Automobiles, Trucks
Installation of an awning on the "Gazelle" with their own hands
Self-repair of a vehicle is the reality of our life, which often gives good results in terms of economy and quality. For example, the installation of an awning on the "Gazelle" does not take long for a person who has a minimal understanding of the structure of a small tonnage truck. Order this type of repair can be in specialized centers, but this will cost an order of magnitude more.
The main purpose of the device in question is to protect the cargo from deformations and external climatic influences.
The installation of an awning on the "Gazelle" implies a number of characteristics that it should have, namely:
- Waterproofing should help to protect against penetration into the baggage compartment of moisture and precipitation;
- Strength and elasticity, providing for no damage during hail or accidental contact with tree branches;
- Resistance to air currents;
- Adaptability to high or low temperature conditions while maintaining all the basic properties.
Work on the manufacture and installation of the awning is available in many specialized companies, however, it is much cheaper and not very difficult to perform this process.
Installing an awning on the Gazelle with your own hands: where to start?
First you need to purchase a suitable cloth. It is important that it is elastic and durable. Typically, the owners choose a classic tarp or PVC. The latter option is not worse than the first one, it has a number of advantages provided that it is properly operated and meets the standard requirements.
A good model for arranging a truck will be tarapaulin. This material is quite competitive, but it does not react to stretching. Analogue to the method in question will be a special fabric with a rubberized base. It is more suitable for equipping greenhouses and other agricultural complexes, but also as an inexpensive awning, too, will come down.
Organization of work
The installation of an awning on the Gazelle on its own will require compliance with certain rules. First, you need to measure the dimensions of the frame, which is supposed to be tight. Secondly, the exact correction of the area of the material and the presence of the accompanying components (glue, fixatives, glazing beads, etc.) will not prevent.
If you just need to repair the existing canvas, you can buy flaps of quality fabric, sew or glue them. In the case of the installation of the whole tent, it will be necessary to make a drawing, patterns and account for all dimensions of the body to be processed. To simplify the production on their own, you can find ready-made schemes for which it is quite possible to make such an operation as installing an awning on Gazel Business and other modifications.
Instructions from users: first steps
Consider a real example of finishing, suggested by motorists. To install the canopy, you will need to perform the following operations:
- You should choose a material (canvas, PVC or tarapaulin). The first two components are approximately the same in price and quality. The latter is cheaper, in fact is a rubberized fabric with built-in eyelets (like bags in which sugar is sold).
- As a basis we take the construction of the eurotent, when it is possible to open not only upwards, but also from behind and from the sides.
- We choose the most economical option, we take six strips of tarapaulin with a size of 2 * 3 meters, three dozen eyelets and metal beads (four units three meters long).
- Also, fixing elements (bolts, washers, nuts, screws) are required.
Installation of an awning on the "Gazelle" begins with marking a new one and dismantling the old structure.
Most of the work
Subsequent manipulations:
- The standard canopy is dismantled together with the upper frame.
- The height of the arc compartment and fasteners on board is measured.
- To better fix the new canvas, you can use an extension beam, which is bolted to the body of a pair of bolts.
- Similarly, the brackets are fixed at a distance of 13-15 centimeters in the area of the awning, taking into account the contact of the arches and brackets.
Having completed these manipulations, it is possible to start fixing a new base.
The final stage
To connect the eyelets to each other and use the main site for fixing the elements, two boards are taken, in which five holes for M8 bolts are drilled. They join the arc of the side. Screws are also inserted into the remaining holes.
Then proceed to install the canopies. The middle of the web is measured, which bends around the supporting arc. The installation of the awning on the Gazel-Next takes place by dressing the wall behind the cabin, drilling an additional hole, through which the control clamp of the blade is carried out.
After the tent has rounded the arc, it becomes available for the final fixation. The edges are bolted to correct the required tension. If necessary, eyelets are added, followed by fixing the screws to wooden lags. The upper element is mounted in a similar way, using bolts and adjusting the web tension.
Sometimes it is not necessary to install the awning on the Gazelle-3302 from scratch. It's enough just to repair the old canvas. This will require:
- Remove the damaged sections of the awning.
- Connect the elements by adding new material by gluing or stitching.
- Pre-treated surfaces should be sanded and degreased.
- After drying, it is necessary to pull the cloth and check its stretching.
- Each problematic place is adjusted in size and smoothed until the moment when the canopy becomes marketable.
In conclusion
New tents for the car - not a cheap pleasure. Consequently, the repair and installation of an awning on the "Gazelle" with their own hands - this is the best way for many motorists. In addition to the fact that such an operation is financially profitable, it will take less time than referring to specialists. For some carriers, time is a decisive factor. I want to believe that the above recommendations will help to cope with this task without any problems.
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