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Is the chronicle a literary or journalistic genre?

"Chronicle" is a term that is used in several senses. They designate a certain type of historical works, a literary genre and, finally, the so-called special sections of newspapers, magazines or other mass media.

In a word, the closest thing to the named is the "chronicle", which in many respects explains the features of the style and language of all works that can be attributed to chronological.

What do the newspaper chronicles tell

The chronicle in newspapers, magazines or on television is often the most popular genre, since it allows the reader (or the TV viewer, when it comes to television news) to be aware of what is happening in the world or in a specific region.

The information chronicle is a list of events covering a wide range of areas of human life: politics, science, art, etc. A chronicle of theatrical life, fashion or sports can be given to readers, and the main purpose of such publications is to inform about specific events taking place in The designated time period (during the day, week, month, etc.).

It should be noted that, due to the peculiarity of this genre of journalism, there is practically no creative origin in this kind of publications. And this is understandable, since artistic fiction in the chronicles is simply impossible, because the material for them is supplied by real events. This, of course, has an impact on the style and language of these notes - most often they are stencilled, do not allow possible interpretations and are compressed to one or four sentences.

Features of newspaper news

The chronicle is the most popular genre for newspaper notes, in its form there are compilations of short notes, TV or radio news, as well as announcements. In the headlines of news articles, frequently entering messages are introduced, which even the page of the information publication is turned into a sort of scattered chronicle that records the current events.

A feature of the notes pertaining to the chronicle is that they only convey to the reader the fact itself, without giving it an evaluation and without inviting them to meditation. The main thing for such information is to inform what, where and when it happened, happens or will happen in a short period of time.

Gossip column

Recently, the media has become very popular secular chronicle. This is a special genre of journalism, concerning the life of movie stars, famous actors of cinema, theater or variety, as well as people whose names for the average person are associated with secular life.

Earlier in Russia, England or France, only people belonging to a higher society were honored with this honor; now, when the division of society into classes is not so pronounced, any popular person (sometimes even in the most outrageous way) can turn out to be a hero of secular chronicles. Similar sections in magazines, and sometimes special editions devoted only to this topic, describe the high-society receptions, dinners and events from the personal life of show business stars or celebrities.

Secular chronicles are publications, the peculiarity of which is the orientation to sensationalism and expressiveness of presentation, which must necessarily attract the attention of the widest sections of the public. Unfortunately, the information provided in the secular chronicle, due to its constant desire to impress, amaze and surprise, is often inaccurate, and sometimes just invented.

What is the historical chronicle

Historical chronicles are a kind of works that set out the events in the order in which they occurred.

This genre was very popular in medieval literature and covered, as a rule, the period from the remotest times leading to the emergence of the world, to the author's modern days. The story usually concerned not the history of a single nation, but the development of the entire universe. Since the author of such works were monks, the church tendencies were always revealed in the exposition.

Some of the stories from these chronicles later became the basis for literary works. A striking example of this can serve as the dramatic chronicles of William Shakespeare, where the great author, practically not departing from the basis of his source, developed images of heroes and artistically arranged events.

The chronicle is also a literary genre

Since then, the chronicle has become not only a historical interpretation of events, but also an independent literary genre, for example, The Chronicle of the Time of Charles IX by Prosper Merimee.

By the way, writers the main hero of such a work often make the image of a chronicler - an impartial observer, who fixes what he has seen and experienced (this was often used by FM Dostoevsky). And ME Saltykov-Shchedrin liked to parody the named genre (for example, in "The History of a City").

In the 20th century, the chronicle is a genre in which documentary works are written, as well as detailed novel cycles (for example, "The Life of Klim Samgin" by Maxim Gorky).

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