
Glutamic acid. Instructions

Glutamic acid stimulates metabolism in the central nervous system. Normalization of metabolic processes is achieved by changing the functional state of not only the nervous, but also the endocrine system. Glutamic acid takes part in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, prevents the reduction of oxidation-reduction potential, stimulates oxidation processes, increases the body's resistance to hypoxia. It has detoxification properties, contributing to the neutralization and removal of ammonia from the body. Being a neurotransmitter amino acid, it takes part in the synthesis of other amino acids, ATP, acetylcholine, promotes the transport of potassium ions. Glutamic acid improves the activity of skeletal muscles, has a hepatoprotective effect, inhibits the secretion of the stomach, promotes the normalization of glycolysis processes in tissues. When taken orally (inward), it shows the ability to penetrate the cell membranes and through the BBB. The brain can use an amino acid as an energy source.

Glutamic acid. Instruction: indications

Assign a substance for epilepsy, psychosis (involutional, intoxicating, somatogenic), schizophrenia, reactive states accompanied by exhaustion phenomena. The indications are hepatic coma, the consequences of encephalitis and meningitis.

Glutamic acid (reviews of patients testify to this) in conjunction with antidepressants contributes to the elimination of depressive conditions.

In addition, the substance is used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, arthritis, fibrosis, digestive and connective tissue diseases. In toxic neuropathy associated with the use of isonicotinic acid hydrazides in combination with pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and thiamine (vitamin B1) glutamic acid is also prescribed.

Application in pediatrics.

For children, the drug is prescribed for mental retardation, Down's syndrome, cerebral palsy, polio in the acute and recovery period, as well as the consequences of intracranial trauma during childbirth.

Glutamic acid. Instruction: contraindications

Do not prescribe the drug for hypersensitivity, obesity, violent reactions of a mental nature, increased excitability. Contraindicated in leukopenia, anemia, diseases of the hematopoiesis, ulcer in the duodenum and in the stomach, nephrotic syndrome, with renal or hepatic insufficiency.

Glutamic acid. Instruction: adverse events

Prolonged use of the drug may cause cracks in the lips, irritation of the oral mucosa, leukopenia, anemia. The most common side effects include short-term flushing, chills, allergic reactions, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, insomnia, abdominal pain, increased excitability.

Glutamic acid. Instruction: special instructions

With progressive myopathy, the effectiveness is established when combined with the intake of "Glycine" or "Pachycarpin" with glutamic acid.

Throughout the treatment, regular urine and blood tests (general clinical) are recommended.

In case of adverse reactions, glutamic acid should be discontinued and the doctor should be consulted.

After taking in the form of a suspension or powder inside, rinse the oral cavity with a weak solution of sodium hydrogencarbonate.

In order to prevent the development of dyspepsia, the drug should be taken after or during meals.

In addition to pharmacology, glutamic acid is used in the food industry as an additive (E620), which enhances taste and aroma in canned food and concentrates.

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