Fashion, Shopping
High girls are always in fashion
High girls today are not uncommon. Although the very concept of high growth over time changes. For example, 50 years ago the average height of a man was about 160 centimeters. Therefore, the owner of 175 centimeters in height was considered high, and the famous models, like Dorian Lee were less than 1.7 meters. Today, when the average height for men is 174-176 cm, and for women about 170 cm, to be tall, you need to have a height of about 175 and above for girls and 178-180 for guys.
But there are still places on the planet where a man with a 160 cm height will be almost a giant. For example, among the Ostyak people living on the Yenisei, whose growth reaches 1.4 - 1.5 meters. And the tallest girls of the planet - Carolyn Wells from Germany (2 meters 6 cm) or Brazilian Elisani Silva (2.05 meters) in this area will look just gullivers, because Even the average people get them at best to the breast line.
High girls with certain sizes of clothes are welcome in the fashion industry. The notorious requirement "90 - 60 - 90" is due to the fact that clothing in people with such parameters looks particularly attractive and it is easier to sell. In addition, it's easier for fashion designers to create a narrow silhouette than to imagine how beautifully "wrap" a 60-size lady's cloth. Because The contour of a rectangle elongated in height will always look more elegant visually than a square or circle.
While shopping, slim, tall girls can afford almost everything. In their wardrobe can enter mini-skirts, tight jeans, miniature bikinis, because they do not need to hide something. There are almost no restrictions in terms of patterns on clothes, because even bright colors or a horizontal strip will not increase such a woman in volumes. Some believe that a vertical strip and a small pattern on things of an elongated shape further increase growth. But most of the fair sex with model parameters are not shy of their growth, but on the contrary, willingly stress it. For example, with the help of shoes.
High girls in heels - it's just fantastic. Treads, shoes, sandals are simply created in order to emphasize the beauty of their feet. A feature of the large growth is that the elegance of the lines does not deteriorate in ballet, sneakers, sneakers or slippers. The last variant of footwear is loved by Uma Thurman, whose height exceeds 180 cm. She combines shoes on a flat sole with jeans, tunics, blouses to the waist, which allows her to look more tiny.
However, there are always people who are dissatisfied with the parameters that their nature has awarded. And tall girls are no exception. In case you are not satisfied with your "height", it can always be corrected using certain tricks. In addition to the horizontal strip and flat soles, the growth can be visually helped by dividing the figure into parts using light and dark colors, excluding dark things from the wardrobe, as well as wearing short trousers (capri) or jeans with cuffs.
Being high is not so bad. In recent years, Western scientists have carried out a number of studies, including on the dependence of career success on human growth. It was found that the average growth of a man in a managerial position from the Fortune 500 rating is 5 cm higher than that of an ordinary American. And high people get on average $ 300 per year more for every centimeter of growth, exceeding the standard for the country.
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