LawHealth and Safety

Occupational safety is what? Rules of labor protection. Occupational safety in the pre-school

Labor protection is a set of norms that are aimed at the formation of harmless and safe working conditions. Prescriptions are fixed in various acts. Let's consider further how management of a labor safety is carried out.

Normative base

The standards for OT are prescribed in the following documents:

  • Rules of labor protection.
  • Instructions and orders of departments and ministries.
  • Laws.
  • Collective agreements.

These acts contain norms:

  1. Regulating organization and planning of work at enterprises.
  2. Establishing compensation payments and benefits to employees involved in harmful (hazardous) production.
  3. Prescriptive requirements for TB and sanitation.
  4. Establishing responsibility for violations of laws and regulations in the world of work.
  5. Regulating the activities of supervisory and supervisory authorities.

Labor protection of the Russian Federation

As the main normative document in the sphere under consideration is the TC. In it, the issues concerning labor protection are sufficiently and broadly covered. This suggests that the state pays close attention to the conditions in which daily employees of many enterprises are located. The TC contains several sections. Each of them includes the norms regulating those or other production moments. So, the Code regulates working hours, the order and discipline, protection of the rights of employees, social partnership and so on.

General Provisions

In this section of the Code, the very notion of "labor protection" is disclosed. This definition includes the employee's rights to:

- conditions that meet hygiene and safety requirements;

- recreation;

- compensation for harm that was received during the performance of their professional activities;

Compulsory social insurance;

- judicial protection and so on.


In the TC this document is devoted to a whole section. So, it is said that when concluding a contract at the time of entering the enterprise, the characteristics of the production conditions must be written in it, privileges and compensation payments (in the event that the work is carried out under the influence of hazardous or harmful factors), rest regime and activity schedule (if They are different from the generally accepted in the company), conditions and types of social insurance. The agreement can be concluded with citizens who have reached the age of 16. It is also possible to sign it with persons of 15 years of age when they receive a general education or continue to study the basic program for another form, except full-time. In this case, the signing of the contract is carried out for the performance by the citizen of easy activity, which does not cause damage to his health. With the consent of the parent, guardian or guardian, the agreement can also be concluded with a person of 14 years. The contract is signed in this case for the performance of easy activity in the time free from training.

Occupational Safety and Health

This is one of the most important sections of the TC. In accordance with its articles, with all persons coming to work or being transferred to another position, the head of the enterprise or an employee authorized by him must conduct an instruction on the OT. The employer is obliged to provide the labor protection rules, and the employees of the enterprise are to familiarize themselves with them. The fact of carrying out the briefing is recorded in the relevant journals. Periodically at the enterprise the inspection on labor protection should be carried out. It includes practical measures to identify the level of preparedness of employees for productive activities. If the employee performs his activities in harmful or dangerous conditions, the employer is obliged to organize his training. For example, labor protection in the operation of electrical installations includes targeted briefings, training sessions, at the end of which the employee receives admission to the relevant facilities.

Rights and duties of employees in the field of industrial safety

The safety of workers is ensured, first of all, by the head of the enterprise. Legislation provides employees with certain rights and empowers them with responsibilities in the field of health care. The main ones are:

  • The right to have a workplace free from the influence of dangerous or harmful factors, to obtain information about the conditions of his work, to provide means of protection at the expense of the employer, to apply to authorized supervisory authorities for the performance of inspection of working conditions.
  • Obligation of the employee to observe the established requirements and norms. In particular, he must follow the recommendations of health workers, notify the authorities about the occurrence of emergencies, to report immediately about the accident.

Requirements for the employer

At each enterprise a program on labor protection must be developed. It includes all measures to ensure safe conditions. The program on occupational safety and health should be coordinated with supervisory authorities and be strictly observed at the enterprise. The employer, among other things, is obliged:

  • Provide places for employees under his control, safe for life and health of people.
  • Organize regular medical examinations at the expense of the company.
  • To carry out briefings on safety measures and rules, to conduct certification of workers on time.
  • Provide employees with appropriate means of protection.

