Health, Mental Health
How to help people. Who are they - people who help other people?
We live in a strange time, when everyone wants to think only of themselves. The general pursuit of maximum comfort and all kinds of pleasures leads to the fact that the souls of many harden. We easily pass by someone else's grief, do not pay attention to the weak and suffering, try to protect ourselves from any negative, forgetting that life is fleeting and often cruel. Youth, strength, health - categories are by no means eternal, and compassion for one's neighbor, a willingness to help others like them, are necessary conditions for the survival of society. Therefore, the question of how to help people is very relevant. If you look around, you can see how many of our fellow citizens need support and immediate help. Children, the elderly, the disabled are the weakest and most vulnerable categories of the population.
People who help other people
Do you know who are philanthropists? Today, this concept is firmly associated with rich people who are engaged in charity from their bounties. However, this is not entirely true, because the word "philanthropist" comes from two Greek words - "man" and "love," that is, it is a philanthropist. He can not indifferently pass by someone else's misfortune, and it does not matter whether he is poor or rich.
He always knows how to help people in this or that situation. The main capital of such an individual is a heart that is capable of compassion, and a soul filled with love for one's neighbor. The most famous philanthropist, of course, is Mother Teresa, but there are absolutely unknown people who help other people, and, fortunately, they live on our planet a lot.
Who needs help?
Young, strong and healthy themselves are able to cope with emerging problems. But the weak and infirm, to which primarily children, old people and people with disabilities are involved, often need help and support from other people. Look around: perhaps there is a lonely sick person living next door to you, who from time to time needs to replenish food supplies and buy medicines in the pharmacy, and it's difficult for him to do it himself.
Relatives, too, are far from all elderly people. Here the old people and the old ladies are hobbling to the ice in the store and the drugstore, at the risk of falling and breaking their arm or leg. And if such a person falls ill, it often turns out to be generally in a distressed and helpless situation. Look closely at your neighbors: who of them needs your support? If correspondence is not being taken out from a mailbox for a long time, and you know that there is a lonely elderly person or an invalid living in this apartment, call him at the door and ask what happened and why he does not leave the house for a long time.
Volunteer volunteers are always needed in nursing homes, boarding schools for people with disabilities, orphanages, hospitals and hospices. In any city, there will necessarily be several institutions in which voluntary assistants will be received with open arms. If you do not yet know how to help people, then first call one of these places, but better go and find out what can help.
Nursing homes and boarding schools for disabled people
It so happened that it is customary to think of old people in our society at the very last. If someone says, "I want to help people," he goes first to the orphanage, and this is certainly very good, but the question is: who will visit the elderly in the nursing home? After all, old people are like children in their helplessness and weakness, but, unfortunately, they can no longer evoke either tenderness or special sympathy.
Yes, the elderly are unbearable, capricious, irritable, but they have lived a long life and, of course, deserve that society treat them more gently and carefully. Yes, in elderly homes elderly people should be provided with professional medical care, but, as is known, service personnel in such institutions are sorely lacking, which can not but adversely affect the quality of life of their inhabitants.
Come to the boarding school for the elderly and disabled, go to the manager and find out what you can help. Sometimes it does not take much to sit around, read a book out loud, or just listen to an old man. And sometimes the help is more serious: clean out the ward, feed the feeble people, etc.
Hospitals and Hospice
How can people be helped in these institutions? About this you will be told directly on the spot. Volunteer help is always needed there, there are not enough hands in such places, and the atmosphere is so psychologically difficult that not many compassionate people dare to appear there.
In order to help and support very sick people, it requires real, unadulterated courage and spiritual strength. That's where true love of humanity can unfold. By the way, Mother Teresa never disdained visits to the seriously ill, on the contrary, she sought exactly where it is more difficult and harder.
As it was said before, children's homes are the first thing that comes to mind when you think about how to help people. Still, there is always a lack of help. After all, children, destined to be in the care of the state, are many, and each of them needs care, caress, attention. Do they get it all in the right amount? Of course not! Sponsors can send toys, arrange a children's party, but the child needs constant attention.
So if you are determined to embark on the path of mercy, then in any orphanage there is work for you. Come, talk to the attendants, he will tell you what kind of help the children need most.
The most humane professions
If you are a young man and have not yet decided what exactly you will do in life, but have a propensity for compassion, then perhaps you need a special profession: to help people constantly and daily if you get a specialty of a doctor or nurse. By the way, before nurse called sisters of mercy.
The profession of educators and educators is also one of the most humane in the world. And still there is such kind of activity, as the social worker. All these types of professional activity give the opportunity to show love to people most fully.
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