Health, Alternative Medicine
Flax seed: contraindications, useful qualities and application
Traditional medicine has long used the seed of flax for the treatment of various diseases. Popularity is a means acquired through a set of useful substances that it contains. Since the time of Hippocrates began to use for diseases of the stomach flax seed. Contraindications to the use of this plant at that time were not carefully studied. Today, the plant is widely used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. The benefits and harm of flax seed were gradually identified by specialists. Therefore, today we can correctly apply a useful and natural natural medicine.
Useful properties and composition of flax seed
This culture has a number of beneficial effects on the human body:
- Antibacterial;
- Immunostimulating;
- Softening;
- cleaning;
- Bactericidal;
- Enveloping;
- Antivirus.
Despite a large number of favorable actions, you can do yourself harm by using flax seed. Contraindications will be listed below.
A complex of valuable substances ensures the efficacy of natural medicine. The composition of flax seeds includes the following components:
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids, better known as Omega 3, 6 and 9. They are responsible for the correct balance of substances necessary for normal human activity.
- Amino acids. They have high nutritional value.
- Vegetable fiber. It has a beneficial effect on human immunity and is the prevention of cancer.
- Polysaccharides. These compounds give a bactericidal and enveloping effect.
- Lignans. They refer to antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer.
- Vitamins: A, E, B, F. Due to their content, flax (seeds) are widely used. The application they found in various cosmetics.
- Selenium. This element prevents the formation of tumors, improves vision, stimulates brain activity.
- Lecithin.
What diseases do flax seeds use?
The plant is used to treat:
- Stomach diseases;
- Dermatitis;
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- Oncology;
- Respiratory diseases;
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Diseases of the endocrine system;
- Diseases of the digestive system;
- Inflammatory diseases.
Flax seeds are used for dietary nutrition. Today, there are many recipes for weight loss with the use of this plant.
For the treatment, seeds are used in their raw form (whole or chopped). Prepare from them broths, teas, tinctures. And also externally apply the powder and oil from the plant.
Flax seed: contraindications
- If a person experiences unpleasant sensations in the area of the liver, they should use flax seed in very small doses.
- Contraindications to taking medication exist in the event that a person is ill with cholecystitis.
- Stones in the gallbladder and kidneys are also a contraindication, since the flax seed can remove them from the body, and this is dangerous without the supervision of a doctor.
- In inflammatory processes of the stomach and intestines, the use of flax seed is not recommended.
- Do not use it to pregnant women and nursing mothers.
- If allergic reactions are detected, the use of flax seeds should be stopped.
Also it is not recommended to use the drug for diabetes, thyroid gland diseases, asthma, poor blood coagulability, uterine fibroids and prostatitis. Before using flax seed, always consult a doctor.
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