
"Lyrics": reviews (tablets) and instructions for use

Pharmacists around the world are struggling to invent a drug that suppresses pain during withdrawal from drug addicts who have taken drugs. After all, it is she who is the main reason that the person again sits on the needle. Usually it passes very painfully, the patient may experience seizures. Tinea pain is very difficult to tolerate without medication. As a result, a person breaks down and starts using the drug again.

Interesting about the drug "Lyrics" reviews. Tablets are prescribed by doctors, mainly with drug dependence - both heroin and medicament. Specialists-narcologists notice the positive dynamics of pain relief.

A new drug - "Lyrics"

This medicine appeared relatively recently. He is a good painkiller, but increasingly dependent people take it for a completely different purpose. The paradox of this drug was that narcologists write it to help addicts from pain, and they use "Lyrical" as a stupefying drug. Until recently, this tool was on a free sale. Everyone could purchase this medicine.

Law enforcement agencies monitored and understood the purpose for which the drug was bought, and then banned its free sale. At this stage, the drug "Lyrics" is sold at pharmacies only on the prescription of a doctor.

The drug appeared relatively recently, but is a good painkiller. However, due to the fact that some people take it for their own specific purposes, the drug "Lyrical" reviews are highly controversial. The bulk writes about the extraordinary properties of the agent in question. For example, it is mentioned that it relieves muscle pain. However, there are a lot of angry letters from parents, whose children began to use this drug to get high.

Unfairness of the medical staff

Unfortunately, in recent years, pharmacies have become more like a transit point for drug dealers. So many drugs are used to get high! Many pharmacists have shown themselves not on the best side, haggling from under the floor with narcotic drugs, without requiring a prescription. The drug "Lyrics", doctors' reviews about which are exceptionally laudatory, has become a cheap way to get intoxicated. In connection with this state of affairs, doctors became the subject of close attention of law enforcement bodies. As a result, there was a serious cleaning of the ranks of medical personnel and pharmacy workers.


Consider its pharmacological properties, as the drug "Lyrical" reviews have won different. They also cause a lot of contradictory rumors.

Its main purpose is to combat neuropathy in diseases such as diabetes and epilepsy. The medicine relieves nervous tension, relaxes muscle tone, making epileptic seizures more easy.

The main constituent of the drug is the substance pregabalin, which is an analog of aminosalic acid. What is it? Pregabalin is an ideal remedy for seizures, an excellent painkiller. The drug "Lyrics" is usually taken on an empty stomach, as on an empty stomach the absorption of the constituent components of the drug is much more effective. The effect of the drug is manifested after 1 hour.

Doctors express their opinion in medical journals and on forums about the drug "Lyrics". Reviews tablets of this group can not have unambiguous. Moreover, to date, no side effects have been fully studied, therefore, no specialist can at the moment talk about the consequences of the continuous use of the drug.

Sensitivity to a medicine

Side effects of the drug are drowsiness and impaired coordination. Dry mouth and speech disorders may occur. Clinical trials did not reveal any particular changes in overdose. Light dizziness accompanies the entire duration of the drug.

With special sensitivity to the constituent components, vomiting may begin, fainting may appear, in extreme cases, coma. However, the question arises: is the therapeutic value of the Lyrical drug so effective, and why do doctors assign it indiscriminately to all dependent patients, because there are heroin and drug addicts? The new medicine "Lyrics" reviews from doctors call the polar. On the one hand, it is clearly suitable for certain diseases. But equally important is that it is used in intoxicating purposes.

Drug-dependent and "Lyrics"

During treatment of patients with heroin addiction, the main goal of therapy is to relieve muscle pain. In drug addicts, such feelings are not so pronounced. The question arises: why is this drug administered to all dependent patients?

Considering the doctors' comments about this drug, it can be noted that everyone is unanimous in their opinion. They advertise "Lyrical" as an effective tool.

Perhaps, this is an ordinary advertisement, which serves the prompt sale of this medication - "Lyrics" (tablets). Reviews (the price of the drug is 680-700 rubles for 14 capsules with a dosage of 75 mg) indicate that this drug does not belong to the category of cheap medicines.

Tablets "Lyrics": instructions, reviews

Obviously, it is best to prescribe the drug to people suffering from pain, not to drug-dependent patients. Dosage should be determined by a specialist. He will take into account not only the general recommendations for various diseases, but also the state of the patient's body.

In narcology, the drug "Lyrics" gives the effect of a light buzz. Maybe he removes dependence, but in return develops a new addiction. Who should beware of this? Most often, heroin addicts are addicted to the drug in question. They have an opinion that this medicine can be compared with opium substances, because the agent is so popular in this environment. Some of them, speaking about the action of the "Lyrics", especially note the property of the drug to enhance the influence of opium. The action of the drug is prolonged and intensified several times. There are people who use this medicine in huge amounts - 300 mg per day, which is simply unacceptable. As a rule, 2-3 days are prescribed 2-3 times a day for withdrawal. However, according to clinical data, patients are more likely to get used to a drug that has been replaced with narcotic drugs.

Condition after taking the drug

In patients who were prescribed this drug, there was a decrease in pain, cessation of seizures. But this positive effect is easy to break, exceeding the dosage of the medicine. The patient slightly dilates the pupils, he swings from side to side, he can not stand exactly in one place. Then comes the phase of excitability, when there are sharp, nervous chaotic movements, acceleration of speech, aimless movements around the room. Sometimes there is a hysterical condition and attacks of uncontrolled panic. All this causes an overdose of the drug "Lyrics". Reviews of the tablet therefore deserve controversial. While they help one patient, others are harmed.


Official contraindications for taking the drug "Lyrics" are:

  • Planning and pregnancy itself;
  • Lactation period;
  • Driving under the influence of medicine.

It is also forbidden to combine this medication with alcohol or other psychotropic substances. Do not recommend it to appoint with kidney disease.

Considering the doctors' comments about this drug, it can be noted that not all are unanimous in their opinion. Most advertise "Lyrical" as an effective tool, but among experts there are those who oppose the appointment of this drug.

Instruction of the medicine "Lyrics" (pills, doctors' reviews about which are most often positive) makes patients think more than once before resorting to its use.

Side effects

When using the drug in question as an analgesic for the effect, it should wait about 1 hour. Pulsating pains, muscle, headaches pass without a trace, easing the suffering of patients. The doctors' comments, however, also testify to the numerous negative consequences of taking the drug, such as:

  • Decreased sexual function and anorgasmia;
  • The complexity of communication;
  • Hallucinations, passing into a panic state;
  • A fog in the eyes;
  • Decreased vision;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Reduction and total absence of erection in men.


It is necessary to understand that the treatment of any illness can become addictive to the drug "Lyrics." The reviews of the tablet deserve different, they cause a lot of controversy both among doctors and between patients, however they continue to be appointed by therapists.

There are no long-term clinical studies, so there is no precise information about the consequences of long-term treatment with "Lyrics" medication. The fact of getting used to the drug is very alarming. In fact then it is necessary to treat already lyric-dependent patients.

"Lyrics" and teens

It is very dangerous to take this medication to adolescents, which are increasingly seen in pharmacies for the purchase of the drug. Uncontrolled use of the medicine leads to changes in the psyche. And adolescents become addicted to the drug much faster than adults. In addition, very often young people combine the drug with alcohol to increase the narcotic effect. This can fatally affect the health and fragile psyche of a young organism. The state of depression during long-term non-targeted reception of "Lyrics" is marked, a person can become inadequate.

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