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People's signs for March. People's signs about the weather in March
Spring begins with the month of March, and at the same time in Russia was preparing for the sowing campaign. All the beliefs and signs of Christians about the harvest, the weather from ancient times associated with the Orthodox calendar. The people, thanks to their observations of the behavior of animals, the direction of the wind, created a bit of a calendar, in which people's signs and holidays were described for each day of March. This month was affectionately called a protagonist, a forehead.
For this period, very often the Shrovetide week falls on the church calendar. Traditions and signs of March oblige on such a holiday to visit my mother-in-law for pancakes on Friday, invite friends or a sister-in-law to myself on Saturday, to treat me to the main dish - pancakes.
This March week is considered preparatory before the Great Lent. Although the custom to celebrate Shrovetide came from paganism, it is closely associated with the Christian calendar. The last seventh day of the holiday is called Forgiven Sunday, the consoler. On Sunday evening, after cleansing the soul with the forgiveness of all those close to one another, the custom of burning a straw effigy of Pancake week has been preserved. People's signs for March testified that it was snowing to the stalk-to the harvest.
Is it cold or hot?
The proverb says: "Come martot, put on seven portcases." If during this period the snow melts quickly and the water runs in streams, then the summer will be wet - so people say about the weather for March. It was said that if in January, March, then wait for January in March.
Signs by day
March 1 was called "Yarilo with pitchforks." This day was celebrated cheerfully, dancing with dances in the spring, kindling campfires and dancing around them all night. It was accepted to meet the morning sun to pregnant women - it was this day that gave the strength to bear the child.
Dreams on the night of 1 to 2 March were considered prophetic. On the second day of this month, St. Theodore Tiron is honored, and he is prayed for the return of the stolen.
March 3 was called "Yarilo with a bird oatmeal." The children treated everyone with oatmeal cookies in the form of oatmeal birds. The old people looked at the sky and foreshadowed the cold, if the stars glittered and shimmered, and the moon shone brightly. If the wood crackled in the stove - to be fierce cold.
To call the sun, so that it "rolled to the fly", the girls started on March 4. The national name of the day is "Filya Vishny". On that day they baked a loaf, round as the sun, three times brought it up, to God, then they shared it among all relatives, the beggars were treated to the remnants, and the crumbs were thrown to the birds.
About the fifth day of the month the people said that the winter is running out, you have to go on a sledge ride. People's signs for March on the day of St. Lion promised a man death if he saw a falling star. On this day, people were afraid to fall ill so that they would not die soon, so the sick person was given bread pieces by the custom, and if they withered in the morning, a bad omen would come true. As for good customs, this day was a playful theft of a blacksmith of coals, which was carried out on the field to a rich harvest.
On Timothy, March 6, in accordance with the custom in the villages, the old people started to bask in the heaps. Another sign of the weather: on Timothy-spring - the spring at the door.
March 7 is the day of St. Athanasius the Confessor. On this day the snow is rough - to the harvest, smooth - to bad harvests.
March 8 in the people called "Sour girls." Girls who did not manage to get married before Shrovetide were supposed to hide their dowry, that means they would sit still in the "girls".
The ninth day of the month and the people's signs for March are connected with the church holiday of the acquisition of the head of John the Baptist. It was believed that birds find nests. Migratory birds returned to their native land on this day.
March 10 is the day of the memory of St. Tarasy. Signs said that you can not sleep during the day, otherwise the fever will attack. If on that day the door from the hinges is torn off by the wind, wait for grief in the family.
Name day of Basil is celebrated according to the folk calendar on March 12. The day is called "Basil-Kapelnik" - it was believed that the melting of the snow begins.
The Day of the Martyr Eudokia
March 14 was considered according to the national calendar not only the first day of spring. Ancestors it was the New Year. On this day, predicted the weather for the summer: if the wind from the warm edges - this summer and wait. Such are the signs in March. The rituals in March ordered that children should walk around the courtyards from this day on and praise the arrival of spring with freckled songs and give baked larks. The morning sun promised the greatest harvest. On Evdokia, snow was considered a good sign and promised good honey gathering, at the same time he informed about the prolongation of the winter for another 2 weeks.
How to cause the sun?
On the day of March 15, the hay yield was judged on the spring. If long icicles hang - spring will be delayed, if snow drifts - do not wait for grass in March, and in April water.
People's signs for March said that the 16th day is the day when the bear awakens when it leaves after hibernation from its lair. In the villages, the peasants had a custom at this time to bypass their fields from one end to the other, crosswise to summon the sun, which was supposed to melt the snow on the grounds.
"Gerasim-Grachevnik" - so in the old days they named the day of March 17. As it is clear from the title, they remembered Saint Gerasim, waited for the arrival of rooks and watched where they would sit: if the nest - spring will be an ambulance.
On March 18, Konon Isaurian, the guardian of children from smallpox, was worshiped. On Konon it is necessary to plow the garden, then the harvest will be the best. We looked at the behavior of rooks - if you sit on the nests, then in 3 weeks you can start sowing.
Birthday parties on March 20 - Emilian, Dmitry, Vasily, Ephraim, Paul. If this day blows the wind from the south - it will be a thunderstorm summer.
Day of spring equinox
In the first month of spring there is a special day - March 22. This is the day of the spring equinox, with which many beliefs and assumptions are associated. He is called among the people "Magpies", from the church holiday "40 holy martyrs". People's signs about the weather for March read that the day with the night is being measured, the winter is ending. Forty days after March 22, they planted buckwheat. If forty times in a row there were morning frosts after Forty, a warm summer was foreshadowed. It was believed that 40 pichug flies on this day: what kind of bird was first seen, this kind of weather will be in the spring. Starling and lark to see the heat in the spring, the finch to the cold.
On March 25, Feofan was treated to birds at his farmstead, feeding them with grain. The harvest of flax and oats was judged by the presence of fog.
On March 27, they took the cattle out of the sheds and started talking from the evil eye. From this day the domestic moult began to run in the domestic animals.
On March 29, a sleigh was hid and put on a cart. It was believed that whoever sits on the sledge, is thrown away by desires.
March 30 was called warm Alexis. From that day on, all insects and creeps crawled out.
Believe or not to believe?
People's signs for March, a discussion which often occurs in ordinary users of the calendar, cause many people to distrust. Especially among those who are skeptical of beliefs. But the customs bring into life a certain color, joy and fun, so do not completely ignore them.
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