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How to become a mermaid with power? The Life of the Mermaids

Every little girl has idols. They appear when reading books, watching movies and TV shows. And what if the favorite character is a mermaid, and you want to become as much like her as possible, to possess her charm and the power of controlling the water element that is under her control. In this article, we will describe in detail how to become a mermaid with force.

Description of the mermaid

A mermaid is a girl with perfect facial features, graceful posture, eyes sparkling with moonlight, long flowing flowing hair, she has a thin waist and a fish scaly tail.

Myths and legends about mermaids did not come from scratch. These creatures do exist in different parts of the world. Their place of residence is the reservoirs: rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Subdivide the mermaids to river and sea.

River mermaids

They live in rivers and lakes, as a rule, one by one. Mermaid in the water - a beautiful sight, you can watch her for hours, most importantly - do not scare away. She swims on the full moon and attracts her beautiful singing of travelers who are rushing to her call. Many people have seen these beautiful creatures, so there are so many legends and legends about them. You must believe in their existence and, perhaps, someday you will meet and wink one of them.

Marine sirens

Sea mermaids are usually called sirens. The life of the mermaid-sirens proceeds on the sea or ocean floor, on which they inhabit colonies. They are considered the most beautiful creatures of the other world. They are girls with a delicate white skin, with long hair that streams through a cascade of sparkling curls, their voice can be heard in a range of several kilometers. When the mermaids gather together, their ships are sailing. Sailors often meet these beautiful creatures in the sea and glorify their beauty. Photos of these mermaid sirens are located below.

The Power of the Mermaids

Beauty and voice are not the only virtues of mermaids. They have the power to control the sea. The magic that mermaids can create:

  • To cool the water to the state of ice;
  • Freeze any objects;
  • Cause storms;
  • Manage water and move it in all directions;
  • Cause wind;
  • To thicken the water to a gelatinous state;
  • Make crystals out of water;
  • Heat water;
  • Manage lightning and thunder.

What happens to the mermaids on the full moon?

All these talents are inherent in mermaids, so it's better not to quarrel with them. Mermaids on the full moon have a power that can do people both good and evil. With the phases of the moon at all times was associated with many rituals, accepts and beliefs. The new young moon is associated with a surge of power and rebirth, while a decreasing young moon is associated with a slowing of energy and life processes.

Before becoming a mermaid, you need to perform a rite of preparation, which is held during the full moon.

Stages of preparation

  1. You need to constantly think about mermaids, namely: watch pictures with their images, series, cartoons.
  2. You need to make your own photo frame for the mermaid, a photo of which to put in it and put next to your bed.
  3. You should draw mermaids.
  4. It is advisable to walk with her hair loose.
  5. As often as possible you should sing.
  6. To sleep it is necessary with the crossed-up legs connected or to encircle them with a sheet.
  7. We must put a vessel with water for the night next to our bed.
  8. At night you should write on your piece of paper your desire: "I want to become a mermaid with force." Describe what color you need a tail, what strength you would like to get, what kind of a mermaid you want to become: river or sea. This point of preparation is very important. He reveals the essence of the question, how to become a mermaid with power. Keep a note always. We need to hide it in a secluded place.
  9. You must carry a figure or a toy of a mermaid.
  10. If you want to become a sea siren, then you can do the ritual collectively with your girlfriends.
  11. If you want to become a river mermaid, you must do everything secretly and alone.
  12. Be sure to make your own necklace with a shell (one or several). The main thing is that they are real - marine. This necklace will be irreplaceable for sea mermaids-sirens. For river creatures, a pebble from a river is suitable. You can drill it and make it in the form of a pendant around your neck, put it on a chain or thread. Each real mermaid has a charm in the form of a necklace.

After all preparations, it is necessary to proceed to the realization of one's desire.

How to become a mermaid? Ways

How to realize a dream and become like this beautiful creature in real life? To become a mermaid, all actions must be performed exclusively on the full moon. Below we describe in detail how to become a mermaid with force.

  1. Take a bath in the salt water. For this purpose special sea salt for baths. Connect the legs crosswise and say the spell: "Take me to yourselves, mermaids, give strength to the elements of water. I want to live like you, I want to look like you. " You need to pronounce 50 times for a positive effect. After bathing, you should comb your hair long with a wooden brush or crest until they dry themselves. On the neck while you have to hang a pendant with a shell or a river pebble.

  2. If you have access to a pond, it will be even easier to become a mermaid. Maybe you went to rest with your family at sea or near a resting place a river flows or there is a lake? Spend more time in the water, learn to swim. In this case, you can repeat the movements of mermaids, namely - to try to swim with crossed legs. Learn to hold your breath in the water. Jumping will also give a positive result in the desire to become a mermaid. Before going to sleep, you just need to repeat the spell described above.

  3. There is another effective way. You need to swim in the pond, but at this time to swim and think about mermaids, about your desire to become one of them. If you notice that someone grabbed you, touched, scratched or touched your leg, then mermaids give you a sign that they are ready to take you into their ranks. Going out of the pond, say the spell that is written above.

Do not have a real fish tail in your daily life, but this does not mean that you did not become a mermaid. People fall into the other world at night. In a dream you can see the pond in which you live, a beautiful scaly glistening tail on your body instead of feet and the glare of the moon on the water.

Mermaid strength test

All sea mermaids need to come together, river loners can also join forces together with the rest. It will take one container of water. The usual basin will do. It is necessary to fill it to the brim with water. It should be salty, so you should stock yourself with salt. In the water it is necessary to place a figure of a mermaid, if not, then some rubber toy or cork from a bottle. The main thing is that the object does not sink, but is always on the surface of the water.

Around the pelvis you need to make notes according to parts of the world:

  • In the north, write "Yes."
  • In the south, "No".
  • In the west, "Everything you wish will come true."
  • In the east - "The future is hazy and shrouded in mystery."
  • In the north-west - "Ahead of the test, but everything will turn out."
  • In the north-east - "Desire will come true."
  • In the south-west - "Believe in good."
  • In the southeast - "Try and everything will turn out."

Where a figure with a mermaid floats, this is the answer to the question. All mermaids who have power will receive the right answers, which in the future will be confirmed in everyday life.

Mermaids are cute, beautiful and charming creatures. Every girl dreams to be a bit like this magic creature from the other world. How to become a mermaid with a force that is subject to the water element? Everything is very simple. It is necessary to follow the above tips.

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