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Pokrovsky Park: description and photo

Покровское- Стрешнево » является живописным уголком Москвы, где находится старинная усадьба, целебный родник «Лебедь», зоны для проведения пикников, беседки, а также река Химка . Park " Pokrovskoe- Streshnevo " is a picturesque corner of Moscow, where there is an old manor, a curative spring "Swan", picnic areas, pavilions, as well as the river Khimka . . If you're lucky, you can see in it beavers that swim among the numerous ducks . окровский парк славен могучими, красивыми соснами, многим из которых более ста пятидесяти лет. P Orovsky park is famous for its mighty, beautiful pines, many of which are more than one hundred and fifty years old. This place pleasantly surprises visitors with refinement and at the same time, pristine simplicity.

Pokrovsky Park. How to get there

There is a park in the same area, in the north-west of the capital. It's not difficult to get to it. Войковская" , " Щукинская" , "Сокол", " Тушинская" . Nearby are the metro stations " Voykovskaya" , " Schukinskaya" , "Sokol", " Tushinskaya" . The Pokrovsky Park lies between the Volokolamsky and the Leningrad Highways.

Щукинская" , выйти из метро. You should get to the station " Schukinskaya" , get off the subway. ходят № 15, 30, 1 или № 28. Выходить следует на остановке «Пехотная улица» и пешком пройти около полукилометра. Then you can get there by one of the trams, there go number 15, 30, 1 or number 28. You should leave at the stop "Infantry street" and walk for about half a kilometer.

Покровское- Стрешнево » на электричке. If you get to the station "Rizhskaya", then you will need to get to the station " Pokrovskoe- Streshnevo " by train. By the time it takes twenty minutes. And to the park from the platform is only one hundred meters.

The entrance to the park is free for all, the gates are open around the clock.


. Pokrovsky Park was opened in 1998 . Покровско-Стрешневский лесопарк. More than half a century here there was Pokrovsko-Streshnevsky forest park. Today the territory occupies 223 hectares, including water surfaces (14 hectares) and forest tracts (130 hectares). More than 75 hectares are old mighty pines, the age of which is a century and a half. вляются дуб, липа, вяз, береза. The main park species are oak, linden, elm, birch. произрастают здесь 85 лет. Hardwoods on average grow here for 85 years. сосны возрастом более двухсот лет. Nature's monuments are declared such unique objects as the spring "Swan", the valley of the local river Khimki, pines aged more than two hundred years.

кубышка желтая, хохлатка плотная, колокольчик крапиволистный , майский ландыш и другие, многие занесены в Красную книгу. Inhabit in the park are rare for the local zone of the plant: the broadleaf bell, the yellow egg , the dense hood , the hawk bell , the May lily of the valley and others, many are listed in the Red Book.

множество видов птиц : ушастая сова, соловей, сокол-чеглок, неясыть обыкновенная, синица длиннохвостая и другие. Dwell in the park are mammals such as weasel, muskrat, hedgehog, squirrel, as well as many species of birds : long-eared owl, nightingale, hawk-falcon, common owl, long-tailed tit and others.

" Покровское-Глебово- Стрешнево ", принадлежавшая старинному роду Стрешневых. Located on the territory of the park is the old manor " Pokrovskoe-Glebovo- Streshnevo ", which belonged to the ancient Streshnev family. XVII- XIX веками. It dates from the 17th- 19th centuries.

History of the park

«Покровское-Глебово», однако лучше прижилось "Покровское-Стрешнево". The correct name of the park can be considered "Pokrovskoe-Glebovo", but the "Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo" was better established. сейчас находится на том месте, где когда-то находилось село Покровское. The park is now located at the place where the village of Pokrovskoe was once located. Many Muscovites call the park simply - "Pokrovsky".

