Food and drink, Beverages
How can I preserve apple juice from a juicer? Procurement of apple juice: recipe
What can be more delicious than apple juice? Many people prefer to drink it fresh. But what if there is not always the right apples? The best option is to prepare juice for the winter. It's quite possible to do this at home. Let's look at the simplest ways of harvesting apple juice for the winter.
Benefits of apple juice
Many people know how to preserve freshly squeezed apple juice, but not everyone can guess its benefits. Experts have established: if you consume half a glass of this drink per day, then the work of all the respiratory organs will improve significantly. If you make juice without sugar, then it turns out to be low-calorie. Such a drink allows you to keep a slim figure.
A lot of vitamin C in apple juice. Everyone knows that this component is necessary for our body to improve the functioning of the immune system. In addition, the beverage contains iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and many organic acids, including lemon and apple.
Many doctors recommend the regular use of apple juice for those who suffer from various diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastritis with low acidity, anemia, frequent bronchitis. Do not harm the drink and heavy smokers.
As already mentioned, the product contains iron. This component allows you to more effectively combat anemia, and also helps to remove stones from the kidneys. It is worth noting that the ready-made drink is very rich in pectin substances, which help to cleanse the body of toxins.
Many people use juicer to make apple juice. However, the product must be properly prepared. Otherwise, many of its useful components will simply lose their properties. That is why it is so important to know how to preserve apple juice from a juicer.
Which varieties of apples should I choose?
To canned apple juice turned delicious, you must choose for its preparation only ripe fruit without signs of rot and wormholes. Only they will have a pronounced flavor. The most delicious drink is obtained from those apples that have the desired ratio of acid and sugar. Therefore, you should choose the best variety or at the end mix the juices. If the drink turned sour, then it can add sugar syrup.
Do not prepare canned apple juice only from not too acidic fruits. As a result, you will get a drink with poor taste qualities. With regard to mealy varieties, a product is obtained from them, which is very difficult to lighten.
Since preserving apple juice from a juicer is a bit more complicated than using a juice maker, it is better to choose strong and juicy fruits. These include winter varieties: Grushovka, Parmen, Anis, Titovka, Antonovka and others.
Preparing juice: preparatory work
First of all, you should prepare lids and glass jars, in which you will pour the juice. Wash containers thoroughly. For this, it is better to use warm water and baking soda. After that, sterilize the cans. You can beat them with boiling water or warm them in the oven at a temperature of 100 ° C. Place the sterilized jars with a neck down on a dry and clean towel. This will not allow them to cool down quickly.
Wash the covers carefully and boil for 10 minutes.
Preparing apples
To canned apple juice, the recipe of which will be given below, stood for a long time and did not ferment, it is necessary to prepare the fruits for processing. To do this, they must be thoroughly washed, removed from each apple core. Fruits must be cut into slices. After that, the prepared raw material can be passed through the juicer.
What to do with the juice?
Procurement of apple juice does not end there. It still needs to be poured into cans and rolled up. Squeezed juice should be poured into a saucepan. The capacity must be filled with a drink only for 2/3. This will not allow the juice to spill onto the hob when boiling. The contents of the pan should be brought to 95 ° C. In this case, the juice must be constantly interfered. If sour fruits were used to make the drink, then sugar can be added to taste. If the apples were sweet, then the drink can be rolled up and so. Sugar can be added after opening the can.
Add special preservatives in the juice is not worth it. After all, acid and sugar in apples perfectly replace them. When sterilization of apple juice is completed, it is necessary to remove the formed foam and pour the finished product over the cans. The filled containers are immediately covered with lids and rolled up with a key.
Each rolled can should be turned over and put on the neck. After that, they should be wrapped in a blanket and left to cool down completely.
Mix the juices
Before preserving apple juice from a juicer for the winter, it is worth considering that in the finished form the drink turns out to be concentrated. Such a product can bring some trouble to those who have problems with the digestive system. Therefore, it should be diluted or cook, for example, with the juice of zucchini. It is worth noting that the drink turns out to be more gentle and, of course, it will be much more useful. For three liters of juice from apples you need to add just one glass of juice from zucchini.
Tips for beginners
In apples contains a lot of iron and when it comes into contact with air, this element begins to oxidize. As a result, the juice obtained as a result of pressing through the juicer can become dark. To avoid this, add a little citric acid to the pressed product, but not too much. The best option is lemon juice. It acts more gently and quickly mixes.
All the squeezes can be re-passed through the juicer. To get a drink, you need to add 10% water from the weight of the secondary raw materials. So, if there are 2 kilograms left, then 200 milliliters of liquid should be added, the temperature of which should be 75 to 80 ° C. Everything is thoroughly mixed and insisted for three hours. After that, you can pass the raw materials through the juicer. This juice can be used to make jam, jam or jam.
How to cook apple juice without a juicer?
If there is no juicer, then you can prepare the juice with a conventional meat grinder. Procuring apple juice in this way is a laborious process. First of all, the fruit should be completely cleansed of the peel and core.
Prepared apples must be passed through a meat grinder. As a result, a homogeneous mass must be obtained. It should be put in portions on a dense fabric or on gauze, folded in several layers. Apple juice is pressed manually into a bowl. After that, the drink should be boiled, poured over glass jars and rolled up with a key. Natural juice from apples is ready.
Tips for preparing natural juice
To drink a drink prepared in this way, quickly did not darken and did not acquire an unpleasant aftertaste, it is worth using dishes and a meat grinder made of stainless steel or enameled. This little trick makes it possible to make apple juice at home even more tasty and useful. After all, it retains much more useful components.
Now you know how to preserve apple juice from a juicer. Observing all the tips, you can make blanks for the whole winter. This drink can get tastier than the store. The main thing is to choose the right sort of apples and calculate the necessary amount of sugar.
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