Education, The science
Empirical level of knowledge in science
The empirical level of cognition in science to a certain extent corresponds to the sensory stage of the study, the theoretical level is rational or logical. Of course, there is absolutely no conformity with honey. It is established that the empirical level of cognition includes not only sensory, but also logical research. At the same time, information received in a sensible way is subjected here to primary processing by conceptual (rational) means.
Empirical cognition, thus, is not only a reflection of reality, formed by experience. They represent a specific unity of the mental and sensory expression of reality. In this case, the first place is sensory reflection, and thinking performs a subordinate to observation, an auxiliary role.
Empirical evidence supplies science with facts. Their establishment is an integral part of any research. Thus, the empirical level of cognition contributes to the establishment and accumulation of scientific facts.
A fact is known as a reliably established event, a non-industrial event. These fixed empirical knowledge are synonymous with such concepts as "results", "events".
It should be noted that the facts act not only as an information source and the "sensory" basis of theoretical reasoning. They are also a criterion of truth and reliability.
The empirical level of cognition allows us to establish facts by various methods. These methods, in particular, include observation, experiment, comparison, measurement.
Observation is the purposeful and systematic perception of phenomena and objects. The purpose of this perception is to determine the relationships and properties of the phenomena or objects studied. Observation can be carried out both directly and indirectly (using tools - a microscope, camera and others). It should be noted that for modern science such a study becomes more complicated over time and becomes more mediated.
A cognitive procedure is called a comparison. It is the basis according to which the distinction or similarity of objects is realized. Comparison allows to reveal quantitative and qualitative properties and characteristics of objects.
It should be said that the method of comparison is appropriate in determining the characteristics of homogeneous phenomena or objects forming classes. Just like observation, this way of knowing can be carried out indirectly or directly. In the first case, the comparison is made when the two objects are related to the third, which is the standard.
The measurement is the establishment of a numerical indicator of a certain value with the help of a specific unit (watts, centimeters, kilograms, etc.). This method of quantitative analysis has been used since the emergence of a new European science. Due to its wide application, measurement has become an organic element of scientific knowledge.
All of the above methods can be used alone or in combination. In the complex, observation, measurement, and comparison are part of a more complex empirical mode of cognition-experiment.
This method of research involves setting the subject in clearly considered conditions or reproducing it artificially to identify those or other characteristics. The experiment is a way of carrying out an active empirical study. Activity in this case assumes the subject's ability to interfere during the process or phenomenon being studied.
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