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Neurological Syndrome: Species, Description, Symptoms and Treatment

A person's vital activity largely depends on the health of the brain and nervous system. Therefore, diseases that damage these parts of the body, make themselves felt through obvious and sometimes severe symptoms. One of the groups of such diseases are neurological syndromes. They should pay attention, since their appearance indicates the development of quite dangerous intractable processes.

Neurological syndrome

To understand what is at stake, you need to understand what the syndrome is like. This definition is used to describe the totality of symptoms that have similar manifestations. This term allows you to make the diagnosis more accurate and easy. In other words, the term "syndrome" is used to describe a group of symptoms, rather than one specific.

It should be understood that this terminology is not always suitable for describing the disease, since the latter can combine several syndromes. So, for a competent determination of the patient's condition, high qualifications and experience are often required.

Key Groups

If you study the basic neurological syndromes, you will notice that some of them are similar, and therefore unite in certain categories. In fact, we are talking about the three most common groups:

- Vestibular Syndrome. There are various violations in the brain. Symptomatics in this case is quite bright, so it is extremely difficult to confuse it with other manifestations. As the main symptoms, you can determine shakiness and dizziness.

- Neurological syndrome associated with the musculoskeletal system. This includes various types of muscle weakness and paralysis. Most often, the cause of such a problem as paralysis, is a stroke, although polio can also lead to a similar condition.

- Pain syndrome. This group can be found among patients more often than others. Symptoms of this category differ in strong painful sensations. As an example, it makes sense to bring neuralgia of the nerve causing severe pain in the back and head region.

- Increased intracranial pressure due to neuralgic disorders of various types.

Syndromes at an early age

Children, as well as adults, are vulnerable to various diseases. For this reason, doctors have to face different syndromes and in the case of patients of younger age group.

As for specific groups of symptoms, they look like this:

1. Convulsive syndrome. If the child has convulsions, this can mean the fact of damage to the brain tissue with irritation of individual parts of the brain. Depending on the age, such a neurologic syndrome can be manifested through generalized convulsions of the limbs, eyes and muscles of the face. It is also worth knowing that the cramps themselves can be clonic and tonic. This means that they capture the entire body or move from one part to the other. This condition is sometimes accompanied by a violation of breathing, the withdrawal of stool and urine or biting the tongue.

2. The impact of cerebral-senic syndrome. The main cause of this condition is rapid neuro-psychic exhaustion, which is the result of strong physical or psychological impulses. It can be disease, stress, various stresses and emotions. As a result, children have a disruption in their ability to manipulate objects and play games. There is also a risk of emotional instability. By the end of the day, the symptoms can be significantly amplified.

3. The problem of hypertension-hydrocephalic syndrome. It appears because of the increase in intracranial pressure, followed by the expansion of cerebrospinal fluid spaces due to the fact that they accumulate an excessive amount of fluid. Such a group of symptoms can manifest itself in the form of increased head growth, fontanelle bulging and hydrocephalus.

4. Syndrome of hyperexcitability. This problem makes itself felt through such manifestations as sleep disturbance, emotional instability and motor anxiety. After the examination, the doctor can fix another decrease in the threshold of convulsive readiness, pathological movements and an increase in reflex excitability.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment

The key symptom that indicates this disease is a relapsing or lasting six months of constant fatigue. And we are talking about both physical exhaustion and mental health.

Speaking about the recurrent form, it is worth noting the following fact: it can become so strong that it will clearly dominate the accompanying symptoms. The problem here lies in the fact that this syndrome can not be neutralized with the help of rest, because of which the activity of the patient is noticeably falling in all spheres of his life.

If we talk about the symptoms of CFS in more detail, then we need to highlight the following manifestations:

- pain in the muscles;

- poor health after physical activity, which lasts around the clock;

- Swollen painful lymph nodes, axillary and cervical especially;

- pain in the joints, not accompanied by signs of edema or inflammation;

- violation of concentration and memory;

- a sore throat;

- serious sleep disorders;

- headache.

