
Herpes of type 6 in children. Herpes virus of the 6th type: treatment

Herpes is a very common viral disease. Studies prove that about 90% of people on the planet are carriers of this virus.

Types of herpes

There are several varieties of herpes. Herpes simplex virus of the first type manifests itself as a rash, similar to the vesicles in the places through which the infection occurred. Herpes on the lips of a child occurs when the virus gets through the mouth with dirty hands, toys or dishes, and through kisses. The child experiences a general malaise, the temperature may rise.

Under favorable conditions that contribute to a decrease in immunity (hypothermia or overheating, stress), the virus becomes active, the manifestation of which is the herpes on the lip in a child. Since the immunity of the baby is not yet fully formed, it is possible to switch this form of herpes into stomatitis. In the mouth there are characteristic for the disease of the bubbles, the child can not normally eat and drink.

After that, the virus can affect the mucous membrane of the throat. In this case, an increase in temperature can be observed up to 40-41 degrees. Herpes in the child's throat is characterized by characteristic eruptions in the form of vesicles, which are surrounded by a red corolla and filled with a clear liquid. These rashes are accompanied by pain, so the children refuse to eat. With incorrect treatment of herpes in the throat in a child can go into a chronic form.

In the genital (second) type of herpes, the baby can get infected while passing through the mother's birth canal in the event that at the time of delivery she suffers from this disease.

The disease is mostly difficult, because the immunity of the baby is not yet formed. Infection can spread to the entire body. Possible damage to the mucous membranes, umbilical wound, conjunctiva of the eyes, skin, blood. In severe cases, internal organs and the central nervous system suffer.

When a primary infection with the third type of herpes, the child develops chicken pox. Secondary manifestation of the virus is in the form of herpes zoster (lichen).

The fourth, fifth and sixth types can be the cause of infectious mononucleosis. This disease has an acute infectious nature, manifested by lymphocytosis, fever, sore throat, the patient is enlarged with lymph nodes, liver and spleen.

Infection with herpesvirus of the fifth type (cytomegalovirus) occurs in early childhood only by direct contact with the carrier of the virus. Possible intrauterine infection. Disease in healthy children occurs without symptoms, or they are insignificant. In a few days the symptoms go away.

When the primary infection with the herpes virus of the sixth and seventh type occurs neonatal exanthema. Only an expert can establish an accurate diagnosis.

Common features of all types of virus

  • Infection occurs from the carrier of the virus upon contact (from the mother to the fetus).
  • Once ill, a person remains a carrier of the virus forever.
  • Various favorable conditions (overheating or hypothermia, decreased immunity, beriberi, stress) contribute to the activation and active reproduction of the virus, which is accompanied by certain symptoms.

Herpes simplex virus type 6

The herpesvirus type 6 reproduces in lymphocytes and macrophages. It mainly affects T-lymphocytes. There are two subspecies of the virus: A and B, each of them has its epidemiological and genetic characteristics. The most common type is B, the risk of type A lesions is present only in those who have weak immunity.

Mostly, the disease runs unnoticed, so most of the carriers of the virus do not even suspect its presence in the body. After the virus first manifests itself, the immune system will begin to develop protection, which in the future will constantly suppress its development. For today, there are no drugs that could destroy the herpes simplex virus type 6 in the body.

Most often, type 6 herpes in children develops before the age of 2 years. Since the transmission of the virus occurs mainly through saliva, infection in infants occurs almost from the very first days of contact with the mother or other infected people. Such primary infection does not manifest itself in any way, but with a decrease in immunity the disease can become more active.

What is the danger of herpesvirus of the sixth type?

Herpes of type 6 in children is an actual pediatric problem. Infect the baby can very easily, but his body is much harder to fight the virus, because the immunity of the child is not fully formed. In addition, a significant increase in temperature can provoke febrile seizures. The child can lose consciousness, he rolls his eyes, muscles involuntarily twitch. As a result of such seizures, the development of epilepsy is possible. Much less often, type 6 herpes in children has complications in the form of pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis and myocarditis. Therefore, the earlier the disease is revealed and the medical measures are taken, the better.


