Computers, Networks
How to remove huskies in "Contact", their own or others'?
Now we have to learn how to remove the likes in "Contact". In general, this issue can be approached from several sides. And depending on this, this or that answer will sound. For example, you can talk about your own approvals, as well as about strangers. The variants of the development of events here are fundamentally different. That is, if you are wondering how to remove the likes in "Contact", which the user put himself, then the answer will be one. And if this concerns other people's approvals, it is fundamentally different. Let us soon start with you to study all possible approaches.
The mustaches themselves
The first option is the simplest - we want to remove what we have set ourselves. The reasons can be different. But the result is still one. It is necessary to learn how to remove the likes in "Contact". To do this, go to the image or post where you put your own approval. Now find the heart image on the right side of the screen. Are you ready? Then all that remains to be done next is to click on it. In general, if you are wondering how to remove the put ones like in "Contact", then this is done exactly as it is done. True, this approach is not suitable for a large number of deletions. After all, you'll have to remember what you once approved. And it's not so convenient. Sometimes it's completely impossible. Thus, we will have to resort to another variant of the development of events.
And help us in this navigation of the social network. Visit your profile and look at the left side of the page. There must be a "My bookmarks" item. Click on it. Now you will see a page with a small navigation. If you switch bookmarks (for example, "Records", "Photos", "Videos"), then you will see there everything that once joked. And you will not need to remember where and what you once liked.
How to remove the likes in "Contact" now? To do this, simply click on the image of the heart in turn, as in the previous method. And at you at a clique hairs will be cleaned. This is the most suitable option for those who want to clean their preferences. Even virtual ones. But this method requires a lot of time. As a rule, it is less than the first approach we considered. But even this is not all the tricks that you can use.
We clean up for others
How to remove other people's likes in "Contact"? To be honest, then there are two options for the development of events. Let's start with the simplest and most suitable one. It can be mastered by every user. Even a beginner.
To delete someone else's likes, open the list of endorsements under the photo or post. Now select the users whose hearts you want to remove. Hover your mouse over the right corner of the person's avatar, and then click on the cross. Then you will see a warning window. It says that you are filing a complaint about spam-like. Do not be afraid, you will not have any negative consequences. You just remove all the user's likes from your records. Confirm the complaint and look at the result. As you can see, the likes of this user are now gone. And you do not need to repeat the same process everywhere. True, sometimes you can rewrite a recording or a photo. This is also a pretty good option to get rid of all the approvals right away.
However, if you are still wondering how to remove the likes in "Contact", then you can resort to the help of specialized programs and applications. Only now, as practice shows, this is not the safest way.
You install the application, you are authorized with the help of your data from the questionnaire on the social network, after which you get incredible opportunities that are not present by default. Be careful. This method is nothing but a virus. No programs and applications actually safely remove the likes. You have to do everything yourself. Consider this. Only this way you can save your profile.
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