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How to celebrate New Year in Italy

Now more and more residents of our country are trying to spend New Year holidays abroad. After all, many companies offer burning tours for a few days in Europe or in warm regions. However, there are certain national traditions of celebrating this joyful day in every country. Behind this, in fact, tourists are coming, who are bored with eating olivier salad with the accompaniment of congratulations from the President. After all, even in the neighboring regions, there are traditions to accompany the outgoing stage of life, what can we say about the countries of Western Europe. So how do you celebrate the New Year in Italy?

In general, it seems. Feast, fireworks, the exchange of congratulations and wishes of luck and health - all this is, as we have, and everywhere. However, if in our country the festival only opens a whole cycle of amusements (followed by the Christmas Saints of Basil, Malanya, Baptism), then the New Year in Italy is the very equator of this solemn series. Merry turmoil in Catholic countries begins on the eve of Christmas - December 24, and ends with Epiphany - January 6. These three holidays have strict traditions, which are strictly followed, so that luck does not turn away from you.

The Italians are a very superstitious people and believe in Fortune, luck. It is believed that it is on the night of St. Sylvester - the so-called New Year in Italy - it can be lured and tied to yourself. This whimsical lady loves the color red: therefore on a solemn evening both men and women dress in bright underwear.

Before the holiday, shop windows are simply bursting with all kinds of goods, painted in different shades from scarlet to pink. Every self-respecting Italian on a festive night should, if not dress up from head to foot in everything new, then dress at least one thing that has never been used before. Previously, it was decided to throw out different household trash with the departure of the old year, however, in order to avoid injuries (to the casual passers-by volumetric furniture fell), this tradition was canceled. For good luck to come into the house, put on the window-sills lighted candles or put coins.

Of course, as elsewhere, the New Year in Italy can not do without a feast. Only here it is customary to spend this holiday not with the family (for this there is Christmas), but among friends or just on the street. The feast has a clear regulation - the hosts and guests should try thirteen dishes. They sit down at about eight in the evening. First they serve snacks - antipastus. A dish of lentil must be served, among others. This legume looks like a small coin, therefore, attracts wealth. Also it is desirable to taste caviar - after all the fish is mewing it in large quantity, then there will be abundance in the house. They drink it all with a light aperitif.

Next comes the turn for the hot. For the New Year in Italy it is customary to serve pork legs (as a symbol of the past), and then - sausage from the pig's head - as a symbol of the coming future. Then they eat desserts, they drink grappa (grape vodka), coffee. And now the time is coming when, before the coveted fight, there are five minutes left. Every Italian puts twelve grapes near him and everyone stops as athletes before the start. To you especially lucky in the future, you have to eat with every stroke of the clock on the grapes. After the twelfth blow, they extinguish the light and kiss everyone. And then they drink Italian wine, and in some areas - beer.

A series of traditional champagne comes later, when the whole company, taking with them bottles and plastic cups, goes to the street. First clink glasses and drink with neighbors, exchange with them cries of "Auguri !!!" and kisses. Then go to the main square of the city or village, where there is a festively decorated Christmas tree. Joyful people wish each other happiness, they themselves are charged with positive emotions. Nobody rude, does not push, champagne does not pour anyone - probably, the mentality affects. But just in case the carabinieri and the ambulance are on duty. In general, the New Year in Italy, tourists call the most joyful holiday in the year, which is able to rally all its inhabitants - believers of different religions and atheists.

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