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Is the biggest shark a predator or not?

Horror "Jaws" at one time shook the whole world. In it the main negative heroine is a huge shark-cannibal. And the recent story related to the death of a young man riding on a blackboard, and at all led the entire population of the Earth in horror.

A huge evil shark, leaning out of the sea waters, grabbed its zubes board, biting off a piece of it and part of the foot of a young man. The man died of blood loss, and his friend, who was his company, for a long time shook with fear, as he had to literally look into the eyes of this formidable creature.

But even the biggest shark predator - Great White shark - will not pointlessly attack a person. After all, to use homo sapiens as a food product, she will not: for her, he is too bony and stiff. Dine this monster prefers fish or seals, loves the meat of sea lions and turtles, does not disdain the other small sharks, as well as whale carcasses.

Another thing is that the biggest shark among predators - white - could be scared or nearby, somewhere could be the object of its hunting. In this case, the predator bites when attacked by someone who prevented it from hunting or frightened. Unfortunately, the victim subsequently almost always dies of pain and great blood loss.

But it should be noted that the number of victims who died from shark teeth is only 33% of the deaths of a person's collision with other dangers. But frozen in the eyes of horror, add huge dimensions of the monster, frightening kind of teeth of this predator.

The largest white shark is really a sea giant. The average length of her body is 4-5 meters, and the weight varies from 600 to 1200 kilograms! Once scientists have registered a large white shark, whose body reached 13 meters - a real giant fish!

But scientists argue to this day whether this specimen can be attributed to the sight of large white sharks, leaning toward the fact that the largest shark seen off the coast of Cuba belonged to a completely different species and genus of fish. After all, huge sizes of the body reach also other sharks.

For example, the biggest shark in the world is the whale. Some of its individuals grow to 20 meters! However, the whale shark is not at all a predator, feeding exclusively on plankton. During feeding, the fish sucks in water and filters it with a special curing device, which is formed by gill arches. Such an adaptation is possessed only by one more living creature - a large-sized shark.

Despite their huge size, whale sharks are quite peaceful marine dwellers who do not even have teeth. They are apathetic, the speed of their movement does not exceed 5 kilometers per hour. A whale shark most often does not pay absolutely no attention to divers, who, using this feature of her, touch the hulk, and some brave ones even ride on her back! That's the biggest shark, that's a miracle!

Slightly inferior to her in growth is another, the same toothless, but huge fish - a giant or giant shark. It weighs about 5 tons. Giant sharks are slightly similar in appearance to whites: they have the same body shape, colors of some species of these fish are similar.

Probably, this fact for a long time served as the reason for the furious extermination of not only white sharks-predators, but also feeding on giant plankton. Today, the population of white sharks is only 3,500 individuals - they are on the verge of extinction. On a critical level, there are giant sharks.

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