ComputersComputer games

How to remove a game from Steam completely from your computer

Today, probably, there is not a single person who does not have a computer and Internet. Of course, many of the users like to play computer games. But very often there is a problem when a person does not know what to play, and there is not much time to search. At this point, Steam comes to the rescue.

What it is?

Steam is a program in which you can store installed games. Of course, many of you will ask about why you need to keep your computer toys somewhere, when you can throw them all into one folder and then enjoy life. The answer is simple: Steam is also an online games store, while there are only virtual options on offer, it is impossible to buy a disk there. Of course, this is quite convenient: by buying a game, you will know for sure that it will not be lost. In addition, with this program is very convenient to play in the cooperative.

Games and Steam

Undoubtedly, on Steam you can buy computer games. In addition, you can add to it and already installed on your computer toys. Now you do not need to think that you will lose or damage the disc. You just need to remember your login and password. Install Steam on any computer, log in from your account - and all the games that you have are available again.

The huge advantage of Steam is that it can do pre-order, watch games that will soon go on sale, and even buy toys that are still under development. The popularity of "Steam" gave a good impetus to the developers of indie games, because for them the release of a small game on a physical medium is a rather risky step. With Steam, these computer entertainment can now be evaluated by users.

Manipulating games

How to install the game on Steam, it is clear to everyone. This process does not require special skills and knowledge. You just add to the library installed earlier on the computer game or download and wait for the installation of a new one, purchased on Steam. After completing the process, you can enjoy your favorite pastime.

Otherwise, the situation is with the removal. Many users often have a question about how to remove a game from Steam. Why does it appear? The fact is that the removal process in this case is somewhat different from the usual "erasing" of the program installed on the computer. The problem arises from the fact that games are literally "tied" to a user account. In this, of course, their huge plus, but in the same there is a minus. It seems that the game is no longer on the computer (more precisely, it is removed from the "Steam"), but the place it still occupies. Now we will talk about how to remove the game from Steam completely.

Difficulty removing

Of course, when a computer toy gets bored, you need to get rid of it, in order to free up space on your hard drive. Especially relevant is the problem for older computers, where there is not enough free space.

Users who have ever resorted to the help of "Steam", asked at least once the question how to remove the game from Steam. At first glance it seems that there is nothing complicated in this, but in reality everything is not so simple.

As mentioned earlier, all games that were purchased / donated / downloaded to Steam are tied to the user's account. Of course, there are a lot of games in this client, but there is not enough room for everything. Therefore, having played enough in one, you want to get rid of it and put a new one. In order to find out the answer to the question about how to remove a game from Steam from your computer, read on.

For starters, you might need programs that you can use to clean up your computer's registry . Any one will do for you - which is the most convenient for you, use this one. After the necessary utility is installed, you can proceed with the deletion.

Steam and Library

The Steam program has a so-called library of games. It stores all the computer toys installed through this program. Before you start cleaning up the computer, you need to know how to remove the game from the Steam library. Only after that it will be possible to talk about the removal from the computer.

In order to remove a game from the library, you will need a new account, which has nothing to do with games and communities. This is done so that stolen profiles users could not clean from bought and installed toys. After that you will need to write in technical support. You can not uninstall the game from the Steam library yourself. Do not think that this process will end quickly. You can expect a result of several weeks and a month.

After you send the request, you will need to wait for a certain time (how many - still do not know), after which you will receive a letter asking you to confirm the deletion of the game from the library. After that you can proceed with the deletion.

Of course, if you added a third-party game, then when you go to the games library, you can select the toy to remove, right-click on it and select "delete". After that she will disappear from the library. If it does not, restart Steam.

Final removal

So how do I remove a game from Steam? When it is removed from the library, you can get rid of it by cleaning the registry using special programs. Of course, if you want to delete all the games, you can try to remove Steam itself, and then clear the computer of the remaining hidden files. The idea, to be honest, is not the best.

If you have wondered how to remove a game from Steam forever, we can give you one piece of advice: before buying games, think carefully about whether you need it. The fact that purchased / donated / activated with the keys of the game can not be removed completely independently. In this case, the whole process is reduced to writing a request for technical support with a request to remove a game from a specific account. With free computer games, as a rule, there are no problems.

So, today we figured out how to remove the game from Steam. Our little tip: you do not need to permanently delete them from your account. Maybe you'll ever want to play in what you bought and then erase it. With "Steam" you can easily download this toy and re-pass it.

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