At a number of enterprises, medical examinations are mandatory procedures when enrolled in the state. In particular, labor protection in the DOW includes regular surveys of specialists. Such measures are necessary to ensure the safety of not only the educators themselves and other employees, but also the children in the institution. In such organizations, the supervisory authorities carefully check how labor protection is performed. In the DOW, specialists must undergo certification, know the Instruction on TB, be able to ensure the safety of pupils.

Order and discipline

This section of the Code establishes basic standards aimed at implementing the relevant requirements for TB. Violation of labor discipline entails the imposition of responsibility on the guilty parties - from remarks and reprimands to dismissal. If the employer fails to comply with the requirements, administrative measures may be applied to him.

Age limit

Features of ensuring safe working conditions for persons under 18 years are regulated in a separate section of the TC. It examines, among other things, restrictions and benefits that relate to OT issues for each age category. In particular, the use of labor of citizens under 18 years in enterprises with severe, traumatic or harmful conditions is not allowed. They are not allowed to engage in activities under the ground, as well as to be able to damage their moral development. It is forbidden to send employees who have not reached the age of 18 on business trips, involve them in overtime, night work, work on holidays and weekends. Annual leave is granted to such persons of at least 31 days (calendar) duration.

Collective agreements and treaties

This section establishes the possibility of entering into the contract mutual obligations of the employer and the employee related to the improvement of conditions and labor protection. This, among other categories, concerns adolescents and women. It also specifies the right of employees to make proposals when developing and accepting collective agreements.

Social insurance

Essential value in providing OT has a Federal Law regulating the procedure for compulsory insurance of employees against accidents in the course of their performance of their activities at the enterprise. In accordance with its provisions, employees must be provided with protection regardless of the form of ownership of the company. This allows you to receive compensation for harm caused to health in the performance of production activities.

BT standards system

This normative act is considered one of the main ones in the field of labor protection. Within the framework of the System, compliance with normative and technical documentation for BT, including requirements and standards for industrial sanitation and safety precautions, is ensured. Standards can be local (developed for a specific enterprise), branch, state. Industry standards are developed in accordance with the specifics of a particular economic sector. They can be more stringent than those that are present in the corresponding GOST.

Executing and coordinating structures

According to the fundamentals of the labor legislation, the responsibility for the formation of harmless and safe production conditions at the enterprise is assigned to its administration. It, in turn, must be guided by the requirements for OT. The rules on labor protection can be either interdisciplinary or unified for all sectors of the economy. Coordinates the development of these acts of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia.

The rules on labor protection can be approved for a certain period or indefinitely. Typical Instructions are accepted by the central authorized executive (federal) body on preliminary agreement with trade unions. These normative acts are developed in accordance with interbranch and sectoral rules on health care and should not contradict them. The systematization and accounting of the latter is carried out by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, standard instructions - federal executive bodies.

Supervision and control

These activities are carried out by authorized bodies. They include state bodies and inspections. Their activities do not depend on the leaders of enterprises, as well as their higher bodies. The central structures of the executive (federal) government exercise control over the observance of standard instructions and branch regulations on RT with respect to subordinate organizations and institutions. Supervision over the execution of local acts of the enterprise is entrusted to its head, chiefs of structural units, foremen and other responsible persons.

Features of typical instructions

Each document must have a name and number. Instructions for employees include the following sections:

  • General requirements.
  • Prescriptions before the start of the shift.
  • TB in the course of work.
  • Behavior in emergency situations.
  • TB on completion of work.

Sections are prepared taking into account the specific conditions for a particular employee or category of employees. Revision of instructions should be carried out at least once every 5 years for ordinary enterprises and once every three years for hazardous and hazardous industries.

If the requirements have not changed, the head issues an appropriate order (order) on the extension of the validity period. Heads of departments should have a set of regulatory documents, including - instructions for employees in accordance with the professions, and a list of these acts approved by the administration of the enterprise. Requirements may be issued to employees on receipt for study during the initial briefing, posted on sites or stored in accessible locations.

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