
First Wedding Anniversary: Together The Whole Year!

Each year, lived together, makes the relationship of lovers even stronger. Therefore, the anniversary of the wedding is a good reason to gather friends and relatives for the celebration of this event.

The first anniversary of the wedding is called calico. There are two opinions about the appearance of this name. The first says that a year after the wedding, the relationship between the newlyweds is as fragile as a chintz. After all, for the lived year the young people just began to get used to each other.

According to the second opinion of cotton, the first anniversary of the wedding is called due to the rapid wear in the first year of bed linen, sewn, usually from chintz.

How to celebrate the anniversary of the wedding.

Celebrate the anniversary of the wedding, the married can in a circle of loved ones or alone. Gathering friends can prepare a fun program with competitions, and even invite a toastmaster. The event can be celebrated in a restaurant, outdoors or at home. To organize a holiday, you can attract a company specializing in celebrations. Her staff will write an unforgettable script for you and help with the selection of gifts.

But the anniversary of the wedding does not necessarily include a crowded feast. If the newlyweds want to be alone in this holiday? You can arrange a romantic dinner or go on a trip. The couple prepare gifts and present them, thanks to each other for the stamina shown in the first, such a simple year of living together.

What to give for the first anniversary of the wedding.

The very name "calico", defines the gifts that are presented on the anniversary. Usually they give different products from the fabric: bed linen, towels, clothes, tablecloths and napkins, curtains and other gifts.

If the family has a child, do not forget about the gifts for him. After all, the birth of a baby is the main achievement of his parents. Gift can be a beautiful toy or clothes.

According to the belief, the newlyweds should give each other cotton prints. But naturally, they are unlikely to be limited to them. Of precious stones on the calico anniversary, it is customary to give a pomegranate. But the gift does not have to be expensive. The main thing that he reminded of love, settled in a newly-made family. It can be a disc with family photos, combined with beautiful music. Actually give pads in the form of hearts and other accessories, made in a romantic style. A good sign is a dress presented by the husband on a calico anniversary.

Congratulations on the anniversary.

Congratulations on the first anniversary of the wedding, of course, talk about the love of the couple.

Guests congratulate their spouses, wishing them only to strengthen relations.

  • Chintz is very fragile, but it is quite possible to hide behind them. So let your love hide from all hardships, becoming silk of family relations.
  • On a hot day, there is nothing better than a calico sarafan, the lightness of which perfectly rescues from scorching rays. Let the first-year-old print of the first anniversary save your family from quarrels and disputes, while giving ease of mutual understanding!
  • Let the chintz be considered the most fragile material, but your family will eventually give you the reliability of the canvas and the tenderness of velvet!

The husband and wife emphasize the integrity of the family and its ability to withstand all adversity.

  • Only a year has passed since the wedding day, and today I give you a cotton handkerchief. This is not an expensive gift, but sometimes a field flower can become more expensive than a lush bouquet of roses. And a year ago we were like scattered flowers gathered in one bouquet, and now our family is a strong tree blooming on the fertile soil of our love, trust and mutual respect!
  • No matter how crude the chintz is, our family has withstood all the adversities of the first year of family life and has become even stronger. And now we will not be separated from any quarrels, problems or resentments. With a cotton handkerchief we brush off our marriage all the trouble turned into dust!

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