
Labrador vesolistny - a medicine near

Mycobacterium is used in medicine to reduce vascular permeability and to regulate carbohydrate metabolism. The use of this drug helps to relieve headaches, it also has a powerful antibacterial and antiviral effect and is used to treat ARI, herpes, influenza, herpes zoster.

In the people, the meadowswalker called the tamolga, it grows near swamps, rivers, where there is high humidity. This herb has a rich honey aroma.

If the plant grows alone, then its height can reach 150 centimeters, but it is usually much smaller. Its flowers are corymbose-paniculate inflorescences, usually yellow, much less frequent are pink or red specimens. If you walk through the thickets of this grass, the clothes will be covered with yellow pollen. Blossom membaznik vyazolistny long enough, beginning in June and until the end of August.

What is useful for this plant?

In this plant, the aerial part and the rhizome possess medicinal properties. Collection of the upper part of the plant is carried out during its flowering, and the rhizomes are excavated only in the autumn. Dry both grass and rhizomes in the attic or in any shaded, but well-ventilated room.

Mytilizer vesolistny in all its parts has tannins, and in the rhizomes there is also starch. The grass is rich in essential oil, it has a lot of ascorbic acid and flavonoids.

Application mibraznik

Tincture from this plant has analgesic properties, and also promotes perspiration and separation of urine, often it is used in the treatment of rheumatism.

Infusion of rhizomes has the same properties as infusion of herbs, it is prescribed for rheumatism. In addition, it has a disinfectant and hemostatic effect. Also, this medicine is prescribed for the treatment of anacid gastritis, hemorrhoids and peptic ulcer. The Labradorum vulgaris is used in the treatment of gout, uterine bleeding, heart failure and skin diseases, which manifest themselves as eczema. Tinctures and broths of this herb help in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and kidney.

Grasshopper has long been widely used in folk medicine. It is used in the treatment of many diseases, such as bladder and kidney diseases, neuroses, rheumatism, dysentery, dyspnea, migraine, it is also used to get rid of worms and bites of rabid or poisonous animals, it helps a plant in the treatment of various furuncles and wounds .

Due to its properties, tavolga promotes regression of atherosclerosis, and also helps with a tendency to thrombosis. In this plant there are many salicylates, so its use ensures the rapid disappearance of inflammatory processes, helps relieve joint pain that arises from rheumatism and arthritis. Also, this plant produces a good antidiabetic effect.

Ways to use mibaznik

As already said before, this plant is used as a decoction or tincture.

To make the tincture, take 2-3 spoons of herbs and pour them 250 grams of boiling water. If you insist in a thermos, 20 minutes are enough, if without a thermos - for several hours. After this, it is necessary to strain the received liquid and you can take 80 grams 2-3 times throughout the day.

If you want to cook the decoction of the plant, then you need to pour 2 tablespoons of the herb with a glass of water and boil for 4 minutes, while constantly stirring the mixture. Then the broth should be infused for at least two hours, you can take it for 1 spoon before meals three times throughout the day.

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