HealthWomen Health

Female difficulties

Violation of the menstrual cycle is the most frequent gynecological abnormality. Obviously, there is not a single woman who has not encountered this problem. Infringements can be constant, and can be and episodic. But increasingly, most women face constant "delay."

What most often leads to this deviation? In detail about what this is related to you this article will tell, and in this material the most probable causes, this unpleasant indisposition will be considered.

1) Pregnancy. The main sign of pregnancy is the absence of critical days. If, in addition, there are other signs of pregnancy (nausea, chest pain), then the woman should either use the drug test, or make a blood test for HCG in the hospital.

2) The transition age. Hormonal formation involves a change in the menstrual cycle. They are usually observed about two to three years after the first menstruation. Such violations of the cycle can not be considered a deviation, they do not require medical assistance. But if these violations do not pass by themselves, after the specified time, then consultation is needed, and maybe treatment, at the endocrinologist.

3) Stressful situation. Many women do not even bother about the "delay", knowing that they recently had to be very nervous, hoping that the next time everything will be fine. But such a reaction of the body to stress is not the norm. In a stressful situation in the female body, a hormone such as prolactin is produced at an increased rate. Its production blocks ovulation. In order that this does not happen, women need less nervous reaction to the incident, to keep themselves in hand, be able to calm down in time, and then the menstrual cycle will be regular.

4) Extreme diets. The scourge of modern dietology. Women sometimes agree to go for any stupidity to maintain a slender figure. They sit on various, unnatural diets, absolutely unbalanced. As a result, the body refuses to produce estrogen, a hormone that needs fats, and without which ovulation can not occur. In this case, there is no basis for treatment. It is necessary to return to normal food, that's all.

5) Anovulatory cycle. This trouble can occur several times a year for most ladies. Treatment of this condition is not required.

6) Obesity. Strangely enough, not only fasting and diets lead to a delay in menstruation, but also overweight too. Despite the fact that the fatty layer in obese women is plenty, but the excess of estrogen for a normal monthly cycle is also bad. His overabundance leads to his transformation into androgens, which also contribute to the delay of menstruation.

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