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Moonshine how to clean potassium permanganate? The most effective ways to clean moonshine from odor and impurities

Many believe that we must be indebted to Peter the First appearance of strong alcohol, which he brought from Europe to Russia. Like, until the beginning of the 18th century there were no such drinks in the country at all. This can not be agreed at the root. The process of fermentation and distillation was known even under Ivan the Terrible. Then the process of making an "invigorating potion" was treated with special respect, observing all the manufacturing techniques, using secret ingredients, thanks to which the drink turned out to be clean as a tear. Because of the high cost of moonshine, only high-ranking officials and noblemen could "drive" him, while local "poverty" could only be satisfied with the self-made brag. Today, many secrets of cleaning a freshly brewed drink are forgotten. Although there are still some that are still used by those who know how to drive moonshine. How to clean manganese, for example, everyone knows in any village in Russia.

History of moonshine: from antiquity to modernity

Moonshine - the very name implies action - to drive, both in direct and figurative senses. At different times he was persecuted: he was banned, sold only for the rich, was made from such a burdock that when people used it, people died.

But the beginning of moonshine was encouraging: as early as the 14th century people in Russia discovered that fruits or vegetables left in a warm place for a long time could rot, releasing carbon dioxide and forming a weak alcohol degree. Subsequently, it was revealed that when the substance is heated and its "distillation", the output is a "royal" drink. It has also been experimentally proven that the use of grains of wheat or rye as raw materials markedly improves the taste and quality of moonshine. As for the issue of the "cleanliness" of the drink, in those days of crystal was given increased importance: from 1 ton of raw materials, only 30 liters of pure moonshine were obtained.

Over the centuries, cooking processes have improved. By the end of the 18th - early 19th century. Russia has become the producer of the finest and delicious vodka, which was in all Europe: they were given to ambassadors and nobles, they were sold to foreign merchants and traders, they treated important guests and knew.

Today, the processes have accelerated, and to the quality of particular claims: the people want a fortress and a "blow to the head." When asked whether it is necessary to clean moonshine, today it is worth to say in the affirmative: "It is absolutely necessary, and it is better to do it in several ways at the same time."

Essential Ingredients for Beverage

What good is moonshine? Fortress, crystal or taste? Or healing properties? The answer is to all of the above. In addition, the drink has truly miraculous qualities:

  • They can be rubbed for a cold;
  • Make disinfection (do not be surprised, moonshine can be up to 96 degrees, the main thing is to know how to "drive" it);
  • Use as an aperitif for better digestion of food.

Moonshine can be produced from any raw material. The fact that this unique drink, leading in all respects over others (whiskey, cognac, bourbon, brandy, tequila, rum, grappa), can "chase" almost all the improvised "materials":

  • Berries;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • Cereals;
  • Jam, jam, honey;
  • dairy products;
  • Wine, juices, kvass;
  • bakery products;
  • Many. Other

That is, only those ingredients that are subject to the fermentation process are needed. And the irreplaceable and most important finalizer of all is sugar, which helps to accelerate the fermentation process. The main thing is that the products are quality and natural, then you get the best moonshine. How to clean potassium permanganate or other methods? This is discussed in the next section.

Aspects from the production process: from brew to final product

Every self-respecting moonshiner has at his disposal special equipment for the production of this divine drink at home:

  • Distillation cube - iron (better from stainless steel) vessel, which serves to heat the barge;
  • Coil - serves for cooling of vapors;
  • Copper tubes are needed to connect the cube to the coil.

The process of production of moonshine includes the following stages:

  1. Preparing the basis for the future drink - brags.
  2. The heating of the latter and its distillation with the help of a specialized cube, after which it will turn into the final product.
  3. Cleaning of fusel oils.
  4. Cleaning of odors.

