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Hookah - what is it? Where to smoke a hookah?

Hookah - what is it? This is a special smoking pipe with a filter. It is known that smoking hookah is the most innocuous way, because special tobacco has no pitches, and a small amount of nicotine makes it very easy. It is believed that a hookah can be smoked up to 4 times a week, without causing harm to health. In some countries, even small children are allowed to smoke different mixtures.

Where did he come from? And in general, a hookah - what is it? There are many versions of the origin of this device for smoking. Consider the main ones.

European version of origin

Researchers claim that the origin of this smoking device originates in Europe.

Hookah - what is it? When did they start using it? Hookah was an obligatory part of dinner or business conversations. The offer of his smoke expressed trust and respect for the guest. Hookah consisted of several separate parts. Artisans made them from crystal, porcelain or silver. Some samples were hand-painted. Designer hookahs, consisting of glass, were manufactured from the beginning of the 21st century. The hoses were most often made of leather or silicone.

Indian version of origin

According to one version, hookah appeared in India and spread to many countries in Africa and the Middle East. The names vary, they number about 50 pieces.

Initially, the Indians used it for anesthesia, so instead of smoking mixtures, hemp was added to it. In those days the hookah looked a little different, it had a round shape and was made from coconut.

Hookah device

Nowadays hookahs differ from those that were popular at the beginning of their creation, but the principle of smoking remained the same. Hookah - what is it? What kind does he have today? The constituent parts of this device are a liquid flask, a tube with a mouthpiece, a shaft and a bowl for tobacco. It is made of glass, stainless material and silicone.

Types of hookahs

Today traditional hookahs - Egyptian and Indian - are very popular today. The appearance of this device is very attractive and well complements any interior. They are made with the help of modern quality materials. Modern hookahs have more functions, and they are more convenient to use. Possible author works, which are made by hand with a special design.

Liquid for shisha

Water is the most common type of liquid. You can also smoke a hookah on juice, which should be chosen taking into account the flavors of tobacco. Another way is green tea, it relaxes well and gives a special flavor. You can use the addition of alcohol, but this principle will contradict the so-called hookah philosophy and can adversely affect the health status. However, the choice is very diverse, everyone can choose something to their taste.

Kinds of tobacco

Often use 3 types of tobacco mixtures:

  • Tombak - pure tobacco without impurities.
  • Zhurak - tobacco with the addition of aromatic oils and fruits.
  • Muassil - a mixture of tobacco with honey or glycerin. Tobacco is like jam with different flavors.

When choosing a tobacco, you need to pay attention to the features of the package. It should not be damaged, because it affects the taste and quality of smoking. Open packaging is best kept in the refrigerator in a closed form, so as to preserve its taste characteristics for a longer time. The aroma of tobacco depends only on you, the choice in this case is very large.

Etiquette of smoking hookah

In the East smoking hookah is a real philosophy. Relaxed consciousness and body, tranquility, tranquility and slowness are the main conditions for this process to give you real pleasure. Depending on whether you smoke at home or in a bar, alone or a pleasant company, you need to take a position that, according to convenience, corresponds to this procedure and your condition.

Etiquette of smoking:

  • Hookah must be on the floor or a low table.
  • Do not pass the mouthpiece to other people from hand to hand.
  • It is necessary to use only special tobacco.
  • Do not impose or criticize the smoking around. Everyone smokes as he likes.
  • It is recommended to smoke hookah on a full stomach, in a convenient position.
  • After smoking, the hose wraps around the hookah.

Care of the hookah

After smoking, you must immediately throw out the dressing from the bowl and pour out the used water. Rinsing the hookah, wipe the flask well. With the help of a brush it is necessary to clean the tube that goes through the whole hookah. After washing, you need to dry the hookah to increase its life. Keep it better disassembled or just remove the hose from it.

Hookah smoke

First you need to understand the principle of how to make a hookah. This will explain the factors that determine the density and amount of smoke.

In order for the hookah smoke to be dense and saturated, it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

  • Tobacco in the bowl should be well-heated, but not burned. The more the mine - the better the smoke.
  • The shaft should be immersed in the flask no more than 3 cm.
  • Much depends on the diameter of the hose. It should be easily passable, making traction easier. If the hookah is cooked correctly, thick smoke is provided.
  • When choosing, pay attention to coal and tobacco. Coals better buy round. They are well kindled and burned for a long time. Tobacco should be properly scored. First, loosen it completely and unfold each sheet separately.
  • In order for the smoke puffs to be thicker, it is necessary to tightly wrap the foil with a bowl and fasten it.

Also in the flask you can add ice or cold water, while covering the tobacco with a thick layer of foil. Remember that tobacco should not be dry, the ideal form is like a thick jam.

