HealthDiseases and Conditions

If the whole body is shaking ...

Many of us are able to control emotions and actions. And it's really good. But what to do if there come such strange, sometimes unexplained symptoms, in which we can not control the state, and misunderstanding of the reason with what is happening is terrifying and panicking? For example, when shaking the whole body. Let's try to figure out why this is happening and what to do in this case.

First, if the body shakes, then it is the cry of our body for help. After all, the "abnormal" state is a deviation, it is a failure. And the reasons must be sought. Required.

The reasons that shakes the whole body, maybe a few. First, the temperature rise due to some disease (this is the virus, and postoperative conditions). In other words, you are shivering. In this case, it is necessary to bring down the temperature (if it is not lower than 38 degrees) and go to a course of treatment with antibiotics (if the symptoms do not go away more than five days and only after consulting a doctor).

Long-term treatment with some addictive drugs can also cause the whole body to shake. Sometimes it is enough to wait a few days, and sometimes you need the help of your doctor who prescribes these medications (unless, of course, you were self-medicated).

Today, it's no secret to anyone that an impressive part of medical drugs is addictive. Actually, this is what certain segments of the population use. And that's why some of these funds are currently not available in free sale. A person who "podsevshy" to a similar drug (the name is not intentionally mentioned), if desired, sharply reduce its consumption or refuse it at all, experiences the same symptoms: the body shakes, convulsions appear, unreasonable fears, phobia ...

But the most likely cause is stress. So our body reacts to extreme, difficultly solvable or threatening situations. The adrenaline rush is the reason that shakes the entire body. For the body, stress is anomaly. And if for someone additional "dose" of adrenaline does not cause failures in the body and even is sometimes necessary (extreme sports, for example), then for some, especially sensitive and sensitive, this factor can become a threat to health in general.

If the reason that shakes the entire body, is precisely stress, you need to look for a destructive source. Maybe something went wrong at work, or there were problems in the family, or you moved into new housing, or problems financially. For people with high self-esteem, self-critical, with established life values, even a word given earlier and not restrained afterwards can cause severe stress.

The main signs of the state of stress are uncontrolled (and sometimes unreasonable) anxiety, trembling in the body, irritability, a constant feeling of fatigue, impatience, sleep disturbance, inability to concentrate attention, feelings of chest pain, respiratory depression (up to suffocation), fever, tingling (Or numbness in the extremities).

An exit, unequivocally, exists: consultation at the expert. First, the therapist, and then, perhaps, a psychiatrist. And there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. It's about your health and (very likely) life.

Perhaps, drugs (sedatives) or tranquilizers will be prescribed. At this time, alcohol, caffeine, drugs containing drugs are contraindicated (they will only aggravate the situation).

Be prepared for the fact that before there is some effect, time will pass. And even after significant improvements, do not quit treatment if the course has not ended. The only "but" may be a worsening or side effect. And even in this case, consultation with the attending physician is obligatory.

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