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Poisonous plants of Belarus: species and names

The nature of the Belarusian land is lush and beautiful, gently sung in songs, rhymed in verse and described in prose. It seems that even the home garden and vegetable garden are buried in greenery and bloom with all the colors of the rainbow. But, unfortunately, some of the plants that wander in the parks and languish in the cottages are included in a kind of "book" called "Poisonous plants of Belarus".

We suffer from ignorance of the elementary rules in the world of flora

How many plant species in Belarus can harm a person? Of the twelve thousand that grow on its territory, only more than forty units are dangerous to health and can cause significant harm. Some of them, for example, such strangers as Borshchevik Sosnovsky (strikes with chemical burns at a distance) and the Canadian Goldenrod (causes a strong allergic reaction) actively sting anyone who approaches them at a sufficiently close distance. Others are more passive and harm only with direct contact.

When you relax in the park, there, alas, there is no sign with the inscription "Beware, next to dangerous plants," and it sometimes needed to be hanged. After all, the flora of the Belarusian forests is safe with a kind and very poisonous in the chemical composition of herbs, flowers and shrubs.

The most dangerous are grains and fruits - these are the parts responsible for maintaining life and continuing the species. We bring to your attention the most dangerous poisonous plants of Belarus (description).

Beautiful, fragrant and poisonous lily of the valley in May

This cute forerunner of the long-awaited spring, one of the first plants, symbolizing the beginning of a new life of nature, is extremely cunning. Lily of the valley contains toxins in all parts: the stem, leaves and especially berries. A flower that carries such a pleasant and intoxicating aroma, even poisons water in a vase. The cause of death for a person can become a few eaten berries lily of the valley. Harmful substances affect the cardiovascular system and the gastric tract. Symptoms of poisoning - nausea and vomiting. Possible cardiac arrest.

A dazzling buttercup

The family of buttercup numbers more than 600 species. And a significant part of them are poisonous. This plant with a yellow, fiery flower sprouts in swampy terrain. Buttercup in the people is known as "night blindness."

Like many others, these plants of the forests of Belarus are poisonous from the root to the tip of the leaf, especially the juice containing protoanemonin. It is characterized by a sharp taste and aroma. It's not for nothing that the yellow buttercup is called "night blindness", because protoanemonin irritates the eyes and can even cause temporary loss of vision. It provokes lachrymation, coughing with suffocation, irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and larynx, causes a runny nose, spasms of the throat.

Red elder - a poisonous component of folk recipes

The elderly bushy, or, as they say more often, red, has more poisonous substances in comparison with black. This is a universal plant, the flowers of which are treated for bronchitis, and the fruits are cleaned with a dark coating from copper utensils. But in the hands of amateurs, the poisonous plants of Belarus, whose names include the word elder, acquire the status of a dangerous therapeutic drug.

In the world everything is relative, so, the red frequent "guest" of alternative medicine in inept hands turns from a panacea from ailments to poison. Ripe fruits do not harm, but unripe berries, bark and leaves are harmful to the human body. The poison of red elderberry contains a cyanogen compound that disrupts the metabolism in the body. Big damage to the berry causes the digestive tract. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and even dizziness are symptoms of poisoning with red berries by green berries . To eliminate the consequences of using this poison, at least, several packs of activated carbon will be needed. And in especially severe cases - gastric lavage.

Migratory mobs are an enemy that is as close as possible

Poisonous plants of Belarus also have in their ranks a species called the hemlock-spotted hemlock. It has a curative effect, it is a soothing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic. It was taken as the best remedy for cancerous tumors, gout and rheumatism. Hemlock helps with migraines. At the same time, it can rightly be given the first place among the poisonous plants that grow on the territory of Belarus.

The stem, leaves, flowers and fruits are poisonous. The main active ingredient is alkaloids and coneins, which in some cases causes paralysis. Grated in the hands of hemlock produces a hideous murky smell. Learn it will not be any work. Height from 30 to 60 centimeters, with white, small flowers and long petals of dark green color. This poisonous grass confidently occupied forest glades and grows next to the dwellings of people.

Nightshade sweet and bitter - appetizing and very dangerous plant

The name sweet-bitter appeared because of the first taste of sugar berries, and after a second in the mouth it becomes unpleasant. It especially attracts all those who are not familiar with its popular name - "wolf berry". A long half-shrub, with a height of 30 to 180 centimeters, covered with bright red, shiny little berries. In folk medicine it is used both for the treatment of eczema and asthma, and for irregular menstruation and venereal diseases. Berries of nightshade cause severe poisoning in a person, which is accompanied by pain in the stomach.

It is followed by nausea, vomiting, and sometimes shortness of breath. Poisonous plants of Belarus, photos of which are presented in the article, must be remembered. This will avoid possible troubles and protect the most curious from a deplorable mistake.

Apple is a delicious vitamin bomb with poison

Everyone knows and loved from childhood a beautiful fairy tale about Snow White, a charming princess whose wicked stepmother poisoned a beautiful apple, will also be appropriate in this article. The story is romantic and tender, and no one has ever thought about the fact that this fruit can seriously poison a person. Brown cores from the core contain iodine, which in modern conditions is so lacking in the body. In addition, useful, bones have the glycoside amygdalin, which in large quantities becomes a poison, leading to serious diseases. But 5-7 grains per day for an adult is a useful norm. Children, on the contrary, should generally refrain from them. With the normalization of iodine levels, memory improves, headaches disappear, the person becomes alert (these diseases and conditions are a manifestation of iodine deficiency).

There are other poisonous plants in Belarus. The list can be replenished with such harmless treats as cherries, apricots, plums and peaches. Do not forget about these fruits with bones, they can also have a very negative impact on health. In the core, there is also amygdalin, so it is better to remove it beforehand while preserving the mentioned fruits.

Another name for the poison will be familiar to smokers - hydrocyanic acid. About her harm is known a lot, so do not expose yourself to unnecessary danger. This chemical compound serves as a natural protection of the fetus and protects it from eating animals.

Poisonous plants of Belarus are familiar to many from childhood. For example, everyone knows and, it would seem, only useful and tasty potatoes, can also lead to poisoning. Greenish tubers in the sun accumulate a poison, the name of which is a solanine, leading to fever and even convulsions. No less dangerous are the green fruits of tomatoes.

The world of plants is a thrilling and amazing world

But do not forget that the world of plants is very dangerous for people far from the flora and not possessing a minimum reserve of knowledge. Poisonous plants of Belarus are fraught with great healing power. In the skillful hands of a medicine man, a person with the knowledge of folk medicine, they are able to heal, relieve pain, suppress ailments, but at the same time can cause irreparable harm to your health.

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