Computers, Information Technology
Information systems: types. Classification and types of information systems
The use of information systems of various types is widespread in the most diverse spheres of society, public administration and economics. The key factor that predetermined this trend was computerization, which penetrated most of the branches of the national economy. What are information systems? What are the criteria for classifying this kind of instruments?
Information system: definition
Among the definitions of what the "information system" is in the Russian expert environment , you can pay attention to the following wording. It is of interest primarily because it is used in some sources of law, and therefore its main idea, on the whole, is recognized by the community.
In accordance with this formulation, the information system is understood as a set of documents and computer technology used by a person for the purpose of streamlining and improving the effectiveness of solving certain tasks. There are other definitions. According to one of them, the information system is a sample of computer technology (or a set of several) equipped with the necessary software, as a result of which an autonomous working tool for data processing or transmission is formed.
Criteria for classification of systems
Let's consider how information systems are classified, the types of these elements that researchers allocate. It should be noted that experts do not single out generally accepted criteria here. As a result, several approaches to how to classify information systems, their types, appeared in the Russian scientific community at once. Among the common ones is a model that takes into account the level of process integration, data types, application industry specifics, the administrative level of use, and the types of tasks to be solved. We will study what information systems are, their types, based on the marked set of criteria.
Process integration level
A number of researchers prefer to classify systems depending on how they integrate key processes. There are, therefore, three types of phenomena considered.
First, it is a fully integrated system. They function on the same principles of database formation, most of their constituent elements are related to others. This can be a state information system, dealing, for example, with the counting of votes in elections. Each of its structures - at the level of territorial polling stations, regional and federal districts - are united into a single model.
Secondly, information systems are localized. Their structure is represented by several blocks performing a specific task. The relationship between each of them, as a rule, is expressed in some common goals, but not in the aspect of technological chains. This can be corporate information systems in production, represented by blocks responsible for conducting a particular stage of production.
Thirdly, experts identify disintegrated information systems. They, as well as the phenomena of the previous type, are represented by separate functional blocks, however, the union for some purpose or in the aspect of the similarity of tasks, as a rule, is weakly expressed. Combine them can, for example, the name of the brand-manufacturer of software or hardware.
The firm-developer of IT-products can be issued, as an option, the basic information systems designed to be the flagships of sales. And at the same time, under the same brand - additional products. Which for a number of reasons can be attributed to such type of products as the information system. Although the types of tasks performed by each of the solutions will be completely different.
Data type
Another criterion by which information systems can be classified, their types - the preferential data type, which is processed within the framework of the appropriate software and hardware algorithms. Modern experts distinguish, therefore, documentary systems, as well as factographic ones. The first ones are those in which information is processed in text format or in the form of pictures. The second - those in which data flows are involved, arranged in a logical sequence of certain facts. These can be, for example, databases. In spite of the fact that they, as a rule, include both textual and sometimes graphic files - only in the framework of certain factual algorithms information in them can be a value. The purpose of the information system is to correctly display and interpret them for the user.
At the same time, the boundary between documents and factual sequences can be very conditional. Therefore, this criterion for classifying systems is not recognized by all experts. Some analysts believe that any document is somehow a factology. At least at the level of the structure of those magnetic media or cloud storage, where they are located. Regardless of what is depicted on this or that picture or shot in the video, the file will have a specific address, will be characterized by volume, quality indicators. This thesis is often used by analysts as a way to argue their point of view in discussions with experts who believe, for example, that certain types of files - pictures, videos - can not always be described as carriers of facts built within the system.
Industry specificity
The next criterion for classifying information systems is the use in one or another branch of the economy, the sphere of political management or public activity. In particular, corporate information systems, as a rule, are adapted to the needs of specific business segments, types of industry or services. There can be a lot of specific solutions.
Administrative level
What does this classification mean? Here, as a rule, we are talking about a direct analogy with the principles of organizing the vertical of power or political management. Experts, thus, highlight such phenomena as the federal information system, regional or, for example, municipal. Everything is about the same as the distribution of power. The regional information system functions, if we talk about Russia, at the level of the subject of the federation. Municipal - in a particular area or village.
At the same time, an option is possible in which also the information system of an organization of a particular type can be classified within the framework of the criterion under consideration. This is typical for large firms, network brands. They may have some kind of centralized management structure, where an information system of one level will operate, as well as regional representations, where a different type of solution functions.
Task Type
Another criterion of classification is the type of problems solved by the system. In accordance with this, experts identify, for example, computer information systems, the specificity of which is the application, mainly of mathematical algorithms with the purpose of counting certain sums, summing statistics, managing certain objects by calculating program instructions. Another type of system is correlated with such classification criterion as the type of tasks - management ones. Their functions, as a rule, focus on work in the field of management in business, logistics, investment activities.
