin. Under the influence of oil, blood vessels strengthen, become elastic and strong.

It has a beneficial effect on the entire CNS. No wonder our ancestors treated them for insomnia, migraines and stress. According to observations of specialists, the product has a sedative effect on the nerve endings, regains calmness and removes irritability.

Widely used it found in folk medicine. They treat prostatitis, adenoma, inflammatory processes of the bladder, and restore the potency. To women, the remedy helps to cure vaginitis, erosion of the cervix and adnexitis. It is prescribed for the removal of unpleasant clinical symptoms in menopause. There is evidence that this agent stimulates ovulation and can be used against infertility. In addition, a rich composition allows you to treat pumpkin oil skin lesions (wounds, burns, pimples) and allergies.

For beauty and youth

It has rejuvenating properties, it perfectly nourishes epithelial tissue, improves color and fights against facial wrinkles. Cosmetologists say that it helps to soften the skin of pumpkin oil. The instruction describes the rules for the use of an oily liquid in its pure form. It can be wiped face, including the area around the lips and eyes. Also it is added to cosmetic preparations (lotions, creams and shampoos) on a tablespoon (5 drops).

Moisturizing and firming mask

It is necessary to cut a small amount of pulp pulp in small cubes and boil in milk for half an hour. Allow the mass to cool and mix with a dessert spoon of oil. Apply a thin layer on clean skin, hold for 15 minutes and rinse.

Lotion for hands

Combine pumpkin and olive oil in equal proportions, grease hands, put on gloves and go to bed. In the morning, rinse well in soapy water.

To strengthen hair

Rub pumpkin oil into the roots of the hair, leave for half an hour and rinse with shampoo. Do this twice a month, and the result will stun you. The curls will become shiny, strong and will cease to fall out.

Harm and side effects

Natural pumpkin oil, the price of which for a can (250 g) ranges from 250 to 350 rubles, has small contraindications. Without prior consultation of a specialist, it should not be used for people with diabetes. To abstain from consumption is necessary for patients with diseases of the gallbladder. With prolonged admission, there may be diarrhea, skin rashes. If these symptoms occur, you should stop using or reduce the dosage.

How to take pumpkin oil so that it does not hurt?

To obtain a general strengthening effect, it is necessary to use pumpkin oil in reasonable dosages. The instruction does not recommend to heat it, otherwise it will lose useful properties. By the way, capsules and liquid are used in diets, as it supplies the body with missing substances.

It is advisable to start using a dessert spoon, gradually increasing the dosage to three spoons. It is added to salads, snacks, bread or drunk on an empty stomach. To establish digestive work, it is enough to conduct a preventive course for three weeks.

Therapy of the genitourinary system

The standard scheme of treatment implies the following method: every day, drink 10 grams of the drug (capsule or liquid) before meals three times a day. Within a month, you need to eat pumpkin oil. Comments of doctors about this product can be found positive. It is recommended by qualified specialists in complex therapy for cystitis, adenoma, adnexitis, etc.

Rectal use

Pumpkin oil, the price of which justifies expectations, well helps to cope with hemorrhoids, prostatitis and anal fissures. Ready-made suppositories are moistened with ordinary water before administration. Use 2-3 times a day.

External application

With wounds and burns, compresses or bandages are applied. It is necessary to moisten the sterile bandage in the oil fluid and apply it to the damaged areas of the skin. Duration of treatment is four days.

With angina, stomatitis and acute respiratory viral infection it is necessary to dissolve 15 drops of liquid in warm water and rinse throat or lubricate the mucous membrane.

Before any treatment should be a conversation with a specialist. Remember that the medicine is pumpkin oil. Reviews of people who have experienced the effectiveness of this tool, they say that it really helps to combat physical ailments.

The product is a supplement to the main treatment or supplement to food. The extensive vitaminized composition helps maintain good health and strong immunity. Acquire only a quality certified product from a trusted manufacturer and stay healthy.

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