
Fashionable haircuts for long hair without bangs

One of the signs of femininity and sexuality has always been considered to be long, thick hair. Luxury curls flowing over shoulders and back, do not leave indifferent the men. However, only the owners of the braid up to the waist know how hard it is to take care of such a hair and choose the right hairstyle. We present you stylish and easy-to-install hairstyles for long hair without bangs.

Smooth strands - comfortable and beautiful

Today, simple haircuts of the same level are returning to fashion. On long shiny hair this hairstyle looks great. You can vary the location of the parting and significantly change the impression of the styling. For example, parting in the middle is ideal for strict office workdays. Throwing the strands on your side, you will get a romantic image.

Straight haircuts for long hair without bangs - this is an excellent base for more complex hairstyles. Any weaving, plaits and other hairdresser's refinements will look great. The classic tail and bundle can also be easily made from long hair. It is easy to take care of such a haircut, and it does not lose shape after a long period of time. Periodically you can refresh the tips to heal the hair.

Classic cascade

Haircuts for long hair without bangs, implying graduation of strands, are the most popular. The hair in this hairstyle has a different level. The shortest locks are on the back of the neck and near the face, and the lower you look, the longer the hair becomes. This laying is often chosen by stars of the first magnitude.

Cascade haircuts can be conditionally divided into torn and executed with a smooth transition. The first option is perfect for owners of straight hair. Each strand is treated with thinning scissors or a special blade, thereby acquiring a ragged edge.

On crooked hair , a cascade with smooth lines is often performed. The difference in levels is almost imperceptible, while the hairdo acquires additional volume and interesting texture.

Fashionable hairstyles 2013 for long hair: asymmetry - trend of the season

A very bold and unordinary solution will be a hairstyle with a pronounced asymmetry. For example, the hair on the right side is cut very short, forming a classic square. But on the left the master leaves long strands that descend considerably below the shoulders. The transition between the two halves of the hairstyle can be in the form of a smooth cut along the oblique line or very sharp, clearly indicating the boundary.

In this case, an oblique parting is selected, which makes it possible to highlight the long strands brighter. This hairstyle suits chubby women, as visually lengthens the features and makes them more elegant.

Hairstyles for long hair without bangs with asymmetric strands for several seasons are quite popular. They are chosen by young and daring girls, as well as adult women who are not afraid of experiments.


This hairstyle is something like a cascade. The main difference is that all the hair is divided into levels, each of which is cut in a straight line. This technique allows you to achieve graphics and give volume to your hair.

This haircut is great for women with straight and thin hair. On the curling strands the ladder looks also interesting, but the lines become less distinct.

Haircuts for long hair without bangs are varied. Together with the master you can choose the one that suits you perfectly.

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