Health, Diseases and Conditions
Otitis in children. Symptoms and Treatment
The most common disease of the ear is otitis. He can manifest himself at any age, but children are the most susceptible to this disease. Otitis can be external, middle and inner, depending on which ear department is involved in the process. The structure of the nasopharynx in children has some specific features. The Eustachian tube is somewhat shorter and wider than that of adults, so an infection from the nose can easily fall into the ear.
Otitis in children. Symptoms
Otitis often occurs as a result of a slight cold if the throat develops and nasal discharge appears. The main symptom of this disease is severe pain in the ear. However, there are cases when otitis occurs asymptomatically. Older children can say that they have an earache, but the baby needs careful observation. If the child cries, clings to the ear, does not sleep and turns his head, then first thing you need to suspect the manifestation of otitis and go to a consultation with an otolaryngologist. A child may refuse to eat, since any swallowing movement can aggravate pain. Symptoms of otitis may be expressed in lethargy, inhibition, anxiety of the baby, as well as in excessive fatigue and fever sometimes up to 38-39 C. In some cases, vomiting or diarrhea occurs.
Otitis in children. Treatment
Independently should not be treated at home, even if he has at least one of the above symptoms. The problem is that the misuse of medicines in otitis media can erase the clinical picture and greatly complicate the diagnosis, and subsequently this step can lead to serious complications. Appoint the only correct treatment for a baby can only an ENT doctor after a carefully conducted examination. When confirming otitis in children, the doctor necessarily prescribes antibacterial therapy, antihistamines, drops in the ear and nose. Before consulting a specialist, parents can alleviate the condition of the baby by digesting vasoconstricting drops into the nose. If discharge from the ear is not observed, then you can drip warm boric alcohol into the sore eye .
What can not be done by suspecting otitis in children?
Until then, the child will not be examined by a specialist:
- If the child has a high fever, you can not apply a warming compress on your ear.
- Do not put the baby in bed, it can significantly increase pain.
- If the child has ear discharge, you can not clean and / or instill medicines.
Purulent otitis media. Symptoms and treatment
Most often, ear disease is a consequence of a previous viral disease. If the otitis in the child is not treated in time, then in the middle ear can begin a purulent process, and after a while there are discharges. Timely and properly prescribed treatment is an excellent prerequisite for complete cure, the hearing will not be affected. Purulent otitis in children is a specific condition that must necessarily occur under the supervision of the treating doctor, if pus does not come out of the ear, it can penetrate the brain and cause meningitis. Treatment of the purulent process will take about ten days, most often the parents will be offered to hospitalize the child in the hospital.
Prevention of otitis
In order to avoid problems, it is necessary:
- In time, even a small runny nose can be treated.
- Teach the child to blow his nose. It is very important that the mucus does not get into the ear.
- More often do a wet cleaning in the apartment and give the baby to drink during illness.
- Timely treat acute and chronic adenoiditis.
- Strengthen immunity.
Treatment of otitis in children can avoid its major complications, namely, hearing loss, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in intelligence and developmental lag. Another complication may be inflammation of the mastoid process, which can cause a purulent process of the meninges. Prevention of otitis, proper diagnosis and timely treatment is a guarantee that your child will be healthy and happy!
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