Many people wish after getting the moonshine to clean it of impurities and odors. Question: "How to purify manmong kerbism?" - in principle, it is regularly asked on various forums and pages. This will require freshly brewed moonshine and manganese, and several stages of action. But apart from the latter there are many more ways to painlessly and easily remove all unnecessary "particles" from the drink.

The easiest way to remove fusel oils

Having expelled moonshine, many calm down and are pleased with the received drink. But if life is expensive and your health, you should bring it to the end. Clear the drink of all impurities and fusel oils should be without delay and a shadow of doubt. Many proposed methods (for example, how to properly clean moonshine by potassium permanganate) or the recipes heard are not always convenient and partly costly.

The simplest way to remove all the excess from the moonshine is to freeze. The following ingredients are required:

  • Freezer;
  • Brewing;
  • vessel.

Thanks to the severe frost, all the fusel oils and excess liquid will freeze, and the real and pure brew will remain. As a result, by removing waste, you get a crystal clear and delicious drink.

Manganese: one of the best ways to clean moonshine

How to clean potassium permanganate? Easier and better than the method is not found! To do this, go to the pharmacy (if not at home) and buy a powder of manganese, which will help moonshine to expel all the undesirable neighbors from its composition.

The composition is as follows: for 1 liter of freshly brewed moonshine, only 2-3 grams of manganese will be required.

After filling it in a bottle, it is necessary to shake the contents well - the drink will acquire a characteristic pink-scarlet color. Then leave alone the vessel (preferably a place devoid of sunlight) for 1-2 days. After the time at the bottom of the bottle formed sediment, which collected all the "extra" consistency.

To improve the effect, you can also put the last on the steam bath on a weak fire (after 20 minutes) after adding manganese to the vessel. Then strain through cotton wool. The drink is clean and ready for use!

The most practical and effective way to clean with soda

After distillation, moonshine usually has a sharp and not so pleasant smell, which completely repels any desire to taste it. To get rid of annoying notes of stench, you should clean the drink with soda. How to clean the moonshine with soda is a simple task, and its process is rather pleasant and uncomplicated.

To do this, you will need:

  1. 10-15 grams of soda.
  2. 1 liter of freshly brewed moonshine.
  3. Free time and patience.

It is necessary to stir the specified quantity of a drink and soda, then do not touch it for 40 minutes. Next, you should again bake the vessel with moonshine, leaving the contents in the dishes for a longer period - 12-24 hours.

After the specified time, the drink is cleaned perfectly. It is necessary to remove the top layer (on average it is 2-3 cm of unsuitable liquid) and sediment (soda and fusel oils, impurities). What is left between the top layer and the bottom one is the purified moonshine, which will be clean as a tear and with a neutral smell.

As a result, the task of how to clean the moonshine with soda is solved, and its procedure does not take much time and money. Soda can be purchased at any grocery store, its price is ridiculously low. Because of what this method of cleaning is one of the most budgetary.

Charcoal cleaning as the most environmentally friendly method

The use of natural products (environmentally friendly and safe) is the best way for cleaning moonshine from impurities and harmful oils. One such method is the use of charcoal.

This is one of the oldest and most proven methods, as there have always been many forests in Russia, and Russians have always been able to enjoy the benefits of nature.

So how to clean moonshine with charcoal? It is necessary to follow certain stages and procedures, in which he will lose all negative, ennobling to the level of a "royal" drink.

Stage 1 - you need to get coal. To do this, find suitable wood, preferably fresh, green. It is better to give preference to linden and birch. Having chosen the necessary number of branches (it is better to take trees not older than half a century), it is necessary to light a fire. Burned, hot coals should be placed in any dishes with a lid, and leave until completely cooled. Next, you need to crush the embers to a shallow state.

Stage 2 - preparation of ingredients:

  • Charcoal - 100 grams;
  • Moonshine - 1 liter.

Mixing the liquid with the component, you should put the vessel in a dark place and leave for 7 days. Note: the vessel must be shaken at least 4 times a day. After the expiry of the period, it is necessary to leave the vessel in complete rest for another week.

