
How to make a helmet made of paper? Different manufacturing options

Knight tournaments have not been held for several centuries, but every boy in the soul is a knight. Children like to play also heroes and samurai. All these heroes of old years wore certain clothes and were endowed with armor and ammunition. Their heads were covered with special helmets. Modern boys can feel like heroes very easily. To do this, you just need to make a helmet of a hero out of paper and put it on.

Option number 1: from paper

For work you need to take:

  • Centimeter tape;
  • A simple pencil;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • Clerical glue;
  • Any paint.

Getting Started

How to make a helmet made of paper? The process begins with the measurement of the head circumference of the child. It is quite easy to do this. It is necessary to wrap the boy's head with a centimeter ribbon, fix it with his fingers and note the resulting figure. Now you can cut out a rectangle. Its length should be equal to the circumference of the head plus ten centimeters, and the width will depend on the height of the helmet (but not less than thirty centimeters). Then mark on the rectangle with a pencil its center and draw in the form of an inverted letter "P" visor. Its size will depend on the width of the boy's face. Cut out the visor and bend it.

Case of a helmet

Next, fold the rectangle in the form of a cylinder and seal its sides. If you did everything right, the visor will be in the center. Take a pencil and draw a circle on the cardboard along the diameter of the cylinder. Draw small rectangles. These are ears. Then make a hole in the center of the circle. Apply the correct amount of glue to the rectangle ears and glue them to the sides. Paint the helmet with some paint designed for paper or an aerosol can. In the end, it remains only to decorate it with a goose feather or artificial. In such a helmet, any boy will feel like a true knight.

Option number 2: from papier-mache

If you have a little longer time for needlework, you can try to make a helmet made from papier-mâché. Do not know how to do it? A helmet made of paper is easy!

Materials required for work:

  • plasticine;
  • Plain paper;
  • water;
  • PVA glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • Paint in cans.

First of plasticine, mold the workpiece, the shape of which you most like. Then prepare the paper and cold water. The first two layers can be pasted with conventional napkins, the fourth - newspapers, the next - glue PVA. It is necessary to lubricate the paper well and let dry to each of the layers. Usually do so. Spread a couple of layers of glue and leave for twelve hours. Only with this approach, the finished helmet will have sufficient rigidity and will last a long time, rather than break the first day.

So that you get a 3D helmet-helmet made of paper, you need to glue not more than ten layers, gently cut, remove clay and continue gluing, carefully masking the traces of cuts.

So, now you can start painting it. But first you need to properly clean the helmet on the inside with sandpaper. This is done to ensure that the child in the future was comfortable to be in this helmet. It is very convenient and fast to paint such products with automobile paint from cans. You were interested in the question of how to make paper helmet with your own hands. Now you know the answer to it.

Option number 3: using the program Pepakura Designer

Perhaps, the most realistic and impressive helmet will be, if you make it with the help of the well-known computer program Pepakura Designer. How to do? A helmet of paper, or rather his model, we will print on the printer. First download the program and install it. Then print out any helmet you like (there are a lot of them) on thick paper.


  • Thick paper or cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • Epoxy resin;
  • Scissors or knife;
  • Scotch;
  • Paper clips;
  • Glass cloth;
  • Aerosol paint in cans;
  • Magnets;
  • LED lights;
  • Batteries;
  • Wires;
  • switch;
  • A little transparent plastic.

How to make a helmet from paper: a step-by-step instruction

  1. To make the necessary changes to the drawings, you need to measure the boy's head, and then re-print the model.
  2. Then cut out all the details with sharp scissors or a clerical knife.
  3. Prepare PVA glue and glue the helmet components. To give stiffness, epoxy resin is required . All movable parts must be glued with adhesive tape, and also clamped with paper clips, and on the inside - with fiberglass. Spend a fit, putting the workpiece on the boy's head.
  4. Let's start painting. For this purpose, use automotive paint in aerosol cans. The helmet, treated with such enamel, looks like real, glitters and shimmers in the sun. Look to see that there are no gaps and omissions left.
  5. Does your child want the helmet to open and close easily if necessary? How to do? The paper helmet will be easily closed / opened with magnets.
  6. Add a little electricity, do not be afraid, very little. Let's make glowing eyes based on LED lights. Cut two pieces of plastic. These are holes for the eyes. Set the lights a little lower. Attach the batteries and the switch.

Now you know how to make a helmet with your own hands, you can even share your skills with your friends and family. After all, for sure many of them have children, so they will be happy to make such a fun for their beloved. But what can I say, when some adults are eager to frolic and fool around in such a helmet, like little boys, not knowing the problems and worries. In this article, we offer variants of manufacturing various models on the basis of which you can come up with something of your own, no less interesting.

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