Beauty, Hair
I have split hair, what should I do?
Splitting hair is a problem that worries many girls. Even high-quality and expensive means, designed to eradicate this deficiency, do not always heal the split hair. What to do? First, you need to find out the cause of unwanted changes in the hairline.
Why do hair cut?
The exfoliating tips appear due to the layered structure of the hair, the inner layer of which consists of keratin, and the outer layer, or cuticle, protects the inside from damage. In turn, the cuticle consists of several rows of scales that overlap each other. When the cuticle is destroyed, the inner layer is damaged, and the keratin is stratified. Even if the girl is properly caring for appearance, there may be split hair. What to do with this? You have to periodically visit the hairdresser and cut the tips, keeping the length.
There are other reasons why split hair appears. What should I do in each case?
- If to talk about weather conditions, women's hair needs protection all year round: they need to be protected from direct sun, from temperature drops, from rain and cold. Sea salt also does not always have a good effect on the structure of the hair.
- The thermal effect in the form of a hair dryer or ironing, curling iron or curlers uniquely destroys the hair. Before using them, apply a thermal protective agent.
- It is necessary to limit the maximum mechanical damage: wet hair can not be bandaged with an elastic band, combed or intensively wiped with a towel. It is important to choose the right comb - preferably, it should be with rare teeth, wooden or natural bristles.
- It is undesirable to wash too often, especially with poor-quality products. To care for split hair, it is important to provide them with adequate nutrition and protection.
How to remove split ends?
The rules of hair care, helping to prevent the destruction of their structure:
- First of all, you need to cut off the tips, which are already spoiled, otherwise the hair will begin to break down along the entire length. One of the most effective ways is to cut hot scissors. This method "seals" the tips, so that they do not collapse further.
- It is also necessary to choose special serums for split hair, corresponding to the type of scalp. If the tips are over-dried, they need additional moisturizing.
- Regularly you need to do scalp massage.
- Periodic nutrition of hair with vitamins will strengthen their structure and prevent cross-section.
Other methods to solve the problem
There are several other ways to eliminate split hair. What if you decided on folk remedies? Before washing your head, try lubricating the tips with olive, almond or castor oil. Then wrap the head with a towel, and after an hour wash the hair in the usual way and apply a fresh egg or sour milk. After that, you can rinse the curls with tea, infusion of chamomile or linden.
Also an excellent "grandmother's way" - carrot oil. If it is not, the carrot juice (freshly squeezed) will fit in the form of a compress. But with this remedy one should be careful of blondes: juice can color curls. After using the shampoo, try rinsing the hair with an oxidized solution (1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar per liter of water).
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