HealthAlternative Medicine

Mokrytsa: useful properties and methods of application

Despite the fact that it is a weed mackerel, the useful properties of this plant deserve respect. It refers to the clove family. Its scientific name is "starry average." This herbaceous annual plant, which has a branched, stalking stem 10-30 cm long. The leaves of the apple are opposite, whole, ovate, pointed. Flowers - small, white, on legs. Fruit is a box. It blooms from May to September. This plant is most common in damp places, in forests, along river banks, in vegetable gardens as weeds. Medicinal preparations are harvested from its aerial part. Her grass is stored in the flowering period. For this, the torn green foliage is dried and dried, periodically turning, in the open air or in well ventilated rooms.

Has mokritsa useful properties due to the substances contained in it. In it, a large number of vitamins E, C and K (quite rare in plants) regulating blood clotting. In addition, it contains phytoncides and minerals: magnesium, iron, cobalt, copper. There are carotene, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and saponins.

Just a universal grass mackerel. Useful properties make it and preparations on its basis antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiscorbutic, moderate diuretic and cholagogue. In addition, the mid-stellate has an antihypertensive effect. With her help you can fight with coronary heart disease, vegetovascular dystonia. Even in ancient times, this plant was used to treat the ailments of the kidneys and liver, thyroid gland, hemorrhoids. It is considered a good tool for the prevention of acne and acne in young people.

In folk medicine, it is believed that a universal medicine - a grass of mocryca, treatment with it is produced with neurasthenia, chronic gastritis and pyelonephritis, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis, cystitis, gout, edema of various origin, climax, ulcer, eczema, acute Vaginitis. Apply it for mastopathy and other tumors, applying for the night lotions from it on the chest. Often it is used in conjunction with other medicinal herbs.

It also helps with eye diseases (corneal opacity). For this, her broth (drops) is used. Healing liquid can also be used to prevent pain and delay in menstruation. A swab moistened with decoction from the grass helps in the treatment of cysts and erosion.

It's good to eat mackerel. Useful properties and pleasant taste allow using it in various dishes, borsch, salads, seasonings. It is based on the preparation of even a drink (with the addition of horseradish), which is served as a cocktail in a cooled form with a slice of lemon. Apply this herb in agriculture. It helps to increase the milk yield of cows, using it to coat hair. Mokritsa is considered a good honey.

There are several contraindications to use it for medicinal purposes. In particular, it is undesirable to use it under reduced pressure, pregnancy, lactation. Mokrytsa, collected from calcareous soils, can cause allergies.

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