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Natalia Yunnikova: biography, filmography, personal life

Natalia Yunnikova is an actress of theater and cinema, which became known to a wide audience of spectators thanks to the role of investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova in the television series "Return of Mukhtar". Sweet, kind, self-confident - on the screen Yunnikova created the image of a woman who is all right, she is respected, appreciated, sometimes even afraid. However, in real life, the actress had to go through something that many years later Natalia Yunnikova remembered with a shudder in her voice.


Natalia Alexandrovna Yunnikova was born in February 1980 in Lipetsk. The girl from childhood was a creative child. She was engaged in music, she liked to be photographed. In the mirror, she looked a pretty face, and Natasha often imagined in her dreams how she would shine on stage. In a word, Yunnikova dreamed about the career of an actress.

When she was seventeen, Natalia and her mother came to Moscow. It is difficult to say that played a big role - simple luck or provincial nature, but the potential student was ready to admit to their ranks three theatrical high schools: GITIS, the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute and the Higher Theater School named after Shchepkin. Yunnikova preferred the "Sliver". She was enrolled in the course of Vladimir Safronov - People's Artist of Russia.

Among the classmates of Natalia Yunnikova there were only eight girls, and all Muscovites. One Natasha came from the provinces and lived in a hostel, although this fact did not bother her at all.

What you do not want to remember

There is in the heart of Natalia an unhealed wound, which she has not told to anyone for a long time. Too heavy. However, the moment came when the woman realized that she could no longer remain silent. She wanted to share her pain with someone.

What kind of mystery did the actress decide to open to the world? In the first year of the institute Natasha was subjected to mockery and physical violence from the fourth year student of her college. After the incident, the rascal threatened the girl, saying that if she tells someone about what happened, he will take revenge - mutilates her face.

Natalia was frightened. She hid and was silent. Silent for many years, which now, of course, regrets. But it's time to share your story. Natalia warns the girls who have faced such a situation from the error. "You can not be ashamed, you can not hide. We must immediately apply to the law enforcement agencies. Evil should be punished ... "Although Natalia Yunnikova does not intend to take revenge on her offender. The woman is sure that life itself will punish the criminal, and everything will fall into place. She had not been looking for him all those years, not interested in his fate. She knows only that the abuser works as a director.

Family life

Natalia tried as quickly as possible to forget about all that had happened, as if nothing had happened. The girl switched to studying and with her head went into the creative process. And soon in her heart settled love - ardent and real. Yunnikova admits that she is a nature enthusiast and can not love a little bit. If a feeling comes to her, she is ready to give everything for the sake of her loved one. The chosen girl was her classmate - Anton Fedotov.

In the courtyard was 2001 year. The boys finished their studies and got married. The time was hard, there was not enough money for anything. The couple played a modest wedding, and then decided to immigrate to Israel. The fact that in Tel-Aviv lived the parents of Anton, so the guys did not go "to nowhere."

However, in the foreign land, too, no one especially expected. I had to prove to myself and life that you were worth something. The family arranged to work for local television - Natalia Yunnikova, whose photo was already recognizable by the citizens of Israel, conducted an entertaining program, Anton found himself in dubbing. Soon the pair had their first-born son Roland. The birth of Yunnikova, however, was severe - there were surgical interventions. But I had to stay in bed for a long time - I had to earn money, and soon the woman went to work.

Escape from Tel Aviv

With the birth of his son in the family of actors, a complete discord began. At some point the woman realized - this is the beginning of the end of their family happiness. Grudges and claims to each other accumulated, material problems were layered. In 2006, hostilities began between the Israeli side and the terrorist group Hezbollah, concentrated in southern Lebanon.

Worrying for the safety of her family, Natalia Yunnikova, along with her young son, left Israel. The woman returned to Russia. Her husband Anton Fedotov was due to come later - the family had debt obligations to Israeli banks. The man had an intention to pay off his debts and join his family later, but returned to Russia, not having solved all his material problems. Now the road to Israel Natalia was closed - its appearance on the territory of another state could lead to imprisonment.

To this list of problems was added one more - Natalia began to notice that money was disappearing from the house. Some time later it became clear: Anton suffers gambling. This was the last straw, and in 2008 the couple officially terminated their relationship.


In Moscow, I had to start all over again. There was nowhere to live, there was no money. Salvation for Natalya was her proposal to shoot in the television series "Web" - a criminal detective, where the actress played Katya Tumanova. The work provided the woman with some material stability.

Natalia Yunnikova, whose photo appeared in the acting agencies, from time to time began to receive small roles. The woman played in the TV series "Tatyanin Day", in the serial films "Ermolovy" and "The Lights of the Big City". However, the audience's recognition came to Yunnikova after the role of investigator Vasilisa Mikhailova in the series "Return of Mukhtar."

The work in the television series was interesting. Yunnikova recalls how new performers of the role of Mukhtar appeared on the platform time after time. The film was shot for five years, and, of course, the "actors" had to periodically change. The woman had to find a common language with a new "colleague" in the frame. But, according to the actress, problems never arose, and she easily contacted dogs - stroked, talked to them. However, dog breeders were never allowed to feed sheep dogs.

Paradoxically, Yunnikova does not consider the image of the investigator Mikhailova as a sign in her creative biography. The actress says that because of this role she is now not invited to appear in other roles, and the woman dreams of a dramatic role. Natalia says she is not afraid to appear ugly, perhaps even in an ugly manner, before the viewer, and she sincerely believes that her swan song is yet to come.

Natalya Yunnikova: personal life

Today the main man in Natalia's life is her son Roland. The boy grows inquisitive and very developed, he studies in primary classes, is engaged in musical school.

To a former husband, a woman no longer experiences those crazy feelings that were at the beginning of the relationship. Everything burned out. A man has another family, a child. By the way, his first son Fedotov did not particularly help, but now the relationship is more or less settled, and Roland communicates with the pope.

In the life of the actress, fleeting novels happen, but they do not lead to something serious yet. Natalia is sure that a worthy person will necessarily appear on her way, and the woman's dream will come true - the actress wants to give birth to yet another child. Today Yunnikova lives with her mother and son in a rented apartment in Moscow. Of course, in her life there are some financial difficulties, but Natalia does not despair - she is a fighter. In addition, her stronghold is loyal friends.

Strangely enough, after filming in the series "Return of Mukhtar" the whole team of actors who played the role of operatives and medical experts, maintains friendly relationships in real life. Children often meet, go to rest on the nature. Among them, Alexander Volkov, who was among the first to leave the television series.

By the way, in the network you can occasionally find fictitious information that in Moscow the wedding of Natalya Yunnikova and Pavel Vishnyakova took place . All this has no confirmation. Natasha's heart does not belong to anyone yet.

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