HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hair around the nipples: how to get rid of an unpleasant feature

To the great regret and perplexity of many women, they may well have hair around their nipples. What to do with this rather unaesthetic phenomenon? Before giving an answer to this for many burning questions, one has to understand the reasons for the appearance of hair in this unusual place for them.

So, if the hair around the nipples appeared unexpectedly, for a very short period of time, or before there were a few, and now suddenly there is much more - immediately visit the doctor. Perhaps you have problems with the hormonal background.

In general, we can name only two main reasons for such an incomprehensible phenomenon, as the hair around the nipples in women. Firstly, the increase in the number of male hormones in the body. This phenomenon can occur in the case of diseases of the endocrine system, pregnancy or as a result of taking hormonal drugs. Secondly, the predisposition to the appearance of hairs can be inherited. More precisely, genetically, we can inherit the sensitivity of androgen receptors.

If the doctor has not revealed any abnormalities in the structure of the hormonal background, then you can calm down a little: for health, the hairs around the nipples are not dangerous. However, women are still unhappy and seek to lime this vegetation. Agree, this is understandable - such an unsympathetic feature reduces self-esteem.

Consider some ways to eliminate hair near the nipples. The most common way - armed with tweezers. Grab a hair and sharply pull out in the direction of growth. After removing all the hairs, wipe this gentle place with lotion. It is clear that the result will not be long-term. So in ten days, wait for the hairs to appear again.

Removal with the help of hair removal products. Their use is quite effective - under the influence of a strong substance the hair and, to some extent, its subcutaneous part may well dissolve, and they can be easily washed off with a sponge. However, do not abuse these creams. Avoid them getting on the nipples, wash off on time and follow the instructions in everything. In this case, you will also have to repeat the procedure approximately every 10 days.

Haircutting is a safe method, after it there will never be irritation, as after applying the cream, but also the effect is very short-lived.

Electrical hair removal and hair removal with wax can be quite painful. The result can last up to five weeks.

Electrolysis is a radical method that will forever forget that you had hair around your nipples. Its essence lies in the destruction of germ cells in the hair follicle. This is done by introducing a thin needle into each hair bulb, through which the electric current is fed. Skin is not damaged, but for a while there may be scarring or small bruises.

The method of laser hair removal is very effective, unless the hair grows due to hormonal imbalance . Its great advantages are that this method is painless and safe. It is necessary to repeat the laser hair removal several times to get rid of the hairs forever.

Another method - photoepilation - is also painless and characterized by a fairly long-lasting effect. But to limit one session does not work. And more: before going to a cosmetologist to remove hairs around the nipples by this method, consult a mammologist.

It is not recommended such a "barbaric" method, as shaving unwanted hair. Believe me, do not do this: you only remove the outer part of the hair for a short time (which becomes visible the next day), and the hair after that will be much stiffer.

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