Criteria of classification of information systems, as we already noted above, there are many. Some experts identify, for example, systems that are adapted to the type of user. So, there are solutions for home, office, scientific. There are those that are adapted to specific specialists or persons who are in a certain competence. So, for example, experts identify strategic information systems that can be best adapted, mainly for top-managers of companies, functional ones for medium-level managers, as well as operational ones, which are intended for specialists.
The boundary between the criteria for classifying information systems is often very conditional. In a number of cases, the practical usefulness of classifying a particular product as a certain group arises not so much from the tasks of making any scientific or theoretical conclusions, as, for example, for marketing purposes. That is, the same software product IT-firm can produce in two variations for individual segments of the market. Formally, there will be different information systems. In fact, they are the same.
It can also be noted that some information systems classified by some specific criterion, as a rule, can be characterized as belonging to other categories as well. A variant adapted, for example, to solve problems in the oil industry, may be, in its essence, fully integrated, processing factual data that solve managerial tasks.
Filling systems
Consider such an aspect as filling, or information support of information systems. Why can it be important? The matter is that some experts consider this process as a legitimate criterion for the belonging of a particular resource to the information system. We noted above that, according to one of the definitions, there must be autonomy in the system. Which, according to analysts, can be traced in the aspect of information support.
Experts use a wide range of terms that characterize this process. For example, such as "content". He in the vision of a number of theorists can have such features as volume, relevance, and relevance. The specific channels through which the information support of information systems are carried out are determined by their specificity. Or, as an option, belonging to one of the above categories. So, for example, the sources of filling information systems that function in a particular industry can be accounting data, information reflecting technological processes, or, for example, the rate of sales of products.
Yandex, Google - information systems?
Is it possible to say that the most popular search engines on the Internet in the Russian Federation - Yandex, Google, refer to information systems? In the version of some experts - yes. However, analysts believe, Yandex and Google will be more correctly classified as information retrieval systems. Since, the key tasks reflecting the use of them, are primarily related to finding the right data in arrays located on the Internet.
There is, however, a point of view that Yandex, Google and their counterparts are more legitimate to be considered more search engines, but not information systems. Why? The fact is that these web resources, analysts believe, represent an algorithm, rather, built on other information systems - site structures, servers. The search engines themselves, experts say, do not participate in the formation of content, do not fill the sites. The information support function is not implemented by them, so the corresponding system Yandex and Google, operating on autonomous principles, is not properly called.
Protection of information systems
The security of information systems in most cases is the most important aspect of their practical use. The tasks solved with the help of this kind of tools, as a rule, imply some kind of confidentiality, availability of access levels, commercial and industrial secrets. The state information system noted above as an example, which counts the results of elections, is, in fact, of national importance. The correctness of counting the votes in the presidential elections, the deputies of the State Duma - the key political institutions of Russia, depends on how well it works and, what is not less important, is securely protected.
Experts identify two main aspects of the protection of information systems: technical and social. Concerning the first one, reliability of algorithms for preventing unauthorized access to resources through software and hardware tools is provided. That is, the system is protected mainly from professional hackers - those who have different means of virus infection of computers entering the system, devices for password selection, scanners, readers, etc. Regarding another aspect, the security of information systems is provided through the introduction Algorithms that reduce the likelihood of a human factor in controlling access to resources. As a rule, we are talking about the use of those persons who intend to enter the system, some corrupt loopholes, collusion, bribery of technical specialists with regular tools of access to resources.
The development of information systems, therefore, must be carried out taking into account the subsequent work in the areas that reflect these aspects of security. This may mean, for example, that an IT company supplying the relevant solutions to the market, undertakes to put into the program code of its products algorithms that allow the system to be protected from being hacked in accordance with the criteria determined by the owner of the protected resource. Or, as an option, express readiness for joint development of reliable algorithms to prevent unauthorized access.
The creation of information systems is a process that, as a rule, requires considerable mutual integration of the developer and the subsequent consumer of the corresponding decision, especially when it comes to state institutions. It is rare that this product is delivered in boxed format - as an antivirus or, for example, an office package. The development of information systems often begins with a study of the specifics of the business of the customer company or the tasks to be performed using the created software and hardware complex. And only after that the IT-firm begins to lay down the appropriate algorithms - for the specific criteria of the customer.
Ensuring the security of information systems should not be at the expense of the main tasks that are entrusted to such kind of software and hardware solutions. According to some experts, none of the data protection measures, no matter how reliable it is, will not justify itself, if the end user of the IT product can not fully use the necessary functions of the solution.
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