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Piglet is thin - a fungus, the use of which can lead to death

Piglet is thin - a variety of fungi belonging to the family of pigs. Has several scientific synonyms: Paxillus involutus, Rhymovis involuta, Agaricus involutus, Agaricus contiguus, Omphalia involuta. People's names are even greater: pork Ear, pig, pig, swine, soloha, horse's lip, duni, straw, barn, thin paxil, strawberry, dunka, etc.

Earlier the mushroom pig was thin considered edible. But after the death of the German mycologist J. Schaeffer in 1944, who tasted a dish of these gifts of the forest, the attitude towards them changed dramatically. Currently, these fungi are usually classified as poisonous, although amateurs enjoy them, despite the publication, there are. Most people stopped using them, which is probably why they began to meet more often in the forests.

These mushrooms grow in shady moist places, sometimes trunks of trees are strewn with them. Grow, as a rule, in groups, single specimens are extremely rare. From May to early October, there is a massive appearance. Fruiting occurs annually. Surprisingly tenacious and yielding family of mushrooms. They are the first to appear on the sites of cut down forests. For their livelihoods and reproduction, they need woody plant residues.

Few people will answer the question about how the mushroom looks like a thin pig . The photos presented in the article will clarify. The hat is fleshy, concave in the center, up to 18 cm in diameter. Its edges are lowered, tucked down, slightly wavy. The color of the cap of the young fungus is olive brown, the old one is gray-brown. When feeling in dry weather the surface is dry, cloudy - sticky.

The young fungus is characterized by dense flesh, the old one - loose. The cut in the air darkens. The piglet is thin and has a cylindrical, often short, tapering bottom, not more than 9 cm in length. Its color is dirty-olive, the surface is smooth. Clearly pronounced, characteristic taste and smell are not considered mushrooms. In dry weather, they are often wormy.

Under the hat is a hymenophore with a sporiferous layer (hymenium). Its color is yellowish-brown. The structure is folded, pseudo-plate, different from a truly lamellar one, because it does not separate from the surface of the cap.

Piglet thin contains lectins - specific toxins that do not degrade when Heat treatment. People react differently to them: someone does not harm infrequent intake of fungi, while others only need to try once, and a strong allergic reaction is possible. The antidote has not yet been found.

It is proved that with the frequent use of these fungi in the human body, agglutinates are accumulated reacting to fungal antibodies. The first symptoms of poisoning are: colic, dizziness, diarrhea, renal and hepatic impairment. Do not be ruled out and death. If death occurs, then from acute respiratory or renal failure developing not instantaneously, but approximately two weeks. The most effective plasmapheresis and hemodialysis, due to which the deadly antibodies are removed from the blood. In addition to lectins, the fine pig is capable of accumulating radioactive isotopes of copper and cesium, the concentration of which can exceed the permissible norms by hundreds of times.

The piglet is thin - the fungus is insidious, it is more reasonable to refuse using it.

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