
Hemorrhoids. Treatment with folk remedies

The negative side of scientific and technological progress was that modern man has stopped moving enough, high-quality food has replaced snacks. As a result, the number of many serious diseases, including hemorrhoids, is growing all over the world, the occurrence of which is directly related to sedentary work, malnutrition. The cause of hemorrhoids can be severe birth, or too much physical activity.

Recent research has shown that predisposition to this disease can be transmitted and inherited.

If the patient has the first or second stage of the disease, i.e. Recently hemorrhoids appeared , treatment with folk remedies gives excellent results, its further development is excluded. When the disease goes to the third and fourth stage, surgical intervention will be required.

Some professions provoke the disease. The risk group includes office workers, drivers, in general, people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Stagnant phenomena in the intestines, frequent constipation is a consequence of hypodynamia, and they lead to hemorrhoids.

Therefore, those whose occupations are at risk, one should know the symptoms characteristic of this disease, and how to cure hemorrhoids with folk remedies in order to apply these methods that have been tested by time.

Initially, the disease manifests itself sensation of burning and itching in the anus, pain occurs when sitting or walking, defecating, sometimes there are bloody discharge in the feces. Periodically, the hemorrhoidal nodes become inflamed, drop out of the rectum. When the first symptoms appear, you need to see a doctor. If a diagnosis is made: hemorrhoids, treatment with folk remedies is carried out simultaneously with taking medications.

Important for patients with hemorrhoids has a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude fried, fatty and spicy dishes from the diet, you can not use a lot of spices and seasonings, you can not use alcoholic beverages. It is desirable to include in the daily menu products rich in fiber, which helps the intestines to digest food qualitatively and remove toxins from the body.

The diet of a patient with hemorrhoids should include:

- raw vegetables and fruits;

- white cabbage and sauerkraut;

- cauliflower;

- lean meat;

-fat fish;

- honey.

Proper nutrition, comprehensive treatment, adherence to doctor's recommendations will help to defeat hemorrhoids.

Folk remedies are diverse. External methods include infusions, lotions, baths and ointments made from medicinal herbs.

Trays for external hemorrhoids:

- In one liter of cool water diluted with potassium permanganate (to a pale pink color). The patient sits in the pelvis with this solution for 5 minutes. The procedure is carried out every evening.

- In the cool water add an infusion of blood grouses medicinal (for one liter of water - a glass of infusion). Harvesting is sold in pharmacies, infusion is prepared in accordance with the instructions. The bath is taken every day, the duration of the procedure is ten minutes.

As medicines, candles and pills are used, which anesthetize, increase the tone of the veins and increase blood microcirculation.

If the hemorrhoids become aggravated, treatment with folk remedies helps to calm the pain, to take off the attack. For this, candles are used:

-from raw potatoes (peel potatoes, cut into strips), can be used for 10-15 minutes every day.

- Sausage honey (candles formed in parchment paper are cooled in the refrigerator), you can apply during the day.

- from butter and garlic (minced garlic is added to the melted butter, the mixture is poured into cylinders of parchment paper or rubber fingertips, cooled to hardening). The procedure is carried out every evening, for 10-15 minutes

In addition, a positive effect will provide enemas, which use herbal decoctions.

Additional help will be given to the use of freshly squeezed juices from melon, carrots, spinach and herbal infusions. Juices are best to drink in the morning, on an empty stomach. Herbal infusions - for 20-30 minutes before meals. Both juices and infusions have a laxative effect, which facilitates the patient's condition.

It is always desirable to have an ointment at home, which is prepared from petrolatum, lard or butter with the addition of medicinal plants. This ointment is useful in a long trip.

Healers advise everyone who has such a problem as hemorrhoids, the treatment of folk remedies to apply in a complex way, so that relief comes quickly and surgical operation could be avoided, and even completely forget about the disease.

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