Hookah smoking places

Where can I smoke a hookah? Bar, club - almost every institution of this plan can offer such services. Smoking hookah is less harmful to health than ordinary cigarettes. In a room where smoking a hookah, a pleasant smell and a relaxing atmosphere. The choice of mixtures for smoking is impressive with its huge assortment. There are a variety of cocktails available, which you will be pleased to provide a specialist - hookah. The advantage of smoking in a bar or club is that, when resting by a large company, you can enjoy a quality hookah at an affordable price.

Bowl for shisha

The bowl is an important element of the hookah. It can affect the quality of smoking. A good bowl should correctly distribute the temperature and be resistant to a sharp drop in degrees.

There are four main types: ceramic, silicone, clay and metal.

To create a ceramic bowl for hookah natural materials are used, which conducts heat well. But they are a bit worse in quality than other species.

Clay bowls conduct well heat from coals and absorb smells of fueling. Therefore, they must be thoroughly washed after use. They are in good contact with the hookah, because the flavor is more saturated, and the smoke is thick.

Bowls made of metal are rarely used for smoking, because at a high temperature they quickly become hot and can fry tobacco. There is an advantage among others - strength and stability.

Another type is silicone bowls. They are simply cleaned, comfortable to use and snug against the hookah. When smoking it is often possible to notice the aftertaste of silicone, which is their drawback.

It is also possible to make a bowl from a specific fruit. But this method is very expensive and impractical.

Buying a hookah

A variety of assortment allows you to choose the right device for every taste and purse. Usually inexpensive hookahs are low and with one tube. Choose a device for smoking in several ways: shopping and searching the Internet. Choosing the Internet, you can find the right shape and design. The presented products are quality and affordable.

Also a hookah, the photo of which you see in the article, and many other options, is well suited for a gift. Such a thing will complement the home interior with its originality and will be useful in application.

Hookah Khalil

Hookah "Khalil Mamun" is the most famous representative for production in the world. It is distinguished by its high quality of all components. Having an unusual design, it is very durable and will last for many years. Cast mine provides durability. Such types of hookahs are bought by true judges of smoking all over the world.

Taking advantage of the great popularity, this brand has a large number of fakes.

How to distinguish the authenticity of the hookah:

  • Image of a flower on a stand.
  • The inscription Khalil Mamoon.
  • Presence of a container for ice.
  • The mine must weigh two to three kilograms.
  • Everything except the tube is cast.

Preparing hookah for smoking

If you decide to smoke a hookah, then it must be properly prepared. This is the basis of the whole process. It depends on it, whether you get pleasure from smoking or not.

Begin with the preparation of tobacco. If it is a little wet, it is necessary to squeeze out and tightly wrap it in a dry napkin. After that, you can fill the tobacco in the bowl. It is recommended to put 2/3 of the bowl size. In order that the tobacco does not burn, it is necessary to use more foil, folding it into 4 layers. Fixing the foil, you need to make holes for air.

After filling the bowl, coal should be heated, then put it in the middle of the bowl. To hookah longer smoked, you can arrange a circle of small embers. Now you can put a cup of charcoal on a hookah.

Before smoking, put the mouthpiece on the tube to avoid the taste of metal. The first tightening should be small, after 5-7 breaths you can fully smoke a hookah. Smoking can be both delayed and vice versa. In no case should one criticize others and impose their own methods of smoking on them. Everyone has his own tastes and rules for smoking.

Small Tips for Cooking Hookah

Preparation at home does not take much time and does not require special skills. If you learn all of the above rules, you can prepare a fragrant and relaxing hookah yourself.

When pouring water into the flask you can add a little lemon juice, it removes harmful contaminants of smoke well. To make the hookah softer, you can add milk to it in a 1: 1 ratio. The taste will be rich, and it smokes much easier.

For a relaxing hookah, you can add a little wine to the liquid, in a ratio of 1: 3. This taste will be more aromatic and pleasant, in the absence of wine you can use grape or apple juice.

Is the hookah harmful to health ?

Many argue, the harm from hookah is equal to the smoking of cigarettes. Others claim that all harmful substances are cleaned with water or another liquid, which means that smoking is absolutely harmless. To find out who is right, you should consider these options separately:

  • The smoke of the hookah passes through the liquid, thereby purifying and cooling.
  • When smoking cigarettes smoldering paper, which contains harmful substances. When smoking a hookah this does not happen.
  • Hookah smoke does not contain harmful metals.
  • The hookah of carbon monoxide is several times less than in cigarettes.

But, as is known, the hour of smoking a hookah is equal to one cigarette. Hence, this, of course, harms health. If you smoke a hookah rarely and in a well-ventilated room, the harm is relatively small, but still it is. To smoke or not - you decide!

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