Spiritual developmentAstrology

Mental level of consciousness - definition, features and interesting facts

In this article, we will find out what the mental level is (the world of thought). In esoteric (occult) teachings (new age, theosophy, hermeticism) it is called the volume (layer) of nature (the universe), created from ideas, thoughts and mental energy. Esotericists argue that this world is one of the subtle bodies of man, located in the middle of the hierarchy of levels.

Many experts say that the mental level is a fictional copy of reality, which the senses perceived and projected through the prism of experience, intellect, moral inwardness in the mind of man.

Description and structure

In accordance with the teachings of Charles Leadbeater, the mental body is the fourth subtle body, located between a thin and dense shelt. The projection of the mental on the physical body of the individual is the spinal cord and the head.

In accordance with the views of the occultists, in the case of strategists, scientists, the assemblage point is shifted to the upper region of the mental, people who want to act and live according to the laws of logic are average, and in people who are susceptible to feelings but still living by the rules, The lower one.

An alternative division was proposed by Leadbeater. He decided that the mental body has in its composition:

  • The mental etheric body;
  • Astral;
  • Casual;
  • Bodhicheskoe;
  • Atmanic.

The mental level itself is also divided.

Inhabitants of mentala

The mental level, like the astral plane, covers the entire space. Therefore, every irritation, including at other levels, is reflected on it. Human mental activity is perceived as a process of unconstrained thinking - it can be any mental images that are the perception of thought forms (isolated objects that are in the mental plane of the subtle world and independent of people). Sometimes some thought forms are combined into a larger species, which the followers of occultism call an egregor.

What is an egregor? This energy-informative creation, caused by a group of people, typed for a certain reason. There are religious egregors: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and so on, egregors of nations (demons of empires), clan, family, profession, home. Thought forms and egregors are the main inhabitants of the mental level.

Center of "breathing"

The center of the "breathing" of the mental body is the navel. The practice of sound begins only when there are resources necessary to expand this body in all spaces. Mental opens all time zones. This is the undivided maximum and minimum of what is in human life on Earth. This is an unbiased period of unlocking the "time" behind which the kundalini is sent.

It is necessary to note the thought in which the structure of the vision of time is found. The whole informative cycle of life is stored by the mental body, this concept includes an unconditional minimum for the Earth.

About the mental level

Consider the mental level of a person a little more. What is he really like? This is a place of positive creative change that saves our beliefs, main views and basic hypotheses. All kinds of thought have a high frequency of oscillation - these representations and reflections, which are condensed here, leaving their traces. Above the physical, the mental body extends upwards about 90 centimeters, filling both the etheric and the astral (emotional) body.

When we think about someone or someone thinks about us, then there is a connection on the mental level. The intelligence of a person is reflected in its frequency of oscillation. Our mental abilities depend on the amount of mental substance provided and on the naturalness of its vibrations. Capable people who have a creative nature, realize themselves at this level. Talent to the processing of information, their rethinking and interpretation come from here.

All our ideas, both outdated and useful, programmed in us as a segment of our image of faith, we call images of thought that go beyond time and space. They shape our actions, and we can not get rid of them, probably for several lives. They affect our behavior and thinking. It is on the mental level that we meet the reflection of motives.

If we take a walk into the spiritual world or meditation, then, probably, we will be led on a mental-astral level of consciousness, where you can see its population and the aura in the form of various thoughts. Perhaps, many will be able to look into various "libraries", "schools", "laboratories", "universities", "academies of arts", where spiritual researchers always work, which inspire people. All that is above is also below. You can also consider the dark, still insufficiently developed level of this world.

Esoterics often face the fact that the deceased are able to report from the mental level new fairly objective impulses, important ideas and valuable advice.

Causes of diseases

Some psychologists believe that there are any illnesses on the mental level. They say that there is a connection between the physical and the spiritual, between the state of our body and our thoughts. Hence it follows that, having decided to put an end to any disease, it is first necessary to find out the mental (mental) cause of its appearance. After all, the symptoms of an ailment only reflect internal hypogenous processes. A person needs to go deeper into himself to find and neutralize the spiritual cause of the disease.

