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Fish astrologer: a description of the predator and habitat

Among the strange inhabitants of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, there is an amazing fish - a starlet. This name is due to its appearance. Her eyes are directed upwards, as if the fish are looking at the sky and counting the stars on it. This representative of the sea element also has other names: the sea dragon, the sea cow. Fish stargazer belongs to the class of ray-finder group of percids. Prefers muddy and sandy beaches, burrows there, leaving only a convex eye on the surface.

Description of predatory fish

The body of the astrologer is 30 cm long and has the shape of a spindle. The upper part of the fish is colored brown, which allows it to remain unnoticed during the hunt. Stargazer - a predator, so prefers to eat small fish, shellfish. Also, the fish will not abandon the worms, which by carelessness have approached the place of its hunting. Fine scales cover the body, its shade merges with the sand. All this makes the predator invisible and promotes successful hunting.

If anyone had to see this representative of the marine fauna, we assure him that he remembered his acquaintance for a long time. After all, the stargazer has a very frightening appearance:

  • Close, bulging eyes, looking up.
  • A slightly open mouth with a number of small sharp teeth.
  • Bulged lower jaw.
  • Black dorsal fin with four thorn spines.
  • The presence on the gills of long poisonous thorns.
  • Above each pectoral fin there are poisonous needles.

Fish astrologer, a photo of which can be seen below, is capable of inflicting poisonous spines on a person who accidentally stepped on it. Therefore, you need to be careful while relaxing at sea.

Lifestyle and habitat

Extraction and does not suspect that it is waiting for the astrologer (fish). The Black Sea has become a good place to live a predator. In the winter season, it descends into its depths and here it waits a cold period. In summer it rises to the upper layers of the sea basin. Almost without moving during the hunt, the fish is able to sit in ambush for up to 14 days, patiently waiting for its prey. A mollusk floating by it will immediately become a dinner for her.

Marriage period in fish

The mating season begins with a starfish in the summer in the coastal zone with a depth of up to 800 meters. Female during the season 2-3 times lay eggs, which reaches the number of 120 thousand eggs. The new offspring are swimming in the coastal zones, where the water warms up particularly well and there is food available.

It is during the spawning period that the fins of the predator become poisonous, their injections can cause swelling with severe pain.

Inveterate fishermen often catch sea cows with bottom gear. But the fish can break off the hook.

At the moment of danger, the predator, pushed by shovel-shaped fins, is buried in the sand, merging with the natural background.

Stargazer Spotted

Another predator from the family of astrologers lives in the waters of the Atlantic. Bottom fish spotted stargazer is found near the North American coast. It has a horrifying appearance. The fish inhabits shallow, on average from 7 to 40 meters.

A speckled astrologer is very often called North American because of its habitat. Fish can hide and hide. These qualities help to successfully hunt. The fish almost completely buries into the sand and becomes invisible to others. Found a speckled astrologer not so long ago. His study and description in 1860 was engaged naturalist from America Charles Conrad Abbot.

The main feature of the speckled astrologer is that he can hit his victim with an electric discharge. The organs that produce current are located behind the eyes. The discharge power is low, about 50 watts.

The body of the fish is dark, on which there are small spots of white hue. The size of the astrologer can be up to 50 centimeters, and the weight - about 9 kg. The eyes are far apart, and the head has a thick bone plate.

Outside of natural conditions

Sea dragon outside the natural elements can be seen in the Aquarium of Alushta. Fish starets aquarium is different from its fellow size, having smaller shapes. In a capacity of 50 liters perfectly coexist up to 8 individuals. But here in a 10-liter aquarium you can put only one, a maximum of a pair of adult fish. Knowing the need to bury yourself in the seabed, small pebbles and sand are placed on the bottom of the tank.

Fish astrologers perfectly get along with the peaceful species of aquarium fish.

For a comfortable existence, the water temperature is 15-20 degrees for the astrologer. The bottom of its habitat is covered with mud mixed with small gravel and planted with sagittaria, vallisneria and elodea. The main diet is shrimp, small fish, shellfish. As soon as the temperature of the water drops by several degrees, the males swim for the females, and they, in turn, begin to throw eggs, settling on the grassy vegetation of the aquarium.

Fish stargazer prefers quality water filtration and natural lighting. It will take a day to change some of the water.

Interesting Facts

  1. The predator has electric organs that are behind his eyes, making this fish unique. Adult individuals produce a current of up to 40-50 watts. So they scare away potential enemies, and during the mating period they signal their willingness to choose their partner.
  2. Many include a predator in their diet, previously removing poisonous spikes. Experts say that the taste of the fish is very pleasant.
  3. This species has no commercial value.
  4. Attracting prey, the sea cow releases a tongue, reminiscent of a moving worm. This body, working as a bait, provokes the victim to grab onto him. So a cunning creature provides its livelihood.
  5. The main features of the predator are patience, cunning and the ability to adapt, merging with the topography of the bottom.

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