
How to get from Sheremetyevo to Domodedovo - possible options

It is not so rare to encounter the situation when for traveling from one of the country's largest aviation harbor to another, it is necessary to cross such a huge metropolis as the city of Moscow. How to get from Sheremetyevo to Domodedovo with the least amount of time and nerves? Here several options are possible. And their choice can depend on various factors.

How to get from Sheremetyevo to Domodedovo by rail

It has long been no special news for anyone that the main obstacle in moving along Moscow's highways is traffic jams. Struggle against them occurs as constantly, so and unsuccessfully. And the only guaranteed way not to be late for your flight to the airport is to choose a type of transport that does not depend on traffic jams. This, of course, is about the railway. Many, especially those who often have to fly, have long answered for themselves the question of how to get from Sheremetyevo to Domodedovo. Of course, Aeroexpress. Even with transplants. But in any case, it turns out and is more convenient, and faster, especially when there is no need to go somewhere along the route through Moscow. Railway transport runs strictly on schedule and does not depend on traffic jams.

Time and money

Unfortunately, there is no direct communication on the Domodedovo-Sheremetyevo route Aeroexpress yet. You will have to go with transplants. Let's analyze the route. From Sheremetyevo "Aeroexpress" we go to the Belorussky railway station. It will take about forty minutes and cost 320 rubles. Here we take the metro and follow the Koltsevaya Line from Belorusskaya Station to Paveletskaya Station. It will take no more than fifteen minutes and will require spending in the same trip on the subway, depending on the form of payment. And at the Paveletsky railway station, we again have to sit down in the already familiar Aeroexpress. It is sent in the direction of Domodedovo with a periodicity of half an hour. The journey time is about fifty minutes, and the cost of the trip remains unchanged, all the same 320 rubles. And this route, according to the testimony of experienced people, is optimal. The best answer to the question of how to get from Sheremetyevo to Domodedovo has not yet been invented. Even taking into account the fact that at night the interval of train movement of Aeroexpress sometimes increases, you will not be late for your flight.

Taxi Sheremetyevo - Domodedovo

This option is quite acceptable for those who are not limited in means. The cost of such a trip varies from two to three and a half thousand rubles. If you divide the indicated price with fellow travelers, then this is quite acceptable. The distance between the two airports is 90 kilometers. The journey takes 1 hour and 45 minutes. Of course, this is without taking into account the traffic jams that are not uncommon on the Moscow Ring Road, especially during rush hours. Therefore, taxis are most often chosen at night, when the metro does not work and there are no traffic jams on the Ring Road. At night you can not be afraid of the prospect of being late for the flight.

Other routes from Sheremetyevo to Domodedovo

It often happens that on the way from one airport to another it is necessary to visit some parts of the city. In this situation, after completing the case, you should choose in the direction of the metro station "Domodedovskaya" Zamoskvoretskaya line. Contrary to its name, this metro station is separated from the airport by a fairly decent distance. But it is from here that it is most convenient to leave in the direction of Domodedovo by public transport. The road will take no more than half an hour. Regular buses and minibuses depart from the metro station at intervals of 15 minutes.

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