The syndrome of chronic fatigue, the symptoms and treatment of which are of interest to many patients, Is a rather urgent problem, therefore doctors have enough experience for competent diagnostics and prescribing restorative measures. But in general, treatment is reduced to the organization of nutrition, normalization of the daily routine, as well as the use of minerals and vitamins. From bad habits, too, will have to give up, as well as from a long pastime near the TV. Instead, it's better to get used to the evening walks in the fresh air.

Concerning the topic of complex treatment, it is worth highlighting the following components:

- normalization of the load and rest regime;

- carrying out unloading days and dietary therapy;

- aromatherapy and massage;

- elimination of various chronic diseases that complicate the treatment process;

- use of medicines if other drugs can not neutralize the neurologic syndrome;

- therapeutic exercise and water procedures.

Speaking about medicines, it is worth noting that with this problem, tranquilizers, sorbents, immunomodulators are relevant, and with allergies - antihistamines.

Features of radial neuropathy

This is another form of neurological syndrome, which can become a source of serious problems. The essence of the destructive effect in this case amounts to the fact that, due to damage or pinching of the radial nerve, there are quite noticeable symptoms in the region of the upper limbs. The good news is that such a problem does not lead to irreversible consequences. This means that all symptoms can be neutralized.

The reasons why radial neuropathy develops are fairly simple. These are cuts, fractures, bruises and other mechanical injuries, as a result of which the radial nerve was squeezed. Sometimes, during the injury, the nerve itself is not affected, but subsequently formed scars press on him, and for this reason there is a disruption of the functions. The appearance of this type of neuropathy can also be triggered by a chronic trauma to the nerve trunk caused by its constant friction against the sharp edge of the tendon during a prolonged brush load. Excessive pressure on crutches and harnesses can also lead to nerve impairment.

Symptoms of radial neuropathy are quite obvious: fingers of the palm can not be bent and straightened normally, any movements with a brush, and especially fingers, become problematic. There is a strain of muscles that flex the wrist, as the muscle fibers extending the forearm, stretch.

When such symptoms make themselves felt, the first thing to do is to apply a longure to the forearm and the area of the hand. To overcome this problem, conservative methods are mainly used: the intake of B vitamins, paraffin applications, electro stimulation and massage. Surgical intervention to restore the functions of the radial nerve is extremely rare. And of course, for a full recovery you will have to undergo a complex of exercise therapy.

Progressive sclerosing polydystrophy

This problem has another name - Alper's syndrome. The essence of this disease is reduced to a deficiency of energy metabolism enzymes. Symptoms of polydystrophy are manifested at a very early age, usually 1-2 years.

Initially, there are generalized or partial seizures, as well as myoclonia, which is sufficiently resistant to anticonvulsant treatment. This is not the end of the problem. Further, there is a delay in physical and psychomotor development, muscle hypotension, increased tendon reflexes, spastic paresis, and loss of skills that were acquired earlier. Do not exclude the reduction of hearing and vision, vomiting, lethargy, development of hepatomegaly, jaundice and even liver failure, which without timely competent treatment can lead to death.

At the moment, there is not yet a single system for the effective treatment of Alpers syndrome, so doctors work in stages with each specific symptom. Needless to say, without the help of a physician with such disruptions of the brain, it is not possible to obtain a tangible improvement.

Shay-Driger Syndrome

Under this unfamiliar name lies a rather serious problem - multisystem atrophy. Such a diagnosis is made if the patient has a strong lesion of the autonomic nervous system. In fact, it is a fairly rare disease that disrupts the cerebellum of the brain, and also causes vegetative disorders and Parkinsonism.

The full range of causes of multisystem atrophy doctors can not yet make up. But they tend to believe that such a disruption in the work of the cerebellum is rooted in the genetic heritage of the patient.

As for the treatment, in order to effectively influence the patient's condition, one must first make sure that it is with Shay-Drageer's syndrome, and not with other diseases that have similar symptoms (Parkinson's disease, etc.). The essence of the treatment is reduced to neutralizing the symptoms. The physicians are not yet able to fully overcome such impairments in the functions of the brain.

