Health, Plastic surgery
How to remove fat from the stomach at home?
How to remove fat from the abdomen at home - this is what worries almost every adult woman on the eve of the summer season. After all, the household, combined with work, trips, food trips to the store takes almost all the time.
Immediately note that the process of losing weight does not tolerate extreme "tricks". You need to lose weight gradually and for several months, because It has already been established that a quickly discarded weight returns as quickly. A dumped a month's ten kilograms will almost always lead to sagging skin and health problems.
Therefore, by the summer, it is optimal to start losing weight somewhere in February-March and lose about 3 kilograms every month with fixing the result.
An interesting feature of the human body is that it lastly "gives" fat accumulation in the abdomen. This is due to the fact that the fat protects the important internal organs of the peritoneum, while in women it helps protect the reproductive system. Therefore, removing fat from the abdomen is a rather difficult task.
Begin to reduce fat folds need ... with proper sleep. Specialists from the state of Colorado found that children who do not sleep, use an average of 200 kcal more. Therefore, sleeping about 7.5 hours is the best option for those who sleep less.
In addition to limiting the diet, removing fat from the stomach helps its "burning" in the course of natural natural processes, i.e. Exercise and active movement. For residents of high-rises, the best option is to refuse the lift, because Climbing the stairs burns a large number of calories and tightens the muscles, including the abdomen. Also fit gymnastics bodyflex, which takes about fifteen minutes a day. And, of course, all are recommended exercises for swinging the press.
The same that wants to remove fat from the abdomen, but does not want to go in for sports, can help special belts that create thermal, massage effects or sauna effect during work. There are both models that work from the network, and stand-alone batteries, where you can do household chores. However, their use still implies at least a small restriction in nutrition.
In beauty parlors, you can use an infrared camera with wraps, lymph drainage devices that improve metabolism, and vibrating platforms that create vibrations that promote the rapid burning of fat cells.
Remove fat from the stomach with the help of dietary supplements and tablets can only be after consultation with a bona fide dietician doctor and when buying drugs in a licensed pharmacy. Otherwise, you can cause yourself significant harm.
Talking about how to remove fat from the abdomen to a man, it can be noted that there are no special techniques here. Therefore, it is necessary to eat sensibly, not to conduct a sedentary, recumbent lifestyle, to watch for weight and appearance. The latter is especially true, because About their appearance, women are more likely to care than men.
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