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Licensed activities - legal entry into business

Private entrepreneurship in its development has put before the legislator a number of issues related to licensing mechanisms for the type of activity, as it turned out that it is not possible for everyone to engage in the study without proper authorization. So the notion of "licensed activities" appeared. The issuance of permits or licenses for such activities, the state controls the activities of entrepreneurs, acting as a guarantor for the average person. There is a list of licensed types of activities with which an entrepreneur should be familiar.

The purpose of the introduction of licensing is to control the activities that can cause damage, both to the security of the state and to the subject of the state-to-man. There is a list, which includes licensed activities - from bookmakers to nuclear power. If the activities of your company are licensed, but you do not have a license, then your activity is illegal. For the absence of certain types of licenses , criminal responsibility may arise.

A novice entrepreneur is advised to search the Internet for a list of licensed activities in order to protect his business to some extent against possible errors. Obtaining a license guarantees the opportunity to engage in the selected business and to receive income. Due to the fact that licensed types of activities have their own characteristics, issuing licenses for each of them is handled by a certain body.

Licensing is carried out by government authorities, both state and local. At the same time, the licensing body has the right to verify the activities of the licensee, to conduct actions with documents relating to this activity. After the completion of the verification actions, you are given a license or license refusal.

In order to obtain a license, the applicant must submit to the licensing body a statement of a certain form signed by the management of the legal entity or by an individual entrepreneur. The application is submitted to the licensing authority directly or by mail with a notice of delivery. The application specifies the details of the enterprise, the proposed type of activity that allows licensed activities, and documents on the legality of the establishment of the enterprise are attached.

If all documents are filed and processed in the appropriate order, the licensing authority must resolve the issue of issuing a license and notify the applicant about it within a calendar month. To avoid possible delays, the entrepreneur should contact a specialist for advice or professional assistance. Without the help of specialists, it takes a lot of time to gather documents and information, which also leads to an increase in the period for obtaining a license.

According to the legislator's definition, the license is valid for three years. Upon their expiration, the license can be extended. For some licensed activities, perpetual licenses are issued. In addition, there are certain types of activities for which you do not need a license. That is, the entrepreneur first needs to understand the need to license its activities.

The license terminates with the termination of the activity of the licensee itself or when the latter submits the relevant application. In addition, it can be annulled in accordance with the decision of the court on the application of the licensing authority. In any case, the authority that issued it must within ten days take a decision on the termination of its operation and notify the licensee about it.

Licensing by its nature is a form of state regulation of the activities of entrepreneurs, so the relationship between the regulator and entrepreneurs is "vertical". Such organization of the process guarantees the entrepreneur legal protection in the event that his activities are subject to unreasonable claims.

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