The Danger of Bruns Syndrome

This is another group of symptoms, which is most directly related to neurological syndromes. The cause of this condition is the occlusion of the liquor-conducting pathways at the level of the aqueduct of the brain or the opening of the Magendie.

If we consider the syndrome of Bruns through the prism of general symptoms, the picture will be as follows: violation of breathing and pulse, vomiting, dizziness, pain in the head, loss of consciousness, ataxia, malfunctions in muscle coordination and tremor.

Attention should be paid to eye symptoms. This is a transient amaurosis, strabismus, ptosis, diplopia, as well as a decrease in the sensitivity of the cornea. In some cases, the edema of the optic nerve is fixed and its subsequent atrophy.

As a topical treatment, the use of dehydration, ventriculopuncture, as well as various cardiac and tonic agents (caffeine, "Cordiamin", "Korglikon"). Depending on the nature of the algorithm for the development of the disease, surgical intervention can be indicated.

Encephalopathy Wernicke

This problem from the field of neurology is quite serious. It can also be called "Guyer-Wernicke syndrome". In fact, we are talking about the damage to the hypothalamus and the middle brain. As a reason for this process, one can determine the lack of thiamine in the patient's body. It should be noted that this syndrome can be a consequence of alcoholism, vitamin B1 and complete physical exhaustion.

The main symptoms include confusion, irritability, impaired coordination of movements, apathy and paralysis of the muscles of the eye. To get an accurate diagnosis, you need to see a neurologist.

Neutralize the impact of the syndrome doctors can by administering to the patient thiamine for 5-6 days. Hypomagnesemia, if necessary, is corrected by the intake of magnesium oxide or sulphide.

Wright Syndrome

This term is used to determine the combination of acroparesthesia with pain in the region of the small pectoral muscle, as well as trophic disorders and blanching in the area of the fingers and the hand itself. Such sensations arise if the nerve trunks of the brachial plexus and the vessels of the axillary region are compressed. Such processes are often the result of the maximum withdrawal of the shoulder and tension of the small pectoral muscle, which, in turn, presses the nerves and vessels.

Wright's syndrome is determined by such symptoms as pale shade of fingers and hands, numbness and signs of puffiness. But the key manifestation remains pain in the pectoralis muscle and shoulder. Often, with a strong leaning of the shoulder in the radial artery, the pulse disappears.

They treat the syndrome only after differentiating it from other similar diseases. When an accurate diagnosis is made, various physiological and therapeutic measures can be used. In some cases, the operation will be relevant.

What is worth knowing about Gerstman's syndrome?

The essence of this syndrome is reduced to the combined manifestation of finger agnosia, alexia, agraphia, autopapognosia, and violation of right-left orientation. In the case of the spread of the pathological process to other parts of the cerebral cortex, hemianopsia, sensory aphasia and asteroegosis can inform itself.

Gerstman's syndrome is directly associated with destructive processes in the associative area of the left parietal lobe of the brain. In this state, the patient partially ceases to recognize his own body. This manifests itself in the inability to distinguish the right side from the left. People with such a syndrome can not produce simple arithmetic operations and write, although otherwise their consciousness works normally.

The impact of alternating syndromes

This is a whole complex of destructive processes, which can have a significant negative impact on the body. Alternating syndromes Are a consequence of a lesion of the spinal cord and one half of the brain. These groups of symptoms are sometimes provoked by craniocerebral trauma or poor blood circulation in the spinal cord and brain.

Doctors periodically identify alternating syndromes of the following varieties: mixed with different localization of damage, bulbar, peduncular and pontinous. With such an abundance of species, the symptoms can be very different: deafness, oculomotor and pupillary disorders, acute lack of natural control, dysgenetic syndromes, obstructive hydrocephalus, etc.

Diagnose such conditions by determining the exact location of the localization of the lesion and its boundaries.

With regard to treatment, its organization largely depends on a specific group of symptoms and the results of professional diagnosis.


The problem of neurological syndromes disturbs many people, and, unfortunately, not always physicians are able to completely neutralize the impact of the disease. For this reason, it makes sense to periodically do preventive diagnostics of the brain and nervous system in order to identify possible problems at the stage of their inception.

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