If people personally create their own sickness, then only they can get rid of them independently. The causes of the ailments are the following:

  • Misunderstanding of the purpose, purpose and meaning of one's life;
  • Non-observance and misunderstanding of the laws of the universe, nature;
  • Presence in the subconscious and consciousness of aggressive, harmful feelings, thoughts and emotions.

Psychological prerequisites of diseases

Disease is a signal about the violation of harmony, balance in the universe. It outwardly reflects our pernicious thoughts, behavior and intentions, that is, a worldview. It is an instinctive defense of ourselves from our own destructive actions and thoughts. The sick people are those who have an unhealthy world view. In fact, to cure an ailment, one must change one's views on life.

Most people, experiencing pain, rush to swallow a "magic" pill, hoping for healing. They do not think about the reason for the disease, which most often remains unresolved.


Between somatic diseases and the psychology of a particular person, a causal relationship exists, but it is ambiguous, mediated and in elementary schemes it does not fit. Any practitioner is confronted with various stories. One of them told the following case: "Some women were brought up by religious parents in such a way that she treated sex as a terrible phenomenon, which at any cost should be excluded from their thoughts. She turned to me with a complaint about the excessive growth of hair on the abdomen, chest and back, with a parallel decrease in their number on the head. In addition, she had irregular and painful periods. When she got married, she began to suffer from severe headaches.

Here, the sexual instinct was suppressed at the mental level, which caused the imbalance of estrogen and testosterone. As a result, the hair on the body was distributed according to the male type. This oppression over time has caused on the mental level another symptom - dislike of sex. Marriage created additional stress, causing changes in the physical and emotional spheres - painful headaches (replacing baldness) along with a feeling of annoyance in marriage.

At first the protective mechanism was able to establish a balance, limiting the symptoms of the endocrine system, but the additional stress of the marriage disturbed it. Therefore, the defense mechanism had to recreate the symptoms at a deeper and more destructive level. "

The mental level of the woman in this case played an important role. As you can see, protective tools always try to create a security wall, which is embodied in symptoms and signs on the peripheral tier.


The mental level of consciousness is, in essence, a separate "parallel" world, but we live in it real life. Moreover, this sphere is closer to us than the space-time reality. All actions that people in the world of space and time realize are directed only at the fact that they develop comfortable thoughts.

In order to understand what the mental level of relations is, consider a household example. Suppose you have a romantic date. In accordance with the laws of the four-dimensional world for this you need to determine the time and place (spatial coordinates). And, it would seem, the meeting should take place. But in reality we know that uncertainty lies ahead.

If the mental "coordinate" does not coincide with one of the partners, then the meeting does not come true. Of course, he may come, but his thoughts will be in another area, say, in the neighborhood of girlfriends, a football match or somewhere else. As a result, the partner will physically reside at the four-dimensional level, and mentally he will be far away, and this will no longer be a love rendezvous, but a misunderstanding.

There are many people of the opposite sex who could turn into our love partners, but they are only a few. We encounter many in a time space, but such encounters usually lead to nothing due to the discrepancy of the mental element. A girl can go to work, on a date, hurry to the child, and she is offered to get acquainted ... The men stop the fear that she will wave off the mental rapprochement. Night discos are visited by people mentally predisposed to get acquainted, so there are more opportunities.


What happens when the partners part? People quarreled and dispersed in space to different places, but stay together on a mental level: they remember and think about each other all the time. As a result, in the four-dimensional space between them an inconspicuous channel that controls their lives is formed, and the distance to this process has almost no effect. Time, which, according to a well-known saying, heals everything, acts a little more radical. Of course, this is not entirely true.

For "recovery" it is just necessary to leave that mental plane that created discomfort, and time contributes to it, but it is doubtful. Disconnection in time and in space does not always automatically breaks the mental channel. Sometimes you need to press down and "step aside" by reason.

The higher mental level, as well as the four-dimensional space, is filled with various events: clashes, battles and struggle for spheres of influence. Only then these actions are projected onto a four-dimensional world. It can be luck or bad luck, or emerged from nothing force majeure. It can also be manifested as envy, resentment, jealousy, antipathy, sympathy. All these nuances do not exist in the material world, but such processes influence us.

We hope that after reading this article, you have the most complete idea of the mental level.

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