
How to find out the expiration date by the code of cosmetics?

The choice of quality mascara, lipstick or powder is one of the components of your skin's health. However, in addition to the list of ingredients and the country of origin, the expiration date should be carefully examined on the package. By the code of cosmetics it is easy to do, the main thing is to know how. We will share the delicacies of this method with you today.

What does the shelf life of cosmetic products depend on?

First of all it is worth noting that the shelf life of cosmetics directly depends on its composition and kind. For example, perfumes containing alcohol can not be stored for more than 5 years. The shelf life of funds intended for the skin should not exceed three, and sunscreens - two years. It is recommended to use classical mascara for eyelashes before the expiration of 3, eye shadow - 1-2 years, liquid eyeliner - up to 2-3 months, and powder - up to 5 years.

Where it is necessary to look after printing of cosmetics?

Buying these or other funds for the body, very few people care about such a thing as checking the expiration date of cosmetics by code. Many of us simply look at the release date and the implementation indicated on the bottom of the package, from the side, back or top side. However, this approach in the choice of perfumes and other cosmetic products is extremely untrue.

The fact is that in many foreign jars and boxes, in addition to the main two dates (release and the final term of sale), there are other dates, the calculation of which begins immediately after the opening of a container. By the way, they can be found by a special badge, which shows a small circle and the lid of the open lid.

What is a batch code and how can I determine the expiration date using it?

If you believe the experts, the expiration date for the code of cosmetics can be determined using the so-called batch code, or lot code. As a rule, it is a set of letters and numbers. It is applied directly to the packaging by the manufacturer, but, unlike the bar code, does not contain additional graphic signs and images.

In most cases, this code is standard and consists of 2-10 capital or capital letters and digits, for example FGD075. According to one of the representatives of cosmetics manufacturers, this code provides an opportunity not only to find out the date of production, but also to see the number of the shift and the name of the factory. In case of an unforeseen situation, for example, if any defects are found, this code allows identifying the lot number for further removal of the entire product series.

Despite the fact that this is, it would seem, official information, it will help us determine the expiration date of cosmetics by code. This is due to the fact that, in addition to the batch number, this value contains information about the month, year and even the day of production of the goods. However, not everyone can immediately decipher such a code.

How can I decode the lot code?

It turns out that you can decipher the batch code in one of three ways. The first of them is the direct appeal of the buyer to the seller. At this stage it is necessary to ask the representative of the store for an official dispatch with the decoding of the code written directly by the manufacturer.

The second option: first decipher, and then check the expiration date of the cosmetics code can be using international tables or decryption applications. For example, the first digit in the brand code "Chanel" means the year of release (8 - 2008, 7 - 2007, etc.). The company "Loreal" year of release is designated not by numbers, but by letters (with - corresponds to 2006, e - 2008).

Another option is to decipher all the numbers and letters included in the code, and later to find out the expiration date of the cosmetics by code, contacting the manufacturer directly for help. You can do this by contacting the manufacturer's contacts listed on the official website.

More often representatives of firms are interested in live communication with their customers, so they prefer to answer as clearly as possible. And most importantly, they try to do it very quickly.

And, finally, the last method that helps to answer the question: "How to find out the expiration date of cosmetics by code?" - is to use special resources and applications. It is on them that there are special programs that have the ability to decipher information.

About these programs, services and applications, we'll talk a little more.

What services will help decipher the code?

Any check of the expiration date of the cosmetics by the code will be much easier if during the decryption of the data you refer to specialized services. As a rule, on such sites the program "Cosmetic calculator" works, which allows you to find out the term of operation in online mode. Most often, to work with them, you only need to enter the name of the cosmetics brand in the special field and enter the batch code.

And after the introduction of the relevant data on them, you can not only see the initial date of production, but also instantly compare it with the expiration date that is valid for a particular type of cosmetics. Often these sites have a simple menu, which makes it easy to understand the notation system, even without the knowledge of English. And in addition to the PC version, most of them have a mobile version for portable devices.

On other similar resources, you can not only check the expiration date of the cosmetics code, but also clearly see exactly how this code looks. Thirdly, the final sale of products should be calculated independently. By the way, in addition to the timing of implementation, on similar resources, it is possible to verify the composition of cosmetics.

Convenient mobile apps

For more convenience, you can download a ready-made mobile application that helps you easily decipher the code of a particular cosmetic product right in the store. And some of them are endowed with an additional option "notebook", which allows you not only to enter information on the timing of implementation, for example, the lipstick you bought, but also to keep track of its freshness.

There are other applications that make it possible to track the expiration date of cosmetics using barcode. As a rule, they have a scanner, which saves you later from entering data manually.

Such programs for portable devices work on the following principle: you take a cosmetic product that you plan to scan and decipher; Enter the application; Bring it to the phone at a distance of 4-5 cm. As a result, all the information appears on the screen with the decoding of the data on the barcode.

How to determine the shelf life of the cosmetics code: an example

Let's say you bought lipstick. Pay attention to its packaging and the batch-code. For example, the box indicates the date of production - August 12, 2008 and the date of the final sale is August 12, 2017. After you include the brand information in the "Cosmetic Calculator" and write down the code, information about your lipstick will appear.

By the way, the shelf life of lipstick is 12-24 months. Therefore, the information indicated on the package does not correspond to reality. So, checking the expiration date for the code of cosmetics, you will protect yourself from using a poor-quality product, avoid unexpected allergic reactions and save your health.

What else can you learn with a barcode?

With its help, you can find out whether the product you purchased is a fake or it is genuine. To do this, you need to take the cosmetic that you want to check, go to one of the sites that perform an automatic check, and enter the data from the barcode into an empty window.

In short, in order to avoid health problems and to protect the skin and body from the negative impact of a poor-quality product, check the expiration dates more often. In particular, it should be done with participation in any actions, during which representatives of the store hand free gifts in the form of cosmetics.

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