HealthAlternative Medicine

Mushroom Cordyceps Chinese

Chinese doctors for centuries kept the mystery of an amazing mushroom, called in the mountains of Tibet yarsagumba, "magic talisman" and "divine gift." Since ancient times, with its help, the members of the imperial family have been rid of the diseases and prolonged the life of rulers and other important persons. The world learned about the mysterious fungus in 1993, when Chinese athletes were able to beat world records in running for long distances. It remains a mystery that it helped the girls to achieve high results - doping or mushroom cordyceps ( Ophiocordyceps sinensis - Latin name yarsagumba). However, since then, the fungus has become an object of close attention of medical scientists, who study its composition, properties and mechanism of action of biologically active substances on human systems and organs. It should be noted that the official medicine does not consider the Chinese fungus Cordyceps a therapeutic agent. The reviews of many practicing doctors about dietary supplements based on this fungus are characterized by a certain restraint. Doctors do not consider cordyceps a panacea for the extensive list of diseases listed in advertising texts, but do not deny the possibility of using dietary supplements on its basis as a supplement to the complex treatment of certain ailments (heart diseases, respiratory organs, kidney failure and a number of others).

Features of growth and harvesting of yarsagumba

Cordyceps Chinese - the inhabitant of sky-high heights (4-5 thousand meters above sea level). Spore fungus in the warm season penetrates the caterpillar of one of the species of moths that live here. The spore develops safely, while eating the caterpillar and mummifying it. By the time of collection, the healing parasitic fungus looks like a yellow-brown dried caterpillar with an appendage - a dark brown bough. Mushroom Cordyceps Chinese is collected in strictly defined terms - in the summer for one month. To sell a hundred unique "individuals" can be for $ 300, so for local residents the collection of curative yarsagumba is an essential, and sometimes the only source of cash. A kilogram of yarsagumba costs from 7 to 8 thousand dollars, which is explained by an unbreakable faith in its miraculous properties of all those who crave for healing.

What Cures Chinese Cordyceps?

Why do they pay a lot for the mushroom? Firstly, in eastern medicine, with its help, impotence and infertility are treated. In addition, the fungus is a powerful aphrodisiac, for which it is called the "Himalayan Viagra". The advantage of "Viagra" of natural origin is obvious: unlike the chemical analogue, the Cordyceps Chinese is harmless. Secondly, it is used to slow the aging process, with depression and rapid fatigue, as well as in the treatment of many diseases. In traditional Chinese medicine, Cordyceps preparations are recommended to be used as a restorative means for quite healthy people, as well as for students and for those who are engaged in mental work. The components of the Chinese fungus have a stimulating effect on the cerebral cortex and improve blood circulation, which increases the concentration of attention and reduces the threshold of fatigue.

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