The incubation period is usually 1-2 weeks. The first sign of the disease is a sharp increase in temperature (up to 39-40 ° C). Herpes of type 6 in children has two varieties, which differ in the presence of a rash on the body.

In the first case, after the fever subsides, on the body of the baby appear rashes of pinkish hue in the form of individual spots or their clusters. This is how herpes manifests in children. A photo showing the picture of the disease can be seen below.

The rash is accompanied by a constant itch. This phenomenon has the name - child's roseola.

Rashes initially appear on the back with a disease such as herpes in children. The photo above shows only the initial stage of the disease, then the rashes pass to the area of the neck, ears, hands, legs and abdomen. Combing them, the children slow the healing process. But at the same time the child's well-being does not suffer, the appetite is not disturbed. The rash disappears after two or three days, leaving behind a trail in the form of small wounds and dents.

Herpes on the body of a child is often taken for rubella, measles or allergic dermatitis. If you put pressure on the stains, they become white. In this way, it is possible to distinguish the disease from rubella.

Sometimes the disease is not accompanied by a rash, but manifests itself in the form of a fever. The herpesvirus type 6 in children in this form is manifested by severe symptoms. The temperature can rise to 40-41 degrees, which has a very negative effect on the child's condition. The Kid rolls his eyes, sharply jerking his hands and feet.

In addition, there may be a runny nose with pus, coughing, nausea, problems with stool, lymph nodes increase.


Since the disease can manifest itself in different ways, for an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to consult a specialist who will advise what to treat herpes in children. As soon as the first symptoms are revealed, medication is prescribed.

Treatment of type 6 herpes in children includes taking antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories. To avoid dehydration, the baby should often be watered. For this purpose, suitable herbal teas, compotes and plain water.

After the child has been diagnosed with herpesvirus type 6, treatment is carried out with antiviral drugs in the form of tablets or injections. The most effective means to combat this disease is "Foscarnet". Not bad proved and such drugs as "Lobukavir", "Ganciclovir", "Adefovir", "Cidofovir." The dosage is determined by the attending physician depending on the age of the baby.

Herpes on the body of the child is treated with special ointments, which are applied to the affected areas 4-5 times a day. It should be taken into account that many drugs of this type are used only from the age of 12 years.

For a speedy recovery, drugs are needed to stimulate immunity, thanks to which antibodies are actively produced for resistance to the virus (Immunal, Proteflazid, Groprinosin). Their reception prevents the spread of infection to other parts of the body.

It is important to comply with bed rest, the patient should avoid stress, eat right and sleep. It will not be superfluous to take vitamins in order to strengthen the body as a whole.

After the disease

As you know, the herpes virus remains in the body for life and under favorable circumstances shows itself. But since after the transferred disease the stable immunity is developed, the repeated development of the disease usually does not occur.

In order for the child to feel well and not be bothered by unpleasant manifestations of the virus, it is necessary to adhere carefully to hygiene rules - do not forget about washing hands, have an individual towel, etc.


Infection is facilitated by a decrease in immunity, so first of all it is necessary to deal with its strengthening. For this you need:

  • Observe the regime of the day. A high-grade dream for the kid and rational nutrition is very important;
  • More to eat fruits and vegetables, natural juices and lean meat are useful;
  • Babies need to try to breastfeed longer, thanks to this the immune system of the baby is formed correctly;
  • Small children need to carry out such activities as gymnastics and massage;
  • Less often with a child to visit crowded places, where it is very easy to catch an infection;
  • Take the vitamins recommended by your doctor.

If it is not possible to avoid infection, it is necessary to start treatment in time under the guidance of a specialist who will tell you what to treat herpes in children and how to avoid its possible consequences, which can be very dangerous.

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