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Orthodox date August 21 - which church festival is celebrated on this day?

All the great, medium, small and all-day church holidays are fixed in one book - the saints. This orthodox calendar indicates the memory of which saints the church honors on this day, including August 21. What is the church holiday on this date? Which saints do the Orthodox Church remember on this day? We'll talk about this in our article.

What church holidays are celebrated on August 21?

Holidays that are celebrated on this day are all day. On this day, the Orthodox Church only remembers the saints, whose names are associated with the date of August 21. What church holiday, or rather a few holidays, is celebrated on this day? This is the day:

  • The prelate of Myron of Crete, the miracle worker and bishop;
  • The prelate of Emilian the Kizi, the bishop, the priest;
  • The Tolga Icon of the Mother of God;
  • The Monk Gregory the Sinaite;
  • Zosima and Savvaty Solovetsky.

On the same day, the church recalls the ten ascetics of Egypt and the two martyrs of Tire; Gregory, the Pechersk icon-painter; The martyrs of Eleutherius and Leonidus; New Martyrs Nikolai (Shumkov), Nicodemus (Krotov).

Day of Saint Myron in the Orthodox calendar

One of the summer days, the church reveres the name of Bishop Myron, who lived about 250-350 on the island of Crete. The celebration takes place on August 21. What church festival is celebrated on this date is known to all believing people and to every person whose patron is this saint. This is the day of the memory of St. Myron of Crete.

Saint Myron was born on the island of Crete, he was educated here, married at an early age and engaged in farming. Since childhood, he has been distinguished by Christian piety and kindness. When the thieves tried to steal his grain, Miron instead of punishing them, helped to bring the sack to one of them on his shoulders. The saint always shared his bread with other people, and for this the Lord gave him more and more crops.

Soon after the death of the ruler of Decius, who was constantly persecuting the flock, Miron was elected bishop of the island, and after a while the saint received the gift of miracles. Once he managed to stop the flow of a stormy river, and then again to put it back on track. The prelate Myron throughout his life continued to profess the Christian faith and departed to the Lord about 350 years old at the age of 100.

Celebration in honor of the Tolga Icon of the Mother of God

The Tolga icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered in the Russian Orthodox Church. The Virgin Mary appeared to Bishop Prokhor of Rostov on the night of August 21 (8 old style) in 1314 on the Tolga River near Yaroslavl. In the morning, in the same place, a miraculous icon of the Mother of God was found with the baby in her arms. After a while a church was built here, and even later - the Tolga monastery, in which the icon is kept to this day.

The icon is miraculous. Numerous healings of sick people are associated with it, as well as the case of the resurrection of a four-year-old child. During the terrible fire in the church, when all the property that was in it burnt to the ground, the icon miraculously, not only with angelic hands, was transferred to a grove near the monastery. At the very moment when the monks found it, the icon was surrounded by radiance. Here, in this place, and a new church was built.

The memory of St. Emilian the Kizi

On August 21, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of yet another prelate and bishop, Emilian the Kizi. He lived as a saint at a time when the emperor-icon-bearer Leo V the Armenian reigned in Byzantium. This ruler was known for his fierce struggle against veneration of icons.

Once the emperor summoned all the bishops to the royal palace and invited them to voluntarily renounce the icons. Bishop Emilian, Bishop of Kizi, the first one opposed this, saying that such issues can be solved only by the Church, but not by the rulers. For this he was sent into confinement, where he, being a confessor, soon died.

Day of the Monk Gregory the Sinaite

The Monk Gregory the Sinaite lived approximately in 1268-1346 during the late Byzantine period. He was a monk, lived for some time in the monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai. Then he settled in Crete, where he had many students. The Monk is the author of numerous teachings on intelligent prayer and other writings, with which he exerted a tremendous influence on the spiritual life of the Byzantine Empire.

The memory of St. Gregory the Sinaite is revered on August 21. On the same day, all the men named by this name celebrate their name day.

Memory of Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky

And the memory of the two Reverend Russian Orthodox Church honors on this day. The names of Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky are also associated with the date of August 21. What church holiday is celebrated by Orthodox Christians on this day? This is the date of the transfer of the relics of saints Zosima and Savvaty for the altar of the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Solovetsky Monastery. The transfer of relics took place in 1566 on August 21.

The Monks Zosima and Savvaty are considered the founder of the monastery on one of the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea. The monks themselves were not even acquainted with each other, but their memory as the founders of the Solovki monastery is honored in one day. Savvaty organized the first monastic settlement on the islands in 1429, and the monks Zosima and Herman rebuilt in 1436 the monastery itself, which was populated in the shortest possible time.

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