Education, History
Movement of the Decembrists: briefly about the most important
The movement of the Decembrists, briefly mentioned in the article, was the first noble performance in the history of our country. It marked the beginning of the century of uprisings and people's terror.
Movement of the Decembrists: briefly about the history of organizations
Why did the Decembrists come together in secret societies? First, the appearance of the Decembrist organizations was influenced by the ideas of the enlighteners of revolutionary France. The views on the structure of the state were reflected in the charters of the communities. Secondly, after visiting the foreign campaigns after the victory over Napoleon, the Decembrists learned the European structure of life. These campaigns convinced them that one could live much better. Thirdly, during the same Patriotic War, the Decembrists became more familiar with the main population of our country - the peasants. They learned the better way of their life and life, which led the conspirators to realize the need for change. And, fourthly, the movement of the Decembrists, briefly mentioned in the article, was greatly influenced by the indecisiveness of Alexander the First in carrying out reforms.
The organizations of the Decembrists begin to be created two years after the great foreign campaigns. So, already in 1816 a secret society was created - the Salvation Union. It includes officers of the Guards who are developing ideas for a new state structure. This society does not have its own statutes and programs and therefore quickly disintegrates. After him a Union of Welfare is created. This organization has a greater success: a clear composition of participants is determined, a program of its own appears. The community exists for two years, after which it disintegrates. Now comes the time of the legendary Southern and Northern communities. The Southern Society of the Decembrists was headed by Pestel. Their program was called "Russian Truth" and consisted of the following conditions: the overthrow of the autocracy, of course, the abolition of serfdom, the creation of a legislative people's governing body. As for the Northern Society of the Decembrists, it was less radical in terms of its requirements. The program was called "The Constitution" and its author was Nikita Muraviev. The Northern Decembrists settled on the following requirements: the restriction of autocratic power and the introduction of the Constitution, they also advocated the abolition of serfdom and the creation of a parliament, but for the preservation of the executive power over the emperor.
Organizations carefully prepared for the main speech. On the day of the re-vesting of the new emperor, they entered the Senate Square. However, the insurrection turned out to be a failure: it all started with the fact that the head of the Decembrists did not come to the square, but the overturn took place before the rebels reached the Senate Square. Nicholas the First suppressed the uprising and executed the most important of its participants - this was the beginning of a tightening of the internal policy of the tsar.
The movement of the Decembrists, briefly described in the article, is a bright phenomenon in our history. It was with him that the struggle for the liberation of Russia from autocracy began.
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