
Parental control

When people who have a teenage child learn that I work as a system administrator, they often ask how it is better to exercise parental control over what their child does on the network. Children at all times as a magnet attracted to an interesting, new, unusual. If an adult needs some time to understand how to use this or that software product, children, as a rule, learn simple actions that is called "entry". And since the use of the World Wide Web can hardly be called a difficult affair, it means that it is easy to get used to this new world.

So when does the parental control of the Internet become relevant? Since the moment when your growing child reaches the level "I can find information on the Web". From that moment (if you care about what your child does with a computer), you should think about what you need to do in order to benefit from visiting the Network, rather than harm. After all, a weak child's psyche is easily traumatized when it collides with "adult" content, so it is true that parental control is necessary.

Perhaps, after reading the first paragraphs, you are thinking, and is it worth giving a child the opportunity to sit at the computer and expose it to the dangers that the network hides in its bosom? If so, you can activate the Windows 7 "Parental Control" option. Windows XP, however, does not have such features, but for this OS there are good programs with which you can either completely ban access to the World Wide Web, or put the browser under reliable control. As it seems to me, the best thing at the moment is a completely free and very simple to configure utility - K9.

But if you ask my opinion, I will answer that, I would not advise you the way of prohibitions. First, the forbidden fruit is sweet, and secondly, without giving the child something to do at home, you can not exclude the situation when a child visits a friend and climbs the Internet just behind the taboo. So get ready to tie your teenager to the battery. This is the most reliable way to completely protect it from the corrupting influence of any temptations and, perhaps, the most reliable parental control.

It is much smarter and more correct, in my opinion, to move not toward prohibitions, but, on the contrary, to foster trust between children and parents on all issues, including on such a new one as Internet access. You can organize everything in such a way that your soul too is calm, since the child does not wander randomly or purposefully to a site with xxx content or other "delights", but at the same time, that sites with normal content included in His range of interests, were available without unnecessary formalities.

Helps in ensuring the transparency of the use of the Internet organization of space for the computer is not in the child's room, but in a common room where you can easily see what is happening on the screen at a particular moment.

It will also be useful to periodically talk with your child about the correct behavior on the Web, the inadmissibility of reporting information about yourself to strangers, putting pictures that can become compromising, and other actions that can potentially complicate a child's life. Naturally, parental control should not be limited to content, it would not be superfluous to determine the timeframe for being on the World Wide Web. Since a long sitting behind the monitor is unlikely to affect positively the health of children. Especially harmful is the pastime for the eyes of a teenager, but other organs suffer no less with prolonged absence of motor activity.

If the topic interests you, you want to learn more about the opportunities provided by the modern operating system from Microsoft, then go to the free service site of Vindous Live and set the search for the words "parental control."

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