Homeliness, Do it yourself
Flower pots with our own hands - spiritualize our house and garden
For the comfort of home and garden we actively use plants. But, you see, to give an individual look, it is not enough just to buy ready-made plastic pallets in the store.
It is much more pleasant to make flower pots with your own hands. A useful for this are a variety of, including junk materials. Cardboard, lace, plastic, metal, mosaic of pebbles, glass - everything will go into business. An original flower pot can be made with your own hands even from an old tin can.
It is enough to cover it with acrylic paint and apply a drawing. Decorating can serve as a decoupage of napkins, and cords, and buttons. Beautifully glued and glued glass pebbles, which can be purchased at craft shops.
Cannery can also serve as an excellent base from which you can make flowerpots with your own hands. After removing labels, thoroughly washing and drying the container, it is recommended to cover it with acrylic or paint for metal. Further decoration of flower pots with your own hands depends on what technique you own. It can be, for example, a mosaic. For it not only special materials are taken, but also beans, beans, large seeds (for example, watermelon). Even lace can become a decoration. Or an ornament made of paper.
Old ceramic products, jugs, porcelain teapots can also be a source of inspiration for creating flower pots with their own hands. Beresta or twigs, buttons or felt - everything that is near at hand will do. From plastic bottles of various sizes and colors, you can also make flower pots with your own hands. Cropping the bottom, covering the walls of the vessel with paint or decoupage, we get a product in which no one will know what should have been garbage. The decor can serve, for example, openwork paper napkins (such as pads for cakes).
The usual pebbles found on the beach can be used to pastel flowerpots with their own hands. For such a mosaic, you can apply and plugs from wine bottles, cutting them along or across, as someone likes. Sacking or any cloth will serve for decoration. You can use both a wire and a multi-colored cord in order to braid or wrap the product. Such pots are floral, made with their own hands with love, will be an excellent gift. In the course can go all: cones, wooden sticks from ice cream, broken glass or mirror, dried flowers and leaves. Even old shoes or galoshes. Especially original such products will look in the garden. Simple plastic or ceramic flower pots , transformed by their own hands, will not only emphasize the individual style of the house, but will also allow you to enjoy the creative process. Of other non-traditional elements of decor, you can call ... figured pasta or seashells.
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