EducationSecondary education and schools

M. Bulgakov, "Master and Margarita": an essay on love in a work

Any author of literary works in his own way reveals a love story, the relationship between women and men, describes the highest qualities of both the first and second. The novel "Master and Margarita" deserves special attention. The composition about this work is assigned to students in all secondary schools of Russia. How to write it and what aspects of the main feeling in it to reveal?

O love!

Some heroes of works are endowed with diabolical feelings, others bless a pure soul. Every reader wants to come in contact with the beautiful. The writing on the subject of the novel "The Master and Margarita" is difficult to write, because for this it is necessary to understand what feelings the author tells about.

If we consider the line of cordial relations in the works of IS. Turgenev, then the heroes who have experienced all the power of love will pass through them . The fate of each character was predetermined by the author originally, and it either was justified in the eyes of readers, or carried a negative message. At all times it was believed that life without love emotions is a life without a soul, which is only an existence.

Feelings in the novel Bulgakov

This artistic work highlights the love theme in two planes. This is the Master himself and his Margarita on the one hand, and Yeshua Ha-Nozri on the other. The embodiment of light feelings in a literary masterpiece is Yeshua. The main arguments about the role of love are held in the debate of the prosecutor and the prisoner. Throughout the book, their dialogues are taking place. Yeshua preached the infinite good among people, he said to treat well, even to those who killed others, mocked the weak. A lot of controversy arises around the novel "Master and Margarita". A few people can write about the feelings of the main characters.

This love is the highest and not entirely understandable to earthlings. It is subject to rewards, but only in the heavenly light. Mankind does not always understand how you can love your enemy and those who betrayed and humiliated.

Love for one's neighbor

The Bible highlights these postulates, and the image of Christ becomes the full embodiment of mercy and forgiveness. M. Bulgakov in his novel throughout the whole show shows that everything is always rewarded. In this there is a parallel with biblical Scripture and Christian wisdom. The composition on the topic "Master and Margarita" can be versatile, it is important to understand what feelings should be covered in their writings.

God for his mercy forgives sinners and covers them with his great love. The writer elevates these bright emotions to the rank of a grandiose heavenly energy, going to all who want to make them purer and more righteous. Love always justifies a person's misdeeds and correctly assesses them. This is confirmed in the book about Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri.

Margarita and the Master

The main love line takes place in the female and male incarnations. The meeting between Margarita and the Master speaks of the heroes' interest in each other at first sight. They both pass not only through pleasures, but also through sorrows and unhappiness. Love is likened to a murderer who can bring death by any of his strength and energy.

No wonder the clash of the main characters in these feelings takes place in a deserted alley where there is not a single person, although their solitude is in the central part of Moscow, in the afternoon, close to Tverskaya, where it is always crowded. It is interesting that the meeting of the writer and the devil also happens in the center, but the street is also deserted. True, the homeless are arranged by Woland himself. These two episodes show that in the end a bright feeling brings death to people.

Predictability and acceptance of the inevitable is in tune with the love scenes at first. In their feelings, even the Master and Margarita can not even figure out. Many schoolchildren and students of literary universities write about the love of the main characters, but not all of them are given easily.

Suffering in the Name of Love

Margarita sacrifices herself for the sake of passion and is a reward to the Master for all adversity and suffering. But happiness never reached the main characters. They are expected to rest only after death. And life in the basement in the dark does not bring happy moments. Heroes still waiting for a black bar. She leads them gradually to mortal loneliness, until the evil spirit interferes . Only in another world can the love of the Master and Margarita exist. The writing about the feelings of the heroes of the novel can turn out to be long, if you try to understand all the experiences and sacrifices. But, describing them, you can open a lot of new things for yourself.

And yet only higher love stretches out the hand of Margarita and the Master, helping to stand in this fight, despite all the difficulties.

The main theme of the novel "Master and Margarita"

In M. Bulgakov everything in the content of the novel is interconnected. Even his death is the birth of something else. Love is a constant, independent of circumstances, time or people. The writer views this feeling as uniting beauty, good and evil, excitement and the desire for life. A truly great novel was written by Mikhail Bulgakov (Master and Margarita). The composition of this work is compulsory in the school curriculum. How to write it, you probably already imagine.

It is interesting to find the prototype of Margarita, who was the writer's wife - Elena Bulgakov. She has borne the burden of their life together on her shoulders all her life.

The love of the Master and Margarita is the main theme of the novel. All events and interchanges depart from it. The novelist takes care of the feelings of his characters. Love helped the Master during his severe illness, inspired him and strengthened self-confidence.

Supernatural and diabolical Woland worldview fills the modern world with its content. He recalls that justice, good and punishability for misdemeanors rule on the ground, but they are all subject to great love.

It is worth reading in the silence of the novel "Master and Margarita". Writing after careful reading will be easier to write. The author has tried to tell as much as possible about such immortal feeling, as love. Unfortunately, at school-age, only a few can perceive this information.

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