Step 3 - straining the moonshine with gauze or cotton wool.

Cleaning moonshine from bad smells

Many moonshiners, "driving out", in their opinion, a wonderful drink, are later upset - there are incomprehensible oils in the strong substance, and the smell is so sharp that the nose does not stand such a test. If you do not know how to get rid of such "neighbors", then all products will be unsuitable for further use. Why the next question: "How to clean the moonshine from the smell?" - is very relevant.

First you need to clear the drink from opacity and oils. After passing this stage, you can use numerous spices to enhance moonshine. They are particularly respected: fennel, mint, vanilla, sweet or red pepper, walnut partitions, fresh horseradish root, bison, bark of oak.

You can also use the ancient method to clean the vodka from the smell, which was used in Russia. It will take 50 grams of violet root, 500 grams of ordinary black raisins (white does not fit). To fall asleep in a vessel with moonshine, to sustain in a dark place a minimum of 30 days. After the expiry of the period, strain through cotton wool several times. The drink will lose all its smells and tastes, saturated with the pleasant aromas of violets and grapes.

Advantages of using cleaning

Any product made even from the most environmentally friendly ingredients can contain harmful impurities and particles that can harm the human body. How so it turns out? In natural products, when they are processed (chemical or other), the release of harmful substances. To do this, it is necessary to perform a cycle of removal from the final product of all harmful substances.

So, with the primary "race" comes "pervak" - the most dirty and strongest moonshine. In no case should it be confused with the subsequent drink after it. Only delete!

Today there are a lot of ways to clean the moonshine from impurities and odors. Just follow simple advice, and then the drink will turn out clean and safe.

Novice moonshakers often doubt, but is it harmful to clean moonshine with potassium permanganate? This method is very old and tested, so that the consumer will not have any negative impact on the body. On the contrary, moonshine will be purified, it will take the best form.

Numerous ways to improve the drink only prove that from a nasty "braga" you can get a first-class and crystal drink.

Ways of storage: from temperature to a certain place

To drive moonshine is not so bad. Further it is necessary to clear it of impurities and a sharp smell which can frighten away even the most persistent ones. According to the specialists' recommendations, the moonshine should be cleaned with potassium permanganate and soda immediately after its "forcing". But the process does not end there either. From the storage conditions and packaging in which it will be located, its taste and general condition directly depend.

So, you need to exclude the following containers from the storage methods:

  • plastic bottles;
  • Wooden barrels (if you do not want to get cognac);
  • Metal vessels (aluminum, copper, steel).

You can use only glass, ceramic bottles, jars or vessels. Some also use stainless barrels for storage.

As for the temperature, it does not play any role: that with minus, that with plus drops, the drink does not lose its properties.

Moonshine, according to the majority of its experienced producers, is getting better at high degrees. It is even recommended to cork in a bottle and put in the attic of a house (where in summer it happens more than 40 degrees higher) for 10 years. During this time, the drink will be transformed into a nectar.

It should also exclude places where direct sunlight hits.

Reviews and advice to beginners from experienced moonshiners

Alcoholic beverage must be natural and quality. For this, it is not necessary to buy imported vodka or whiskey. You can make your own, with a little effort and desire. Also you should stock up on the necessary literature, or learn from the experts all the subtleties and nuances in all stages of production.

Especially it is worth paying attention to the question of how to clean moonshine from impurities, since health is more important than any experiment. Old masters-moonshakers are advised to remove fusel oils and unpleasant smells in proven ways. It is worth using charcoal, soda, potassium permanganate, milk, the method of freezing, and for saturation with a pleasant aroma, you can insist on a drink with various spices and herbs.

Moonshine is a frequenter of any feast not only in villages and villages: it is appreciated and loved by many, regardless of status and age. To make the drink happy with its bouquet and taste, you should know how to clean the moonshine from the smell yourself, if its producers have missed this process.

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