сел о в 1664 году Родион Стрешнев, позже он был воспитателем самого Петра Великого. I bought it in 1664 Rodion Streshnev, later he was the tutor of Peter the Great himself. Стрешнева не была знаменитой, произошло это только после того, как они породнились с царским семейством. Until 1626 the family of Streshnev was not famous, it happened only after they became related to the royal family. Streshnevs later became direct relatives of the future ruler Alexei Romanov.

When the new owners purchased the village, it seemed to come to life. On the territory of digging ponds, bred in them fish, lined with multiple economic services. е 250 лет Стрешневы обустраивали родовое гнездо. For more than 250 years, Streshnevs built up a family nest. During this time, built a mansion, built a church, a greenhouse, a refectory.

выйдя замуж, взяла двойную фамилию. The second part joined the name of the manor when Elizaveta Streshneva, having married, took a double surname. Евгения Федоровна Шаховская-Глебова-Стрешнева . The last owner of the estate was already Yevgenia Fyodorovna Shakhovskaya-Glebova-Streshneva . She once again restored the mansion, in this form, he lived to this day.

After the revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks turned the structure into a sanatorium. There were museums, a rest house, and even a scientific research institute here in the 20th century. Now the mansion is protected by the state, but so far it has not been restored.

What to do in the park

окровский парк - прекрасное место, чтобы отдохнуть здесь летом на пляже, позагорать, поиг рать в бадминтон или волейбол. The park is a wonderful place to relax here in the summer on the beach, sunbathe, play badminton or volleyball. For those who want to organize a picnic in nature, there are equipped gazebos. It is only necessary to take into account that there are many who wish, therefore it is not easy to find a free place. There are gazebos near the pond and in the depths of the forest zone. Стрешнево " и кафе. There is in the park "Pokrovskoe- Streshnevo " and a cafe.

This park is a great place to relax, it is always crowded, but if you turn off well-maintained paths, you can be in the woods. There is an opportunity to fall out of the turbulent rhythm of the capital, listen to the silence and imagine yourself on the edge of the earth.


окровский парк, пожалуй, один из самых живописных в столице. The park is probably one of the most picturesque in the capital. Few natural massif in Moscow has so many routes. The diagram shows a lot of tracks, suitable for both cyclists and roller-skaters. Walk here and pedestrians, and mummies with strollers. мый протяженный маршрут проходит через весь парк, тянется он мимо прудов, родника, оврага, за один раз можно увидеть все самое примечательное. The longest route goes through the whole park, it stretches past ponds, a spring, a ravine, at once one can see all the most remarkable. If you are bored to walk along the path, you can go deep into the forest and explore small trails. There are plenty of walks here.

отсюда легко могут попасть в Серебряный бор или Строгино. Cyclists from here easily can get to Serebryany Bor or Strogino. In addition, there is an opportunity to get to the Moscow Canal and watch how the floodgates work. To do this, of course, is better with a knowledgeable guide.

Park Pokrovsky in Khotkovo

сть в Подмосковье еще один парк с таким же названием. There is another park with the same name in the Moscow suburbs. It was opened in 2015, in the urban settlement of Khotkovo. Local residents already consider it a favorite holiday destination. The park zone is located on the bank of the Pazhi River, not far from Pokrovsky Khotkov Monastery. It is convenient for all residents from any microdistricts to visit Pokrovsky Park. подтверждают, что место это всегда многолюдно. Photos confirm that the place is always crowded. The townspeople gather here for festivities on holidays. On weekdays they just come to take a breath of fresh air, relax.

Once, more than a century ago, it was in this place that the famous Pokrovskaya Fair was located. любуются местными красотами. Now on Cherry Hill artists paint their landscapes, residents admire the local beauties.

In the new park there are children's playgrounds, there is a summer cafe. In winter, an ice rink is arranged here. Most of the territory is a natural natural area, equipped with convenient paths. The total area of the park is 40 thousand square meters. The bronze sculptural composition dominates here. Хмелевский. She represents the family of Sergiy Radonezhsky, the author of the work is the sculptor Yury Khmelevsky.

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